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Posts posted by ananoelle

  1. 21 minutes ago, Frankie Antonioni said:

    But you can't get minor premium for alts. Only one per person.  As for the 512 sq. meters, there would be no group bonus for verified basic. And you will have to be verified. This would need to be done by SSN, or some other ID number.

    Lol i have 4 adults in my house. There's 4 verified minor premium accs. Grab a few friends and id have my desired amount.

    Ideas are great im not knocking you down. This one however had to many loop holes and getting something others already pay for, for free basically. (premium pay for that right to buy land on mainland)

    I had a idea to sell my group slots (not my finest idea). I didnt think about people abusing the system by paying monthly premium, selling all the group slots. Collecting the $L then not renewing their sub. It would be a shambles. 

    • Like 1
  2. 21 minutes ago, Frankie Antonioni said:

    Premium members can own 1024 sq. meters of land. Verified basic members will own 512 sq. meters. And there are limits to that ownership. Like deeding the land to a group.  The land won't be for free. They will have to buy the land. And if the person is not on for 6 months, then he will lose the land.  There would also be a minor premium. They can own 1024 sq. meters, but they get no stipend, or live support. Many of the verified basics might go for minor premium, once they have owned 512 sq. meters. And 512 sq. meters is not much. 1024 sq. meters is much better. The amount that LL pays in stipend each week, is about $60.00 a year. So subtract that amount from your bill, and you get $12.00. Now it could be a little bit higher. Say $22.00, to $24.00 a year.  But we need somebody from LL to look into this, and see if it would make them more money.

    512sqm isnt much but still big enough to make money from. So you get that buy it pay no tier but rent the land out and make money from it. 

    Thats L$175 per week you could make from it. Deeding mainland to group, you then get a group bonus a extra 10% I think it is. You want that too? 

    From what you are suggesting I can  then make 9 alts, verify them, pay $12 per alt and land grab 9 1024 sqm plots? 

    So total of land id own would be 9216sqm deed them all to group and grab that 10% bonus?  

    All that for a little more then the cost of a premium annual membership.

    Yup id be keen on that too. When do you suggest the start this? 


    Edit: 10% group prim bonus i mean. 

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  3. 57 minutes ago, Frankie Antonioni said:

    I'm talking about the ability to own land on the mainland. There would be no premium, or tier to pay. But there would be a land transaction fee. It would be 25% for 512 sq. meters. This would make the price of land to go up. While land barons would be somewhat hurt, they can raise the price of the land that they are selling. And demand for land would be high. So land barons would make even more money from selling land. And LL would also be making more money.

    So whats the point in having premium accounts at all then? There has to be some distinction between basic and premium account otherwise whats the point. 

    Giving basic that right may give a initial cash inject but without basic members paying teir/private rent anymore LL will lose and other private region owners as well. Why pay when you can get it for 'free' right?

  4. 1 minute ago, Ripley Rozenberg said:

    Thank you for this.  It's really appreciated.  Maybe only take 5 offlines away from basic.  I would like not losing any but I know things happen.  Like I mentioned in an earlier post (page 19 or so) that them going to email is fine if it's a message but dropped notecards and things will be lost easily.  

    😂😂😂 still wanting more. 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Frankie Antonioni said:


    Ok, if a person has a basic, but verified account, then they can own 512 sq. meters of land. They will get no stipend, and no live support. The only way for them to deed the land to a group, is if they own the group. And only one parcel of land can be deeded to the group. If they are offline for 6 moths, or more, then they lose the land. So if the person is going to be offline for a long period of time, then they should sell the land. They also can't buy land on the auctions.Also can't buy land from LL.


    YOU CAN!

    You can rent a 512sqm slice of the pie from one of the many land barons out there private island or mainland and deed your group. 

    Basic already get no stipend part of everything you have request is already in place. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, FyreRose said:

    Ok, I am here because its 3am my kids are asleep and it’s the first time in three months BOTH of them are asleep before midnight so I have spent the evening combing threads trying to find out how the upcoming changes will affect me and my business I am trying to get off the ground. I posted my two cents on my opinions and concerns; I didn’t do so to be belittled!

    Excuse me if I choose to log in and interact with people I know and love and I don’t know actually enjoy my second life what little I am able to enjoy right now rather than sitting and reading dozens of boring ass forum threads trying to find information on the one topic I am looking for when its just as easy for them to send us an email too!


    Here follow these

    And this one

    And this

    You need only ask for help. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, FyreRose said:

    I said pretty much since the beta I started about 5 months after beta. What little time I spend in world right now I spend with friends I don't have time to sit reading forums or going to my "My account" page.  I am in the middle of moving I have two autistic teens I have to keep an eye on so when I am able to steal 30 mins to an hour to be in world I choose to spend it with my SL family rather than combing the forums.  and I am not the only one a lot of people I hang out with say the same thing.  Just some food for thought.

    Yet here you are. Check your email prefs and follow the blog post before going to hang with your friends ... and tell them to do the same. 

    If LL have these functions in place but the user doesnt bother to utilize them who is at fault?

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  8. 18 minutes ago, FyreRose said:

    Anyway, I guess what I am getting at is this, You knuckleheads are on the ball sending automated emails about everything from land tier to premium payments yet a simple mass email to all your users outlining all the changes can't be sent?

    You've been here since beta but cant figure out how to keep up with changes hmmm.

    Maybe you could check your account page more often. The new linden homes didnt just pop up overnight. You can also follow any blog post to have updates sent to email. 

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  9. On 5/27/2019 at 5:25 AM, Sunbleached said:

    Hello! help please! urgently needed inspiration. Until recently, everything was fine with this, but some events occurred and it was as if something broke inside! I began my SL story with DJing, then I started to write simple scripts and ended up in the mesh. but now I'm starting to do something and I just can't. I’ll light up the idea for the day, no longer interesting. where to get inspiration? Getting idea I am doing the wrong thing or just need a vacation.

    Oh by the way, my computer is still very weak and I cannot produce a product of high quality.

    Advise what to do?

    Many thanks!

    Take the vacation and reset. Come back with a fresh mind, then you can decide to continue your normal or try something completely new. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

    yes that's true also. Some people turn off display names as well. Others turn off all tags including standard names and use mouseover if they ever do want to know the name of a person in their view who they don't recognise

    Mhm. Im one of these people that have everything off. I dont like clutter on my screen. Having name tags off Im more likely to read their profile or ill check radar right click zoom in to perv at them. Of course crosshairs are off to lol 

    • Like 2
  11. 4 minutes ago, Evangeline Arcadia said:

    I would imagine they'll have some kind of upgrade option if you have the existing premium. In the blog post it says it's coming this year so not too long to wait:)


    😂 Sorry where are the last names again? 

    Id rather know the new perks for the new level before making my alt premium. LL are holding out on those details until after these new changes take affect which could mean ill get stung and taking the current offer they have to keep current rate for another year, will mean jack.


    • Like 2
  12. 3 minutes ago, KanryDrago said:

    Over the years I have amassed several thousand dollars of inventory. However if they decided I now had to be a subscriber I would easily walk away just as I have from other places that I had been for years that changed things radically in a way I didn't like. Reason for that is simple what keeps me here is the friends I have met not inventory items, and a fair chunk of them would walk and I can still keep in touch with them other ways

    You just explained damn near everyone in sl. I laugh at the people who throw out the 'ive spent this and that' like they are the only ones.

    Sl is like a revolving door. 1 leaves and 5 more walk on in. 

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  13. 14 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

    Sorry for not reading all the previous pages.

    Is there going to be a new premium level? And if I have already paid my annual premium, how will "upgrading" work? I am paying the difference between old premium and new, shiny premium?

    Yes exactly this!!! 

    See should I throw money at premium or hold out for whatever this new level would be. 

    Id feel a lot more relaxed if LL said 'soon' at least then id know ive got about a year maybe 2-3 tops before we saw anything happen 🤣

    • Haha 3
  14. 13 hours ago, hurktang said:

    Yes, that's exactly the problem, no one will be willing to join new groups at all. If someone want to join my group, he will have to delete 7 other groups from his list. Everyone will tend to stick on their group and it kills business. Big time.

    This will have a very negative impact on all marchants and businesses in SL. Those who pay the rents. It's a terrible buisness decision for LL.

    Then make a alt. Have a bank alt. The bank holds all store groups and your main holds your favourites and so on.  



    1 hour ago, Z0MBIEBAIT said:

    premium are getting 20 more groups 60 to 80 and we are getting 7 less down to 35, bang goes 7 of my high cost paid groups thank you SL....this will NOT bring in more premium members if that is their angle it will push people away

    Again read the above  🙂

    Edit: oops double posted

  16. 8 hours ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

    No, I'm not premium. I have no need of a badly made LL home. I have a very nice home made by a user of SL, not an employee. 

    Ah yes, lets look at what Grumpity said, shall we?

    So, more groups put a strain on LL back end ONLY for basic members as Premium members already have 60 and are getting 10 more, while basic have 42 and are losing 9.. So, Premium groups dont put strain on LL back end but Basic groups do? Talk about a slap in the face... 

    Your a basic account holder expect the basic functions. 

    Premium account holders get premium functions. 

    Thats life.

    You can spend spend spend till your heart is content but basic is basic.

    • Like 1
  17. 27 minutes ago, DarkRavenWolfie said:


    this would be literally kill a huge party of Second Life and you know this just as well as I do and they probably know it as well.


    A monthly fee can work for games like WoW, not so much for a virtual world

    I beg to differ.

    In regards to Selenes comment about IF they do away with  basic and then your reply.

    There's one thing sl has over similar platforms. People are emotionally invested. Invested into their avatars/relationships and lifestyle here. They may leave for a bit but will probably return over missing what they had.

    If what I'm reading from a lot of basic account holders is true  then they spend alot of money here. Its not easy to just pack up and leave all that behind. Meanwhile there are premium members who are also upset with the changes and they have reverted to basic. 

    Lets all ride this out things may change but Im not holding my breath.

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