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Everything posted by OddPieceLady

  1. Woa woa hold on, I think you misread my post, I did not buy the TMP Legacy body nor do I plan to but you said up there “you spent so much money claiming to buy the Legacy” go back a little hun and re-read before replying. Also I find it strange that you say you’re not debating yet you jump on my simple statement that I didn’t like the TMP company or their product, when you could’ve simply stated your point of view in a single post instead of clawing at other people. I’m not one for fancy quotes in Latin, I’ll let the thread speak for itself. And I’m in no mood to debate this anymore, I find debating on a simple expression pointless because everyone will agree with what’s already there or disagree as they see fit or add their own which is fine, so arguing about the same thing over and over is redundant. Good day and if anyone gets the TMP Legacy body, heaven help them.
  2. Indeed I do, I have lots of mesh body options and after the disaster of the original TMP body I do not trust them, also they don't do omega or dev kits so that alone is a reason not to buy it, and why buy an expensive body that deforms to Maitreya when I already have Maitreya with endless options? Answered enough for ya?
  3. I'm gonna stick with my mesh bodies Lara and Freya thru all the rest of my second life, I can do so much with them to last a lifetime! So why get more mesh bodies? At the core they're all the same and the best features depend on the quality thigh TMP has none.
  4. Ugh I got the TMP body and regretted it from day 1, no way should anyone trust this company, if you have Lara or Freya then you've already got more than enough, everything fits Lara and she's a nice mesh design so that's better than investing in another one. And Freya has not a complete wardrobe it's true but a decent amount to enjoy. Only fools buy TMP....they just rip people off with crap and call it acceptable, the image at the top if this thread looks like they forgot to turn off the UV map, pathetic company.
  5. Hi hi, yeah me too, I just finished rolling back to my previous windows build becuase Firestorm crashed on the new win 10 creators update even before the log in screen came on, sheesh how infuriating!
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