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  1. I received a warning from someone who stated some terrible things about someone on our sim. I don't believe in gossip, its hurtful and dangerous, but if there is any actual validity to this 'persons' claims, I would like to know to protect the people around me. Its a responsible thing to do - Who can I pass this 'information' on to at LL to investigate the situation?
  2. I have just been the recipient of harassment, a fake profile, intimidation, etc. I filed the report but to be fair, they need time to research everything- I would think if I was under investigation for something I would hope they would look at every detail before making a decision towards final disposition. They too are also people, the people who do the inquiry we submit. If I want that for me, I want it for everyone. People say all the time "Life isn't fair" - but how often do they actually have the patience to allow fairness to occur?
  3. I would also like to see this as well as block them from seeing our profiles. As a recent recipient of some targeted ridiculousness, this would make more sense to me, now.
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