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Everything posted by LizbethSparrow

  1. As a 3d modeler myself, I can say that what you are asking for will not be cheap or it will take a very long time (and most likely, it's both). I understand not having money to spend, however, it is very unfortunate that you are in that situation and I'm sorry to have to tell you but it's just not good business sense to do work on credit. I'm not the type that is overly concerned about money but when I take on a big project, I want to know that I am compensated for my work. Call it a security blanket that keeps me going if the project really drags on (I have a short attention span, sadly). I just wouldn't be able to do something big and not be able to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. It's not all bad news, though, as there's loads of free software and tutorials available on the net that'll be able to teach you the basics of modeling. Then, you'll be able to make your own meshes I'm not suggesting that you make this project yourself. I'm suggesting that you should start small and make something that you might be able to sell. It may not be much, but it's a start. From there, you can eventually work towards having your own sim and much more. And like TPAM said, running a sim will cost money. So one way or another, you're going to have to find that cash. Earning Lindens in SL can be done but it takes time, for sure. Don't mean to rain on your parade here, hun. Perk up, you'll make it if you stick to it. Hope my post helped you in some way
  2. I, too, am confused by the OP's question. My take on it is this, it sounds like you are talking about combining the textures, not just the uvmaps, so that it is one texture file and then cheaper to upload into SL. In this case, how I would do it is: First, open the texture files up in photoshop or gimp and look at their layouts. See, how best to arrange the texture first before doing anything else. The main thing is to use up blank spaces in the texture so you don't have to redraw anything or end up overlapping things on accident. Next, open the uvmaps up in 3ds max using the UVW Unwrap modifier and select the entire map for each object and move it to the side (outside the main border in the middle). So, for example, you have 3 different maps. Move the first one up, the second one down and the third one right. This is so they don't overlap immediately when you combine the uvmaps. Then, collapse all the unwraps to save your layout and attach the objects together. After that, add another UVW unwrap modifier and proceed to arrange them all into the center area without overlapping. It's best to start arranging them one object at a time to prevent confusion. I usually start with the largest object first as it'll take up the most space on a map. Once done, go to Render UVW Template and open the template of the UVW map in your texture-editing program. Then you can proceed to, basically, copy-paste the parts of the 3 different textures together onto new mapping. That should work if I understood your question correctly.
  3. I'm looking at the script posted here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Library/Keyboard-Animation/m-p/782723/highlight/true#M128 Anyone know if this works for all chat channels (not just nearby chat)? Also, does this work with an object when worn?
  4. I'm looking at the script posted here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Library/Keyboard-Animation/m-p/782723/highlight/true#M128 Anyone know if this works for all chat channels (not just nearby chat)? Also, does this work with an object when worn?
  5. Although these are from SL, here's a sample of models and textures I've made for other games in the past. http://i.imgur.com/HGdb3Bh.jpg ]http://i.imgur.com/hSikdH8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/lwXzf.jpg http://i.imgur.com/SLN1o.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Oyfj9.jpg http://i.imgur.com/h05zo.jpg http://i.imgur.com/95h4C.jpg http://i.imgur.com/UW4sc.jpg Hope this gives you a good idea of what I can do!
  6. Hi there! I'm new to SL and I'm still learning to ropes of doing stuff inworld but I've been using 3d modeling programs such as 3ds max for a long time (coming up to 6 years now) and I'm available for making meshes at decent rates. Just drop me an IM inworld (Lizbeth Sparrow) or send me a message here and I'll be able to make a deal with you. All you need is a good concept drawing or picture of the item you want made as well as an idea of how much detail want. Additional information would include things like overall appearance (does the model need a texture? is it glossy/shiny?) More information is better as I can give you a more accurate quote. (my pricing is based on level of detail in polygons/tris as well as time required. more complex shapes with detailed textures will cost more) I can export to DAE collada or any format, as per request. I'm always willing to learn new things so feel free to just ask, I'd love to give it a try! And don't worry, my pricing won't break your bank. Also, if I don't manage to deliver what you ask for, you don't pay!
  7. Hi there! I'm new to SL and I'm still learning to ropes of doing stuff inworld but I've been using 3d modeling programs such as 3ds max for a long time (coming up to 6 years now) and I'm available for making meshes at decent rates. Just drop me an IM inworld (Lizbeth Sparrow) or send me a message here and I'll be able to make a deal with you. All you need is a good concept drawing or picture of the item you want made as well as an idea of how much detail want. Additional information would include things like overall appearance (does the model need a texture? is it glossy/shiny?) More information is better as I can give you a more accurate quote. (my pricing is based on level of detail in polygons/tris as well as time required. more complex shapes with detailed textures will cost more) I can export to DAE collada or any format, as per request. I'm always willing to learn new things so feel free to just ask, I'd love to give it a try! And don't worry, my pricing won't break your bank. Also, if I don't manage to deliver what you ask for, you don't pay!
  8. My best guess would be to do a search using the search tool in SL viewer and look for groups matching your preferences. Finding a group is definitely a good way to meet people. Be sure to check out some of the hot new destinations as well!
  9. Hi there! I can do 3d models but I need to know a few things first. What's your budget for polys? i.e. what level of detail are you looking for? Also, what is the deadline for the meshes and what is your preferred format? Any additional information such as does this model require textures? Once I know these then I can give you an accurate quote.
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