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Ghostly Dismantled

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Everything posted by Ghostly Dismantled

  1. my car wheel is the root prim and i need to change it into the drivers seat, how?
  2. okay so i'm new to scripting cars but i want to script a car i bought and i need to know how to script/add seats into the vehicle, and how to script the wheels to make it move and actually drive it. it's a hummer hs weiss mesh? if you could tell me how to do it step by step or come and do half of it for me for free so i would know what to do IM me Patch Capone (sweetheartlara)
  3. okay so i have a tattoo parlour in second life i have a desk and i wanted it to be setup, such as when someone clicks on my desk, a menu pops up saying 'Tattoo' and 'Piercing' and also asks, what appointment do you want? and when selected one of the two options, they get sent a appointment notecard tell me step by step how to do this
  4. street race @ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aurora%20Borealis/11/45/21 at 12pm SL TIME EVERY SATURDAY Join Drugs and Drift to race weekly, we are a group of racers. join us to race and win prizes! IM sweetheartlara
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