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Cradom Denimore

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Everything posted by Cradom Denimore

  1. In world and in Firefox I'm paying with Lindens. I always use Lindens and buy when needed. I don't pay with currency in SL except to buy Lindens. It's possible I might have misread my Lindens and tried to buy something I didn't have enough for. I'm assuming that would bring up that error?
  2. Ok, lets try this again. I can buy things on the web (in Firefox) fine when logged in (to SL in Firefox). When trying to buy in world (viewer) it would get so far but then pop up an error saying the viewer was not set up for buying things and to try the Marketplace in my browser. However, when trying to buy this time and get a screen shot, it worked (in the viewer) so I cant show the error here. So, maybe it was some random thing with the viewer (latest version, Mac, the SL version by the way). If it should happen again, I will try and get a screen shot and post back here. I just was trying to find out if there was something I needed to set in preferences to buy in world and couldn't find it. I guess not because last time I tried it, it worked. Hopefully this is a little clearer? Thanks for your time and help. (and no, I'm not being sarcastic, I understand about trying to understand things in a forum.)
  3. Well, was going to show a screenshot but I just bought a pair of boots from Vista. Odd. Usually it wont let me and tells me to go to Marketplace in my browser. If it happens again I'll take a screenshot and post.
  4. I can buy things fine on the Marketplace on the web but whenever I try to buy in the viewer I get a message to the effect of " your account is not set up to buy, please use the Marketplace" or something like that. So, I cant find any information about setting things up. Or is SL moving totally to Marketplace? Thanks.
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