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Posts posted by RudolphFarquhar

  1. Paratrex wrote:

     Second Life is the most evil , sadistic, hedonistic game in the world,

    LL Marketing just called. They want to know if they can quote you on that in their next promotional piece, as they reckon it's likely to attract just exactly the punters they are desperate for.


  2. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote:


    Again, some perspective. Although The Netherlands were the last European country to officially end slavery (or one of the last at least), you need to look through 16th-19th century eyes. Appalling as it was, you can't compare this to a second half 20th century situation where racial segregation becomes part of a country's law.

    Slavery was not illegal in the UK until an act was passed making it so in 2010.

    I think the lawyers spend a few centuries on the actual wording of the law, because the existing definition of domestic servants (and potentially other service-related employees) overlapped that of slaves.

    (Actually, the first part of this post is true, but I guessed the second part.)


  3. Alicia Sautereau wrote:

    In Holland we call the country Holland and as it`s our country we can call it anything we want,

    Do you live in that part of The Netherlands that is actually Holland, Alicia?

    Lots of people who live in England call the UK, or Great Britain, England - as do many other Americans and non-Americans.

    That doesn't make them right though. England is just one part of the British Isles.



  4. Vania Chaplin wrote:

    I tried to find this in English, with no luck



    1. Mafalda - But Libertad, you are puting it upside down


    2. Libertad - upside down in relation to what? Earth is in space, and space don't has up or down


    3. This that North hemisphere is up is just a psychological trick bye those whose think that that they are above, for those of us that they believe that we are below stay believing we are below. The bad thing is that if we keep believing being below we will stay being below. But since today, endofdeal!


    4. Mom - Where were you, Mafalda?

    Mafalda - I don't know, but something endeddealing.

    Did you know that Australian maps of the world ARE the inverse of those with which we in the northern hemisphere are familiar.

    Another interesting geographical fact: Australians call Asia the Near North.


  5. Tari Landar wrote:

    A3123 wrote:

    You people are all sitting at a computer and you can't be bothered to search for the names of the continents?


    7 continents.jpg


    I can guess your post was an attempt to put others down for their lack of map skills, or inability(perhaps lack of desire) to find a map that lists the continents. However, you should know this map is labelled incorrectly, and that alone will prove to invalidate your point to many people who would reply, lol. North and South America are reversed here. Regardless of what others may call the two America continents(be it one, or two), they don't magically switch places just because. They still remain right where they've been all along. They're not twins so switching places to trick people isn't something they could easily pull off. I'm also pretty certain that if they did manage finding a way to switch places, it would not be so friggen cold here right now.

    As ******* stupid as the Berry Down Bypass can be, I have a feeling that he/she/it might have been slightly taking the **** out of the many (Americans AND non-American) geographically-challenged forumites determined to demonstrate their aberrant attitude of universal topologically equivalence as applied to spherical surfaces.

    This is particularly ******* relevant in the context of this example map (obviously drawn by a pre-adult or perhaps by a pre-mature student of revisionist history) where the inversion of the "South" and "North" labels is overshadowed by the apparent belief that Greenland is a Continent, a world-view which might be challenged even by some Danes who still cling to a belief  that they discovered North America - and Greenland is it.


  6. Czari Zenovka wrote:

    and other parts of the world, many students are taught of six continents, where North and South America are combined to form a single continent of America.

    That would be Continental Europe, which excludes the UK. We have better educational systems, particularly where geography is concerned. (I'm reminded of a headline in The Times: "Bad fog in English Channel - Europe cut off from civilisation".)

    Don't you find it interesting that the maps labelled in English recognise the reality of two American Continents, whereas those labelled in French demonstrate how they still have a chip on their shoulder that they got kicked out of North America (except for small residual ghettos in Canada and Louisiana) by the British, and the Spanish got to South America first. Never mind, they still have the Central African Republic, Syria and Libya as semi-dependencies.

    While we Brits have the glorious Falklands and Gibraltar!

    Whereas the Germans have nowhere to retire to - unless you count Argentina, although that's all in the past, isn't it?

    Congratulations, by the way, to Gibraltar on becoming FIFA's newest member.


  7. Hoshi Kenin wrote:

    Which is, of course, the general reaction of the 'ostrich-like, head-buried-in-sand oppressed' when they still believe they live in a free society.  Time's ticking.  When will 
    wake up?

    My money's on far, far too late.

    Erm, in my case it's more that I understand the ******* system only too  well, and abuse it, for pleasure.

    The last time someone dared to try to oppress me was in kindergarten when the ******* teacher tried to stop me eating cough sweets in class; she failed.


  8. Laetizia Coronet wrote:

    The Dutch have promoted their own country as Holland since long before I was born. I don't think you have proven anything here.

    And there was me thinking that the Kingdom of Holland was an artificial political construct imposed upon the Dutch by that nasty terrorist supreme statesman Napoleon (I wonder what happened to him? Oh, that's right, he got stuffed by the British and became the subject of an awkward palindromic sentence: "Able was I ere I saw Elba") which admittedly was long before you were born.

    But the same thing has happened to you, has it not, Tish, and perhaps things have changed since you got exiled?


  9. Alicia Sautereau wrote:

    I AM NOT AN AMERICAN! I sit in a comfy chair in Holland and when not sitting on my arse replying to stupid posts I work 12 hours a day, still don`t know why..., in *drumroll******* HOLLAND!

    Sorry Alicia, you have given yourself away as an American, who thinks the country is called Holland, whereas all educated Europeans know that Holland is just a small part of The Netherlands.

    I bet you don't like me now!


  10. Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

    /me waves back at her favourite Martian.

    The existence of Barry (the John the Baptist of crack-smoking mayors, who merely prepared the way for the Greater One) is grounds for
    rather than

    Have you been ******* drinking?

    I know you can ******* spell, so you must be having ******* trouble finding the right keys.


  11. Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

    Storm, I am increasingly convinced you are right. It's the reason, I suppose, for my outrage fatigue.

    Increasingly I'm giving up on the "global" part, and thinking locally, I guess.

    Nah, just use TOR. The combined might of the NSA and GCHQ can't crack it. Their success with the Silk Road depended on the owner being stupid enough to ask how he could hide drug deals on the internet in some public forums!


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