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Everything posted by hazeonelove

  1. So... I now own a full sim. For those who haven't been following, I went from a skybox rental, to a residential rental, to a 1/4 sim commercial, and now to a full sim. The difference between 3,750 prims and 15,000 prims... Is tremendous. Obviously a drastic difference in numbers. But you really don't realize just how big 15,000 prims are until you spend over $L50,000 and still are nowhere even close to 8,000 prims lol. But besides all that... I'm going nuts. In the good way. I have literally bought almost everything I can think of, besides "club" type stuff. Or what I have been led to believe to be "club" stuff. Such as Sploders, Contest Boards, Tip Jars, Shoutcast, etc. I have been thinking about them tho. I do not know much about any of that. Someone was actually shocked when I told them I didn't know what a Sploder was actually for. I always see them, and I always see hosties asking people to hit it. But I never have and never found out what they're for or what they do. Same with the Shoutcast and Contest Boards. I can understand the contest board just by general knowledge. I hold a contest, make up what it is (I've seen things like "best in black"), then I can put it on the board for people to vote. Either for a fee or for free, depending on what I choose. I can understand all that. But the Sploder, no clue. I also know that the Shoutcast runs off of the DJ's stream, and displays the DJ's name and current song playing. I just don't know how to set it up or any of that. There is a club on my sim. So eventually, I'd like to have guest DJ's, and be able to provide them the boards they need. But I do know a lot of DJ's that bring their own stuff. But I don't see it as "necessary" right now. So any information on THOSE types of sim-enhancing gadgets, is very appreciated. But the reason I initially wrote this is because I HATE the open-ended feeling of a sim. I mean, the view of the "out of sim" landscape. I have about 6 off-sim things, and they work beautifully for aesthetics. But I definitely need more. Remember, I'm bringing a 1/4 sim worth of stuff to a full sim. So I have done a lot of shopping since then. In my marketplace adventures, I came across this company that makes "full sim environments". From what the pictures show, it puts a realistic view around your sim, 1,000mX1,000m. And of course, it's off-sim. But... I'm wondering how well they actually work. Are they glitchy? Do they take up way too much memory or "space" (they advertising it as being no lag or minimal lag)? Also, will it mess up my terraforming that I've done already? I would hate to buy it, rez it, then realize that I gotta move my water up or down. It took me a couple hours to get the sim looking like an actual island in the water, rather than a flat piece of paper hovering over water that's 5 feet below it. So it would really suck if I had to mess with all that again. But, since the "wrap-around environment" is supposedly like a skybox, I'm assuming I can just move it up or down like anything else. So there may not be any issue. Also, any information on other off-sim objects will help to. Things like dolphins (which I have), northern lights, "realistic waves", "realistic sand" (I think this may be a texture or something. Not sure how to change the textures of my sim yet), etc. I'm also thinking, since I have enough prims to pretty much do anything I want, possibly putting in some sort of floating island or "mothership". I have no idea about teleportation devices either lol. But I'm thinking maybe something people can teleport to from my fantasy forest. I saw this really cool Alice In Wonderland-looking door teleported that I would love to use (if you know of a stable one that's a guarantee, let me know and I'll probably go with that), and have it in my forest and people can TP to a floating castle or something. I have no idea. But I like the idea. Last thing... Is there a way I can section off all 4 parcels of my sim? To possibly have 4 different areas with different restrictions? Let's say... My house is on one parcel, a store on another, and 1/2 is just public freedom. Could I seperate my house parcel from everything and make it strictly people I invite? Can I section off the stores on a parcel and make that for group only? And still, whilst still maintaining to public area. All info is appreciated!! Thank you! WARNING: Lesson learned... Do NOT "return" your own items from your land if you're doing it to move. I did that, thinking I would save time rather than picking everything up piece by piece. Well ya, I sure did save a lot of time. I also lost about $L10,000. Most of my things are no copy, no transfer. And I'm not sure what the difference between returning your objects and "take" your objects, but I lost 85% of my stuff. Furniture, a building, even my damn greeter/group inviter. No idea why, but I hope NOBODY has to go through that. So, heed my warning.
  2. I understand the point of not mentioning your renter. I haven't mentioned the name of mine for the same reason. I will definitely talk to you inworld tho. I will be in world in a couple of hours, if you'll be on as well. But I'll send you an IM regardless. Thank you all got the clarifications and info.
  3. I definitely will do so, thank you Kelley. And thank you for clearing that up for me. But now I'm a little confused lol. I have been to rental places, including my current one I rent from, and they offer homesteads. No requirements or premium account needed. So are the previous requirements that were stated by Utu true? That I have to own a full sim first? I'm not saying it's not true. I'm just obviously misunderstanding something, somewhere.
  4. Yes, they are the owners of the land and the covenant was written by them.
  5. Another silly question probably. But do the owners have to follow their own covenant? Or does it even matter since it's THEIR covenant, and it's mainly meant for the renters and or visitors? Because I've read a covenant made by one of the beaches, and a very bold and clear rule in their covenant is being broken, by them.
  6. Hmm... That seems like a lot. I didn't know a lot of this. I also didn't expect the owners of some beaches which are on homesteads, to also own full sims. I thought they just rented the homestead to hold their beach and that's it. But when I go to their parcel and region details, they ARE listed as the owners (or their group) and also have their own covenant. It's just hard to believe that they also own a full sim, even if it is true. And if the requirements are as you say, then they must. My next question, as human as it is... How can they afford that?!?!?!? Lol. I saw the prices of full sims. I thought about doing it. But if I remember correctly, it's something like $300+ USD per month. And if they're not selling their own items in stores or something... I can't see how someone could afford that. Plus a homestead on top of it. Unless they're well-off. Which then I could understand. But if you own a full sim... Why would you need or want a homestead on top of that? Besides wanting a luxurious house and private land for your family. I'm impressed by these people now lol. But I'm wondering how it's accomplished, so maybe I can get there one day. But as I said, I've seen full sim prices... Well wait... I'm paying damn near $8,000 a week for my 1/4 sim. So would a full sim be around $20,000 a week? I thought I saw a price estimated around $300+ USD. But I've looked at a lot of places, so I could very well be mistaken.
  7. I see. So explain the ownership requirements a little more please. You say I must own a full sim before I'm eligible to buy a homestead. Which would then make me the owner. So... That means I have to fully pay for a full sim first? Seems like a lot to be elible for a homestead. But I think I understand what you've said so far. Renting a homestead would almost be equivalent to exactly what I'm doing now. Just, bigger. But still have an owner over my head, dictating my rights.
  8. I don't think my scenario was clear enough for my Ill-phrased question lol. On my land rental, I have owner abilities. I can change the name of the parcel, deed it, sell it, rent it, yada yada yada. But under the region information, it had the Estate Owners name, I can not change the weather or region settings, blah blah. I understand that part, due to the fact that I'm renting a PIECE of a sim. So they don't want the individual residents to mess with the entire region's settings. But if I get a homestead in the same fashion, from the same owner (maybe), will I then be the owner of that homestead/region? Since I am the only tenant? And if so, would I make my own covenant?
  9. Very helpful post, thank you. And that was my process before. Searching, talking to land managers, etc. And those are the persons that said I need commercial land. But contrary to that, no, I'm not selling anything. I might throw a few advertisement billboards up with friends businesses. But there will be no items for sale. That was a big part of why I began this. I was personally tired of seeing full sims (or homesteads) with virtually nothing on them. Most beaches I've come across have maybe 1,000 prims in essential hangout things. Chairs, dancing, places to sit. But the rest is empty land with shops. I understand how that can be beneficial. But it's just something I'm not wanting to do. There's enough of those. People just need a place to relax and not be pressured to do... Anything. I WAS thinking of holding contests, maybe some themed events. But nothing being sold. It would merely be a "lottery" for the visitors. No cost to vote, no entry fee. And ya, I have spent quite a bit of money already and should have understood the land owning business better first. But, I can't say I'm upset. I worked the hell out of my little 1/4 sim. So moving to a full will be great. And I have a good path and idea to go on now. Question: If I do decide to get a homestead, is there a difference in abilities between buying the land outright or renting it? I mean, I'm assuming that these beaches I see are renting the land or "buying" from a private owner. But, they have full rights, can rename the region, etc. So would I be able to be "owner" even if I'm paying the private owner? Or do I HAVE to buy the land from LL in order to "own" the region?
  10. That's why I ask questions. Better late than never.
  11. I knew that the homestead is the same prim allowance as the 1/4 sim I rent. I had NO clue that a homestead can be used as a public place. I do also understand that a homestead has a 20 avi limit. But that's fine to me. I think more than 20 would be laggy for some people anyway. And I see what you mean by, since I would essentially "own" and be the only tenant on the homestead, that holding a public place would not be an issue, considering there are no neighbors. I'll be looking into a homestead later on tonight now lol. I just think the space and the freedom to alter the ENTIRE homestead/sim would be convenient. I focus on grave detail. So little things like setting the windlight and bring able to separate the sim into separate parcels myself, really give me more imagination. Such as, terraforming and entire section to be it's own private island type thing. An idea I had was to put an aquarium underneath, and dig out the top layer, almost making like a glass dance floor with aquatic life to look out underneath you. Or even, adding a zoo area. I have lots of different ideas, I just need the room. So thank you!!!
  12. I recently opened a public all-ages beach on a rented 1/4 sim. I looked hard, being told that I need a "commercial" spot to do this on. So, I did. But I'm noticing a LOT of beaches and places are actually homesteads. I don't know exact sizes, but they look to be full sim size, maybe a few meters less. But when I looked in the Parcel Infornation, they are still the same prims as me, 3,750. So, what's the difference? If a beach, that IS public, is a homestead... Then I'm not sure why I was told mine had to be on commercial land. And the homestead also costs the same price, if not a hundred+ less, as mine does. I'm just asking because having that "secluded" island like that, would be nicer. I've made the most out of my little 1/4 sim. But, there ARE neighbors. Even tho there is security and they can't see in really (chat and visualization of avies are blocked), it would still be a nicer view AND more room for me to play with. I'm not really into making clothes or building complex things, I respect those that do. But I do thoroughly enjoy landscaping and arranging land. I admit, 98% of my buildings are premaid and fully furnished mesh buildings. But as I said, I enjoy putting everything together and arranged. Almost like putting Legos together. And with the size of a homestead, which as I said seems at least 3x bigger than my 1/4 sim, I could go crazy with landscaping and such. So, any info would help. I'm always looking to upgrade.
  13. Idk how to link a landmark here. I'm also on my phone so... But if you message me inworld I'll be happy to send you the LM.
  14. That was my next question. Thank you. I'm not on for 12 hours a day lol but I do hang out in the sim too so... I won't pay attention to the number then.
  15. Ohhhhhhhh, okay. Ya, I'm going off of the traffic number. Still seems like a pretty high number of minutes. So is that the average? 1,600 minutes just seems like a long time.
  16. So... I started a 1/4 sim a day ago just about, as I was asking about prior. And I seem to have already 1,600+ visitors... No idea how. But that's the total number so far. I guess I must have did something right... Or different... Or both. One thing that I noticed not many sims have, which mine does, if off-sim buildings and things. It's completely useless and you're not able to get to them. But in my opinion, it helps the view and look tremendously. I don't understand why some places are so... Empty. Why pay for a full sim or even half a sim, if you're only using 1/16 of the sim? I've seen full sims with... Basically one prime spot for hanging out, which takes up less then 1/16 of the sim. And all the objects on the sim can be fit in a 1/4, comfortably. Idk... Maybe I'm not understanding something. But it doesn't make sense to me. I'm not trying to make money or get famous from it. I just wanted somewhere to go that I've never seen... So I made it. I'm glad the visitors enjoy it as well. I made sure to put something for everybody.
  17. I see that now... Everything you said is true. With what I want to do, I just need to own a full sim. Which, I truly can't do. Not only that, but I've also been searching inworld for the past 4 hours, and I've found only a few. But, they are weird with their covenant and bend a lot of the LL TOS into more of what THEY see fit. And for running an open public hangout, I'm sure rules (besides the LL TOS) are the last thing I want. I thought, at first, that all the beach clubs I've seen were parts of sims, rented by the club owner. But to my understanding now, they are on a full sim and must own it. I can't understand any other way as of right now. Because for one, there's a lot going on and a big area (full sim). And two, if no one was showing up at their place (like a lot of dead sims I've come across), I don't see why or how they world pay rent for that size land.
  18. Thank you for that. And I knew that, kinda. I just don't know HOW to buy instead of rent, and what it intails. All I know is about something called "tiers", which you have to pay to Linden (if not a private owner), on top of the regular monthly payment of the land AND a sufficient down payment. I've seem parcels, 1/4 sims, 1/2 sims, full sims and so on. But I'm not sure what exact type I need in order to run a recreational area. I understand about the traffic and taking away from the rest of the sim... If I can find something that allows 40 avies, that's fine too. Because I've never seen more than 20 people in one park at a time (the park I saw had a limit of 20, which seems sufficient enough). I also don't have the affordability to rent a whole sim by myself. But contrary to that, I'm not wanting a partner either. Sharing a sim means sharing a plan. And it's difficult enough to find people stable (financially/socially) enough that will stick around as a partner, let alone share the same goal. I also have heard horror stories of clubs/beaches becoming popular, then one partner decides to change all the setting and take over. Which I don't want to risk.
  19. As always, let me know if there's a better forum to post this topic in. Ok, so I'll keep it as short as I can, I know I drag on and get off topic a lot... I'm wanting to start a hangout location. I can't really give references of my goal, because I haven't seen it. And I'm also not giving away my plan. But I want to have maybe like a beach or private location, where I can use the full rights as land owner, and also the max populous mark, which is 100 avies at once. I know NOTHING of renting/owning actual land, besides the common skybox and estate rentals (residential). The information I know of so far is: A) I need COMMERCIAL land in order to have people come in and hang out on their own, without having to add them one by one. B) I need (want) at least a 1/4 sim with no less than 4,000 prims (7,000+ would be better, if affordable). And I have found affordable 1/4 sims that size. C) Owning land is cheaper than renting, in the long term. But, there are a lot of little drawbacks to it. Such as, having to pay tier fees and an abundant down payment. Other than that, I'm clueless. Decorating, filling the space, landscape, design, etc. Those aren't really my concerns. I have a clear idea of how I want it, look and layout, and I know how to molest the marketplace fairly well lol. So it's not a concern, yet. But I know nothing about what type of specific land I need to make a public park/recreation area. As I said, also want my club on the land, and other activities and hangout areas to enjoy. I can afford... Well, I'll put it this way. I'm WILLING to spend anywhere from $50-$150 a month. That's USD. The best I have found is something like 7,500 prims, 1/4 sim for I think around $L7,500. Not sure if that's full permissions and utmost traffic. But at that moment, I was looking for size. Stupidly, I rented a place at Bella Pointe, starting last night, thinking I could have it public. Well, I found out rather quickly that I just rented a residential area. So... It's fairly useless to me. Any information is appreciated! Thanks for helping! EDIT: I am NOT looking to make money, charge a fee for group invites, entry fee, "must be in group", etc. None of that. I just want to create a nice hangout for everyone, with my vision and style. I just have enough funds to do so. I don't need or want to get famous or have workers (besides managers for when I'm absent).
  20. No clue where this all got jumbled. But a lot of what I said has been taken out of context. Child pornography, age-play, whatever else of the like, has NOTHING to do with child avies in themselves, at all. I clearly stated how I'm not prejudice against ANY types of "reasonable" RP. Of course "reasonable" being my opinion of what I think is reasonable. Yes, naked children running around public places bothers me. Yes, age-play really bothers me. Even the rape/rvp, whatever RP isn't suitable to me. But that has nothing to do with age-defined avies. As many people have said here, a lot of child avies are actually very kind and sweet people, who want nothing more than to just be "free" and goofy. Do I think pictures of naked child avies is child porn? Yes. That is MY opinion. But this does not speak for every child avie out there. The titler thing... Ya, I'm not touching them. I see how they're just used as a "dare", and I'm not participating in that. I'm not in SL for drama. There's enough of that in RL. Edit: Everyone has their own opinion. As the person before me has said, sometimes you can learn from other's, or not. So let's take everyone's opinion with an open mind here. No one is truly right or wrong. All this is just opinions and personal standards. Some of which, are good to consider. Happy posting! P.s. I no longer speak to my "brother", as I took into consideration what was said. I did what I felt was necessary and I separated myself from the situation. A situation that I don't want to be in. So, thank you for the advice and guidance.
  21. Lol I didn't find anything spooky. But you're definitely NOT boring.
  22. ... Your nickname is now Morpheus I appreciate your words, thank you! Hope to see you sometimes inworld and have a chat. But until then, safe travels and safe journey
  23. Very true. And I appreciate that insight, or correction lol. I am guilty of playing as myself. Looks and age. I take great pride in making my avi look as realistic as possible, to myself. So I understand that. But, also run around with a tail and ears sometimes lol. Which, I'm not doing in RL. But as far as morals and values go, and personal connections, I treat them the same as RL. But I also believe it's a respect factor as well (off topic). If I see a child avi or Star Wars avi, even furries, I try my best to respect their RP by treating them as they want to be in their RP world. Meaning, I'm not going to complain if they meow at me a lot, I'm not going to talk to a child avi like an adult, so on and so forth. I just think, since that's the world they want to love in, I should be respectful of that and let them be able to be "themselves", without the need to break character. But if a child/furry/etc. avi wants to break character and just have a conversation, I'm all for it. But, I do agree with you on what you said.
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