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Everything posted by Juuichii

  1. The same thing happened to me not too long ago. Someone hacked my paypal and because paypal stopped all forms of transactions and returned all previously bought monies, LL banned me. It's for lack of better words, bull**bleep**, and I consider is stealing since they did not explain what I did wrong, even though it's written in their Terms of Service that they would. All they said was that I broke the ToS but did not tell me what exactly I did. I invested a ton of money in it, and I'm actually working on bringing my case to court for slander and larceny. I had never had previous bad brush ins with LL before, and all because of someone hacking my Paypal which isn't LL itself I get banned. This really shows that LL doesn't really care about the people who play, only those who pay a decent amount. I'm sorry to hear your friend was once another victim of the sly exploits LL will do.
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