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Everything posted by Epicarus

  1. The viewers were recently updated with the ability to ban members from groups, and we've always been able to eject people, but if someone is currently in the group chat, there is no way to remove them from it. Even if you eject and ban them from the group, they stay in the chat. (see https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-32). As you can see, this bug has been around for EIGHT YEARS (!!!!!), ALMOST A DECADE, and they still haven't fixed it. There is the option to mute a person's chat, but it simply doesn't work (tested in singularity and in the current release viewer). You can uncheck the option that says 'allow text chat', but this doesn't do anything, they are still able to chat in the group. Does anyone know if this is a problem with viewer implementation, or if there is any third party viewer that allows you to successfully mute someone in a group, even if you can't eject them? We have sent dozens of abuse reports on various people who have committed sustained, aggressive, intentional violations of the community standards, including sexual harassment and vile hate speech, and nothing is done by LL. Does anyone have any suggestions for third party products, like auto moderation bots, any kind of trick in the viewer that allows you to successfully defend groups from determined spammers / chat griefers?
  2. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I'm looking for any and all shop space to rent, preferably among other roleplay or themed items. I'm selling an Angels vs Demons roleplay system, and I just need enough space for a few vendors and a sign, but I'd also be interested in a 10x10m space if you have it. You can see my products at http://secondlegends.com. Please let me know if you have any space to rent. Thanks!
  3. Hello everyone. When creating new SLURLs on maps.secondlife.com, I'm not able to get images to work. In the example SLURL that's posted (from Torley Linden), the custom image is also not showing up for me: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Here/54/105/47/?img=http%3A//torley.s3.amazonaws.com/slurlexample.jpg&title=SLURL%20TITLE%20-%20Here%20island%20%28you%20can%20click%20this%20to%20teleport%29&msg=SLURL%20DESCRIPTION%20-%20Here%20we%20are%2C%20standing%20on%20giant%20letters!%20Come%20explore! This SLURL is supposed to show them standing on giant letters that say 'here'. This image: http://torley.s3.amazonaws.com/slurlexample.jpg But instead, the default image is showing for me: http://lecs-maps-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/agni/15/_img/default-new.jpg Is anyone else having this problem? If this isn't just me, does anyone know where I should report this?
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