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  1. This idea may go up like a lead balloon, but it can't hurt to try. I am a big science fiction fan and I've been looking for a good sci-fi sim. I haven't found many. Many of the sims that I've been to have one, or more, of the following problems: They're boring. There's nothing to do when you get to them. They're dated. Old textures, old furniture, still using pose balls, etc. They're franchise specific – Star Wars oriented, Star Trek only, etc. They're overly elaborate. The few good ones I've seen tend to be very elaborate (and still have very little to do in them), they're visually overstimulating, and they take forever to load on slower computers. Inappropriate music, decoration, ambiance, and products. I mean really, how many aliens living in the Delta Quadrant 300 years from now actually listen to 80s pop music from Earth? They're totally empty. Sims are pretty boring without people. There are many sci-fi groups and fans in SL who, I believe, would like to see a good, general sci-fi sim. (This post addresses this topic: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Role-Play/Sci-Fi-Roleplaying-Sims/td-p/889683 ) I would like to create a place for all alien/sci-fi/cyberpunk fans to hang out at. Basically, I would like to see if there are any good mesh creators out there who could create an asteroid with a club, combat arena, and shopping area inside it. Obviously I would want to avoid the issues of cheap, dated textures, low quality, and every other flaw with most of the current sci-fi sims. Mesh is preferable, if possible, to reduce the prim count. This would allow for more decoration inside to fill in the structure. If mesh is out of the question (because of some obscure mesh-making reason that I would have no clue about) then old fashioned prim construction would (have to) work. If anyone reading this is a creator (or knows one) who may be interested in this project then I would love to hear from you. I'm also very open to creator input on this since I currently only have a vague idea about where I'd like to go with this. Now, I'll get to the lead balloon part. Money. I'm a working college student, and deaf, so I have none. (For those who don't know, college is EX-PEN-SIVE!!!) I know that content creation is time consuming and difficult (as in I don't know how to do it) and deserves to be paid for. Basically, if I can find someone willing to gamble on me (with me?) then I would like to create a sim and add the usual profit devices – take donations, vendors selling sci-fi related stuff (skins, clothes, weapons, etc.), maybe rent housing later, etc. I also have some ideas on drawing people to the sim. If the sim is profitable at all then I'm more than willing to make payments on the structure(s) until it's fully paid for. I figure the creator could just keep possession of the structure until it's paid for in full. I don't pay, my club goes bye-bye. Or something. (For obvious reasons, I'm willing to be very flexible on working out an arrangement.) Also, the creator would be more than welcome to use the sim as a demo for their work. I'm hoping to find a bored creator looking for something new to do, someone wanting to show off their skill, some creator with no current projects, or the like – i.e., someone who isn't concerned solely with immediate cash. If anyone is still interested (which is doubtful) then please send me a note card. Hopefully, we can create something awesome. Atreidia Resident
  2. This idea may go up like a lead balloon, but it can't hurt to try. I am a big science fiction fan and I've been looking for a good sci-fi sim. I haven't found many. Many of the sims that I've been to have one, or more, of the following problems: They're boring. There's nothing to do when you get to them. They're dated. Old textures, old furniture, still using pose balls, etc. They're franchise specific – Star Wars oriented, Star Trek only, etc. They're overly elaborate. The few good ones I've seen tend to be very elaborate (and still have very little to do in them), they're visually overstimulating, and they take forever to load on slower computers. Inappropriate music, decoration, ambiance, and products. I mean really, how many aliens living in the Delta Quadrant 300 years from now actually listen to 80s pop music from Earth? They're totally empty. Sims are pretty boring without people. There are many sci-fi groups and fans in SL who, I believe, would like to see a good, general sci-fi sim. (This post addresses this topic: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Role-Play/Sci-Fi-Roleplaying-Sims/td-p/889683 ) I would like to create a place for all alien/sci-fi/cyberpunk fans to hang out at. Basically, I would like to see if there are any good mesh creators out there who could create an asteroid with a club, combat arena, and shopping area inside it. Obviously I would want to avoid the issues of cheap, dated textures, low quality, and every other flaw with most of the current sci-fi sims. Mesh is preferable, if possible, to reduce the prim count. This would allow for more decoration inside to fill in the structure. If mesh is out of the question (because of some obscure mesh-making reason that I would have no clue about) then old fashioned prim construction would (have to) work. If anyone reading this is a creator (or knows one) who may be interested in this project then I would love to hear from you. I'm also very open to creator input on this since I currently only have a vague idea about where I'd like to go with this. Now, I'll get to the lead balloon part. Money. I'm a working college student, and deaf, so I have none. (For those who don't know, college is EX-PEN-SIVE!!!) I know that content creation is time consuming and difficult (as in I don't know how to do it) and deserves to be paid for. Basically, if I can find someone willing to gamble on me (with me?) then I would like to create a sim and add the usual profit devices – take donations, vendors selling sci-fi related stuff (skins, clothes, weapons, etc.), maybe rent housing later, etc. I also have some ideas on drawing people to the sim. If the sim is profitable at all then I'm more than willing to make payments on the structure(s) until it's fully paid for. I figure the creator could just keep possession of the structure until it's paid for in full. I don't pay, my club goes bye-bye. Or something. (For obvious reasons, I'm willing to be very flexible on working out an arrangement.) Also, the creator would be more than welcome to use the sim as a demo for their work. I'm hoping to find a bored creator looking for something new to do, someone wanting to show off their skill, some creator with no current projects, or the like – i.e., someone who isn't concerned solely with immediate cash. If anyone is still interested (which is doubtful) then please send me a note card. Hopefully, we can create something awesome. Atreidia Resident
  3. LAQ, Hush (might be especially good for the doll look), and Dream Ink.
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