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Everything posted by FlorentDeMeurisson

  1. Yes, thank you all for your answers! It worked! I’m not an orange cloud anymore and I can finally see my avatar (which was wearing weird clothes since the time I haven’t see it and was touching everything in my inventory to resolve the problem!!). I updated my viewer and I did a character test and it reseted my avi and forced a reconnection like you said it would. So thanks for everyone who helped me to resolve this, it ‘s gonna be a pleasure to play with a ‘real’ avatar !
  2. Thank you for the explanation, since I'm not that good in computer, it was pretty clear for me I tried to log in with the official Sl viewer, because I'm using firestorm since December. It worked at the beginning but I don't know why that suddenly happened. Anyway, my avatar is normal on the normal viewer, which means that you were right! But do you think I need to use another viewer or if I update of this one it might work? Otherwise I’ll try to do the character test. Can you explain me what do I need to do to do the dreaded clear cache? ty
  3. Hello guys! Well I have a problem with my avatar since like a month now and it's really annoying. It always look like an orange cloud, so I can't see myself at all. I tried to connect with different computers because I thought it with mine the problem (it is really slow with mine), but even with a good computer it still the same. Did that ever happen to you? I saw some people were talking about removing clothes or something?? Could you help me to fix that cause second life is really not the same when you can't even see what's your avatar outfite or what it's doing.. Thank you !!
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