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Everything posted by MissBegotten

  1. no i don't care if he can see my profile. I want to block him inworld (make him a cloud). do I have to be in the same area at the same time as him to do this or is there another way?
  2. is there a way to block an avatar from the web profile or can i do it only in world while in the same area?
  3. yeah that's what i'm thinking now. just stick with what i have.
  4. Can someone tell me about the mesh avis? I love the way they look, but can i keep my shape and skin?
  5. thanks so much for all the input. I'll be checking all of the suggestions. As for making my own costome ao, i'm already using the firestorm ao (which is awesome because you don't need a notecard) so i know all about ropping animations and how to use them.
  6. i'm looking for a female ao that gives an "i'm in charge" impression. I don't want cute or sexy, but i don't want b*tch either. an ao that says "i'm the alpha female and you don't want to mess with me." any recomendations?
  7. I have pics i took with friends that i'd like to hang in my apartment. they are saved on my profile. how do i get them to my inventory?
  8. THANK YOU SO MUCH! i was getting a item that was free for only an hour and thanks to your fast reply i was able to get it.
  9. I've been trying to buy things on the marketplace and i can add them to my cart but when I click on checkout nothing happens. I'm taken to another page as if I'd done a search. I've talked to at least one other person having the same trouble. Is there a problem with the marketplace?
  10. Useing the firestorm AO I've now made two more AOs (one just for dances) and I can switch from one to the other with NO LAG TIME. I do have a little trouble that the flying animation stops when I cross into another sim. it looks like i'm standing still but still flying. Just stop for a sec then it clicks in again. I can deal with this little glitch because I don't fly much anyway.
  11. I solved you AO problem! What I did was to simply load all my animations into the firestorm AO and everything worked like a charm. I didn;t even need a notecard. Big thanks to Venus and Czari flr the help they gave me.
  12. No, it's still not working. I think I'm going to simply clear everything out and start from scratch in the morning. This time going more slowly and checking every line one at a time. Exactly what I did was take animations from two different AOs, put them into the Z and copy and paste the lines from the notcards in the original NCs onto the new NC. I thought doing it this way it would be impossible for me to make a mistake. But something isn't right. One more thing. One of the original AOs had a dance I wanted to to use as well, but it's not mentioned on that AOs NC at all. How does that work?
  13. okay thanks. i was a little worried. one avi tried to give me something called a ghost something and i refused it. Then he said he could see what I'd given away and that this thing would get it back for me and that he would "enlarge them later" whatever that means. I was pretty sure it was just trolling, but thought I should ask anyway.
  14. i loaded all my animations into the ZHAO that Venus sent me. At first it all seened to work great. but when I teleported to another spot i get script error messages and some of the animations stopped working. now none of them work. I'm getting this error message: ZHAO-II [script:ZHAO-II-core 7/29.1] Script run-time error Stack-Heap Collision
  15. Recently I've come across a couple of avis that imply to me that they can see into my inventory or now personal information about me. i never say more than I'm over 18 and from the USA. Maybe they're just fishing but many guesses have hit pretty close to home. something that troubles me about this is that it always comes from new avis. As if they created an account just to hack people. So, if we ran into one another in second life, what could that you see about me?
  16. Thanks, I got it. I loaded all my animations into it, but I'm having trouble. I think my problems are in the notecard. I have dyslexia and getting things like this is very hard for me. I'll keep at it though. I can do this.
  17. yeah i'm using firestorm and had the same trouble. no join button.
  18. I have bought a couple of AOs and also have a couple of free ones. In one I like the stands but not the walks. in another I like the walks better. The last AO I bought said in the note card that I can add annimations to it. Is there a way I can use the walks from one of my free AOs and comebine it with the stands in another? If so how di I di it?
  19. that's exactly what i was doing Venus. double clicking on names in the nearby people view and going down the list. but peope were still noticing and it seems my crosshairs never leave the last avi i looked at. the whole story was that someone sent me an im and i found him on the nearby list and double clicked. after our chat i clicked on my back camara view to look at myself and later he said my crosshairs were still on him and asked that i click on someone else because my name was floating over his head.
  20. so if i uncheck show look at no one can tell when i look at them?
  21. ik know right? that's what i was thinking. work on your avi, make it look really cool, take it out to a crowded place and freak out when someone looks at it? but i can understand it could be annoying if you're the last one i looked at and then i danced for the next 30 mins with my crosshairs still you your head.
  22. i'm not creeping. i'm just having a look. the same way you have a quick look at someone with an interesting outfit in real life. creeping would be if i followed them around or peeked into dressing rooms.
  23. okay thanks for the help. i didn;t know what i was doing until someone said something and they weren't very nice about it. i jut want to see everyone around me. many avis are very creative. but i don't want to make anyone feel creeped on. so, just to be clear, when i want to go back to my home view i should hit the esc key instead of clicking something in my camara view. is ther right?
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