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  1. Thanks, will contact the user too :matte-motes-smile:
  2. Thanks, hopefully I can come back to this forum with surveys soon. France things move slow, so I hope it doesnt take too long.:matte-motes-grin: However so as to not raise technical issues in my methodology, I may need to down play my actual motives as it will go against the whole concept of an objective research/survey. I am afraid I have to edit my research idea from this thread, before the survey can be circulated.
  3. Thanks for your encouragement, I can't believe I bumped into lucky set of residents who actually might be intersted in the stuff I do. Unfortunetly I am preparing my survey at this point and will take a while before I can float it around. Thanks for your co-operation in advance. I may perhaps ask a few questions to some of you before I can float the survey to one and all at SL. Your comments can help me improve my survey questions if things are not comperhensible to a layperson. Legal stuff can be complicated sometimes as we all know. I will look at the past posts as well for more info. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Thanks for your encouragement, I have responsed to Drongled just now. I would be publishing my research, with the university where I study to start with and plan to also write journal articles in law and management journals. Because my school is well known for legal research and is European based, I do believe the European Union will take note of this research in the future as they are at this point struggling to deal with UGC issues in particular. I will share in the coming days all about my work. My work is in intersection of law, management, psychology. I will post my survey once it is approved by my guide. The topic is one of my personal interest, as my brother is in the creative industry as well and I do respect the efforts of creative individuals and believe in true innovation being available to masses as supposed to a few monopolies. http://www.theses.fr/s81561 see the link for an short abstrast of my work. (I had to edit the early post which was more revealing as it could make my survey biased and not objectivively undertaken, ideally the survey must from the random sample population who would be asked questions on a objective way without pre-preparing them of the issue that is meant to be discovered through the survey, hope it can be understood and appreciated) I am sorry my research does not promise to have immediate implications to residents of SL but in the future it will pave way to a legitimate governance of user-creators and impact regulatory bodies and virtual world providers as well, afterall if the users are not happy no one will stick to the virtual worlds anymore. So this research will benifit both SL and SL residence and similar UGC creators elsewhere. You can look up my resume also posted in the website of my univeristy if interested, I am not a established researcher but a budding one with a hope to impact the communities in a real way.
  5. http://www.cerdi.u-psud.fr/theses/fostering-creativity-in-virtual-words-examining-the-role-of-economic-and-moral-incentive-rights-models-for-intellectual-property-rights-management Hello, this is my credintials for further reference. Thanks for your interest in my work.
  6. Hi all, I am currently doing a my doctoral research in law on how laws particularly IP laws affect individual creativity. I would be grateful if you allow me to contact you individually at a later date for this purpose. The research is sort to address the very issue of IP rights that both the content providers and the LL are fighting for. You inputs will actually help the regulatory or law makers in the future to decide the legal fate of User Generated Contents and content creators likewise. Thanks for your co-operation. Please reach me at anu.law@gmail.com for sharing your interest in this research. If anyone has any idea as to how I can go about seeking the support of other content providers on this matter pls do share. Thanks!
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