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Posts posted by hazeonelove

  1. Hey everybody. Pretty sure this is the right place to ask. If not, let me know where the proper forum is.

    I've been thinking lately about land. More specifically, a home. My main reason is for the convenience of having a non-populated place to set as "home", for those times that SL glitches out and won't let you teleport out of an area. That's happened to me twice already, mostly at freebie malls. So going along with that idea, I've been trying to ask around and see what would be best. Fully subscribing to the $10 a month account and receiving the land, or, just finding a place to rent? I have not built or created anything in SL, at all. But I do know that all the things necessary do cost money. Such as textures, walls, furniture, all the way to fully built and furnished houses you can place (rez) on your land. So, I'm not sure if that's actually cheaper. I've found places to rent anywhere from $200 a week to $3,000 a week. But I haven't found anything worth it to me. I figured I would just rent a place in a "city sim", that's basically a mock town/city, with people living there and whatever. But I haven't found a sim like that yet. I've found some cities, some towns, and some really nice fantasy and scifi cities. But none of which have a living community. Just travelers and random visitors like myself. So, any information and or LM's are greatly appreciated.


    1. What is the better buy? Renting a place, or doing a full subscription for $10 a month?
    2. Where are some populated areas to rent, with other residents in the area?

    Thanks for the input!
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