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Posts posted by Splatulated

  1. Aquila Kytori wrote:

    First thing

    In Blender every mesh primitive you
    Object mode
    will be a separate object. So if start with a cube and then add 4 Cylinders in
    Object mode
    you will have 5 separate mesh Objects.

    If you add those 4 Cylinders to your scene with a cube in
    Edit mode
    all 4 cylinders and the cube will be
    mesh object. Which is what you want if you are creating a table.

    So start a new Blender file with the cube already in the 3D window.

    Then go into
    Edit mode
    to add the 4 Cylinders for the legs. (or better still add 1 Cylinder and create one of the four legs, then select all of that leg and use the keyboard shortcut
    Shft + D
    to drag a copy of it and move it to the position for the second leg).

    For scaling see my post above.

    Just to recap: if you are making one mesh object ( a table) once you have the first mesh primitive in your scene do all the rest of the meshing in
    Edit mode.

    what if i want to take what i have already and make it one mesh object ?  



    but how do i fix the alignments of the bars and foots so they not off center and improve the overall shape so its more rectable and less trapezoid 



  2. Aquila Kytori wrote:

    = Left Mouse Button

    = Right Mouse Button

    Blender is designed to be use with one hand on the keyboard and one on your mouse. but you don't have to use shortcut keys

    Below is a screen shot showing where to change from Object to Edit mode and alternative to using

    Move Scale Rotate.png


    But please please watch some turotials


    and transformation manipulators :D thats what i basically needed

  3. Aquila Kytori wrote:

    Thats perhaps  because you haven't looked at any video tutorials? lol

    Reopen a new Blender session so that you only have the cube in the 3D window. You will be in Object mode.

    Then use the TAB key to change to Edit mode.

    It is in
    Edit mode
    that you do all your modifications to that cube.

    to toggle select All/nothing.

    With all  the cube selected use the
    key to Scale,
    key to Rotate,
    key to move.

    for X axis,
    for Y axis and
    for Z axis

    In combination: to Scale your cube along the Z axis its :
    S  Z
      drag mouse,
    to validate the transformation.

    In Blender its RMB to select and LMB to validate.


    LMB and RMB ??

  4. sparkles Britton wrote:

    At the bottom of the second picture, Stitching type, Try changing that. Then as the poster above says, you will need to stretch out the shape untill you get what you want/it's supposed to be. If there is an example object check that out and see if yours matches.

    it matches but i cant get them to fit together the same

  5. Aquila Kytori wrote:

    Why are you using the Grease pencil ? lol

    Edit mode
    then use the
    key to toggle Select All on and off until you have nothing is selected.

    Then use
    Ctrl + Tab
    to bring up the Mesh select mode menu and choose

    Use the
    to select a face. Pess
    to extrude that face and drag the face outwards. Then validate the movement with the

    Repeat untill your Octopus has the correct number of legs

    Aquila Kytori wrote:

    Why are you using the Grease pencil ? lol

    Edit mode
    then use the
    key to toggle Select All on and off until you have nothing is selected.

    Then use
    Ctrl + Tab
    to bring up the Mesh select mode menu and choose

    Use the
    to select a face. Pess
    to extrude that face and drag the face outwards. Then validate the movement with the

    Repeat untill your Octopus has the correct number of legs

    I don't understand what I just read



    maybe if i started with something simple an recreated the 1st thing I ever made in SL but in blender ?


    how do i stretch stuff to be the appropriate thinkness and flatness and length ??


    i tried useing scale but thats like useing the grey squares in SL inside of the red blue or green ones when stretching

  6. Aquila Kytori wrote:

    I to have very little artistic skills  thats why I almost always start a project by collecting reference images. Lost of them.

    Sometimes even, these can be loaded directly as background images in Blender (plans for an aeroplane for example) and literally traced over with vertices.

    The vertice parts can then be assembled (as shown on the aeroplane plans) and and the spaces between filled in with connecting faces. and the result can be perfect.

    But to do that you need to learn the basics first, navigation around the 3D view, and how and when to use the handful of the  most commonly used tools.

    In other words you start by making "crap" (which you don't sell lol ) and after piles of crap you will have the skills to create stuff other people will want to buy

    Don't be afraid of creating "crap" !

    i was tryiung make a polygon and i couldnt even get the lines to connect  i made a 3D scribble and none of the lines ever touched each other

  7. Croywn Denimore wrote:

    Hey, im going to guess that you got the mappings or perhaps what looks like an image.


    If thats the case when you create an object in second life, if you go to the object tab there is a drop down option that defaults usually to box, click on that and change to sculpted, you will then see a place to drop that image file.






    Usually sculpties come with examples so you can see what sizing they require to look like the shape you want. If they don't its going to be a case of stretching the item you make out on the different axies till you get the shape your after.


    Hope this helps

    i know about that but 


    they dont look right 


    like i had what was supposed to be a box shape look more like a bowl or super shallow garbage can bag

  8. Aquila Kytori wrote:

    There are alot of 3D model libraries to be found on the Internet from where you could download a ready made mesh and open it in Blender.


    1: It would probably be against SL TOS to bring it into SL.  Why?  Basically you have to be have 100% IP rights (Intelectual property rights) to that mesh. You have to own all the rights to the mesh. The only way to guarantee that is if you made the mesh from scratch yourself.

    2: The mesh probably would not be optimized for real time rendering. Which means when you brought it into SL the LI would be very high. (especially on an octopus table


    Anyways it has to be alot more satisfying to be able to create something in Blender yourself and then bring it into SL even if to start with it is only something quite basic like a chair or simple table.

    Like most things to learn the basics of blender you need the will and alot of practice. (and a notepad to jot down the shortcut keys).

    Use the SL beta grid to do your test uploads because there Uploads are free.

    And come back here to post a screen shot of your first mesh in SL.

    Tutorial number 5 from the link i posted above covers and intro to Blender Edit mode


    but i have literally no artistic talent 


    i wnat to make stuff people will want and possibly buy not crap they could hire their friend to do much better instead


    (though im not opposed to making crap so i can understand what it is im doing )

  9. Aquila Kytori wrote:

    Hi Splat

    You are almost right

    To rotate around an object its : Hold down your
    uton/scroll wheel and then move the mouse. 

    You can find quite a good Blender for beginners tuorial series here :  

    Just a note: There are two modes to working in the 3D window,
    Object Mode
    Edit Mode
    . You add your original mesh Primitive in
    Object Mode
    then use the
    key to toggle into
    Edit Mode

    Its in this
    Edit Mode
    that you do all the modelling stuff like changing a cube primitive into a chair for example.

    The camera and the light in the 3d window view you wont need to worry about for a few days/weeks/months yet 

    is there an easy way to get an instant object that resembles or is an actual thing ?


    i really just want to make this http://i.imgur.com/ZwCOD1W.png 



  10. Theresa Tennyson wrote:

    Splatulated wrote:

    soo god damn done with being auto joined into some **bleep**ed up pedophiles conference everyday 


    reported 25+ accounts now for age play not that anything will ocme of it


    groups need the ability to disable conferences made with group member list or the ability to charge L$ to make them upwards of 1000 or more


    or in options need an ability to auto decline random conferences and only accept them from people on the friend list 

    The group owner should be able to stop the alts by making the group joinable by invitation only instead of being public.

    they dont want to do that because it might push new mebers away


    and whats to stop the guy from getting an alt in or already haveing an alt in and just adding his other alts in himself 

  11. Alwin Alcott wrote:

    if you have nothing else to do than stick in sick groups and report others please go on, but don't ask for advice here ?

    SL is for relaxing and fun and all other things you can't enjoy or realize in RL, please stay in those groups it will keep others free to enjoy SL while you fight windmills like Don Quixote

    its not a sick group its a decent group with 1 sick member that keeps making alts

  12. Dillon Levenque wrote:

    Splatulated wrote:

    soo god damn done with being auto joined into some **bleep**ed up pedophiles conference everyday 


    reported 25+ accounts now for age play not that anything will ocme of it


    groups need the ability to disable conferences made with group member list or the ability to charge L$ to make them upwards of 1000 or more


    or in options need an ability to auto decline random conferences and only accept them from people on the friend list 


    Or maybe you need to ask the owner/manager(s) of the group to monitor group chat and boot the perve every time OR you could stop receiving group chat OR you could just get the hell out of that group, after filing AR's at will about the perve.

    I don't think we need more options. I just think you need to exercise some of the options you already have.

    why would i bow down to what that perv wants , they got banned from the group are pissed off and are trying to make everyone abandon it because of it thats what trolls do

  13. Spinwilly Saiman wrote:

    This is something SL takes very seriously... but they are unwilling to do anything about it.  Once upon a time maybe, but not any more.  A Linden may come on the forum from time to time to pay lip service to how they work feverishly behind the scenes to enforce policy but... nah... not really.

    If you find someone to be offending, it's a simple mouse click.  You and your friends can just mute them.  

    its a new account everysingle day 


    if i could mute their IP 

  14. soo god damn done with being auto joined into some **bleep**ed up pedophiles conference everyday 


    reported 25+ accounts now for age play not that anything will ocme of it


    groups need the ability to disable conferences made with group member list or the ability to charge L$ to make them upwards of 1000 or more


    or in options need an ability to auto decline random conferences and only accept them from people on the friend list 

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