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Everything posted by JenniDrax

  1. Me, hanging out by the pool, recent pic 💕
  2. 🫢OH MMYYYY GOD! Rowan! Thank you so much! Those look almost absolutely PERFECT! 💕
  3. Ohhhh no! I have to go buy new shoes! /s Thanks Ayashe! I love KC and I'm already a member. I haven't looked at N-Core in a while, and I'm going to go check out the others too! Thanks for the recommendations!
  4. Ok, I found the issue I think- The shoe doesn't have it on the description in my inventory, but the notecard I think says they are for Slink back when I used them for feet and for a mesh body. So rigged for Slink is what it looks like, so probably no way to make it work on Maitreya ☹️. Dang. I really like the shoes! Thank you so much for the help, I guess I just need to try to find a current shoe that looks similar.
  5. I'm hoping someone can let me know if there is a fix for this or if these shoes just aren't compatible with my avi anymore. I'm using a Maitreya Lara V5.3 body and I've tried using both Firestorm and Alchemy viewers. The shoes are from L.Warwick and are old, I can't find the maker or the store in SL anymore. Pretty sure the maker and the store are gone for good, unless somebody knows otherwise. When I try to adjust them using edit there is no movement of the shoes in relation to my avatar. I've tried both clicking on the shoe and going through the appearance and edit outfit options. I haven't worn the shoes, but I really like them and they would go great with an outfit I'm working on. I can't figure out how to make them work and I'm afraid I'm just going to have to give up on them. Any help or advise would be much appreciated and thank you in advance!
  6. Hi, and thank you both for your answers! I looked up the creator in world and sent them a notecard. I haven't heard anything yet, but there doesn't seem to be any other problems with the hair.
  7. Hi. I bought hair from a merchant that won't be named here. I know no 'name and shame!' Anyway, after I bought the item and unpacked it, I got a pop up in the upper right corner of my viewer. I t said something like the item wanted access to my L$ account, and gave me a warning that it could take L$ without notice and empty my account. It was in a different font and format from anything I've seen in SL, but unfortunately I didn't think to screen shot it. It gave me an option to give or deny permission and I denied. I unpacked a second item from the same merchant, no pop up. I went to my dashboard and deleted my stored payment info to be safe. I did get this in local chat: To share proceeds I must have give money(DEBIT) permissions [19:36]################### Owner touch to try again [19:37] I blocked out the merchant name above, but I saved it to a notecard in world. So, what WAS that? Anybody seen that? Am I overreacting? I mean, WTF?
  8. I have been having the same problem for the last few days. I was using IE, but tried Google Chrome and it logged me in with no problems.
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