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Everything posted by Mysterics

  1. Not sure if you want this kind of thing in this thread. but please do not remove the ability to rig to attatchment points or animate joint positions. I feel this is simply removing one problem and replacing it with another one.
  2. I would like to downgrade my account, I do not know when the current duration of my premium account ends, and would like to downgrade as soon as possible to avoid beign billed again, but I am told that I will have to abandon or sell my land and that my stipend will stop being recieved. Is it not possible for me to downgrade in advance so that I will only stop having premium benefits at the end of this cycle? Edit: I was just kind of confused because I have to abandon my land before I go through that process at all, seems odd.
  3. I usually use Firestorm but would like to try other veiwers which don't have a built in ao (plus, I find veiwer AOs glitchier than scripted ones) and I find notecards very awkward, it's so easy to mispell, accidentally use the same animation twice or get the formatting wrong, and there's placing all the animations into a prim which can also take ages. So I'm looking for a scripted AO with the same functions as a veiwer-based AO, where I can drag and drop multiples of any animation type and set the speed of cycle. I currently have an akeyo hud with a drag and drop feature, but it's limited in not being able to tale multiple falling animations or ground sits and will only cycle on a 30 second rate.
  4. I'm terrible at making my own, they come out badly colour co-ordinated, making tweaks to pre-existing ones doesn't seem to yeild better results either, I currently mostly use "Nacon's natural" settings arranged into a day cycle, they're really great and really realistic but appear slightly humid for some environments. Most other windlight settings appear unnatural and created for "dramatic" effect (or perhaps lack colour co-ordiantion themselves) than a naturlistic look so I wondered if anyone can reccomend some natural ones?
  5. Sad to see this place go, lovely sim, but there seems to be something wrong with the pesterign plants quest, the man at the beginning of the quest was supposed to give me a peice of wood, but I never recieved it.
  6. I read that when you cancel your premium account that you will "remain premium until the end of your billing cycle" this makes me wonder, does the account renew itself otherwise by charging you every "cycle" ?
  7. I think I may have entered my SL name when I should have entered my real name, but it wont seem to let me re-register. I've tried denying the app access and renabling it again but it won't let me enter my name a second time.
  8. Blender 2.71.I can't really afford avastar,at least not when I'm only just starting to learn 3D modelling, but I don't think this person used it, unless I'm mistaken. In which case do you know which veiwer I could use to export the avatar as .obj instead ?
  9. The snapshot contest for Sl11B isn't worknig for me, it won't accept my entry, I've made sure my picture complies to the rules; it has my username is and is a Jpg that of 1.45 MB size, but it wont be uploaded. I tried contacting the facebook account but no reply.
  10. I wached a tutorial on exporting you avatar and opening it in blender but it had nothnig how to make blender actually support that kind of file. The video showed the person going to file> import> Secondlife Avatar, but my blender has no such thing, a little help?
  11. I like building and watching people build, I'm a bit rusty at it though, maybe I'll pick up a few things Feel free to PM me
  12. I don't want to buy or sell anything copyrighted by a third party and arn't looking to share anything, and I don't endorse the selling of it that's for sure. But nonetheless, Sega are lenient, obviously sales are out of the question but I've had a good old time chatting to Sega staff about Sonic fangames and hacks of the originals on their official forums. I hardly see the point in going back to those same people, they've shown me the extent of what they accept.
  13. Hi, I'm pretty new to second life, and I'd like to get in touch with other Sonic fans and find some Sonic-themed maps. My favourite Sonic game is Sonic Unleashed though I love the series as a whole, and I adore Sonic as a character, adorkable,cocky little so-and-so he is. :D
  14. The grid has refused to connect me at all for long periods of time, not responding for several hours during yesterday morning and today's afternoon. My poor internet connectiion is probably exercabating it though. On the times it did respond it's been much more unstable, much more often failing teleports and with me being stuck running, flying or having stuck animations.
  15. Whatever issue I was having has cleared, so no worries. EDIT: It's doing it again, have no idea what's happening
  16. Official Second Life veiwer is suddenly refusing to connect for me today and there's no record of any issue on the grid status reports,is anyone else experiencing such a thing?
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