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Everything posted by RedDaemons

  1. A common situation in the past: I am flying to West, at 100mts, over Blake Sea area. My draw is 512m and I am in the middle of a region. Usually, in the past, I can see the objects rezzing ahead perfectly. Of course, I am flying a small bird, a slow helicopter, and I can see everything rezzing perfectly. Nothing is grey. If I stop over a region, I can see everything perfectly 100m below me. It was beautiful. The situation now: The same behavior described above, but now I can't see anything beyond 256/365m... 50% of the scene is grey under my helicopter and, if I stop, waitting to rezz completely, nothing happens. I wait, wait for a complete download, but still grey. Tired, I decided to fall back, turning the helicopter 180 degrees... bad idea. The scene that was behind me now is rezzing again, because I changed my point of view in it direction. The travel is a very annoying journey of half grey, half landscapes.
  2. @SaraCarena: Thank you for the information abou Pipeline. I will check it close. But, different of you, I fly. And fly a lot! And sail a lot too. Usually, I set my draw distance to 512m when travelling crossing borders with Medium Graphics. When I am racing bikes in a single region, I set my graphics to LOW and draw to 1024m. I can´t confirm if draw has any importance in this issue, because I already tryied a lot of sets and situations.
  3. @Qie Niangao: Really thank you for the explanation and the links. I can follow this theme more close now. I am really satisfied, in general, with Project Interesting, but I have to say that now I can't render scenes as before. But I understand that this new technology is coming and request adjustments. By my side, i am trying to do all I can to improve my Second Life experience again.
  4. @Oz Linden Here, we have my configuration Firestorm 4.6.7 (42398) Aug 12 2014 02:06:18 (Firestorm-Releasex64) with OpenSimulator support CPU: Intel® Core i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz (3300.05 MHz) Memory: 7887 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: Intel Graphics Card: Intel® HD Graphics 2500 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.17.0010.2828 OpenGL Version: 4.0.0 - Build RestrainedLove API: RLV v2.8.0 / RLVa v1.4.10a libcurl Version: libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1h zlib/1.2.6 c-ares/1.10.0 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v7.4 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Ex 4.44.32 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Vivox 4.6.0009.20030 Settings mode: Firestorm Viewer Skin: AnsaStorm (Bright Blue) Font Used: Deja Vu (96) Draw distance: 512 Bandwidth: 1500 LOD factor: 4 Render quality: Medium-Low (2/7) Texture memory: 512 MB (1) VFS (cache) creation time (UTC): 2014-9-27T3:49:51 Built with MSVC version 1600 Packets Lost: 2/167,346 (0.0%)
  5. Hello people, I know the Project Interesting was a good initiative to allow people with modest computers had a chance to use Second Life with a minimum of quality, but after Project Interesting started to run, I am having problems with bad downstream. In direct words: I had a very good, excelent, scene render. Fast, reliable, complete. After Project Interesting, now, its a pain. Things not download completely or download and continue grey, especially when fly helicopters, because we need a good render. Actually, most of the scenes in where I usually fly are grey. I found these two topics talking about Project Interesting, but they are not conclusive. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/The-Interesting-Viewer-by-LL-Much-Faster/td-p/2329689/page/4 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Avatar-not-capable-of-usual-speeds-since-the-Rolling-Restarts-on/td-p/2492017 I already tried a lot of things, adjust the bandwidth, network cache, clear cache, port forwarding, adjust a lot of draw distance experiencies, a lot of things. Nothing could bring me my excelent old rendering again. So, my last chance is ask here if someone know something we can improve the scene rendering after Project Interesting. Thank you in advance.
  6. Pan, fico muito feliz que tenha conseguido também. Realmente, quando o problema aparece ficamos perdidos, como eu fiquei, sem saber como resolver. Também passei 3 meses lutando para descobrir do que se tratava. Até que um amigo meu, dono de provedor de internet em Lima, Peru me ajudou com todos os testes necessários. Por fim, identificamos o problema que resultou neste post. Fico triste apenas em saber que eu e você somos a pontinha do iceberg. Imagine o quanto tem de gente com o mesmo problema e nem imagina os motivos! Espero que mais e mais pessoas encontrem esse post e resolvam seus problemas de conexão com o Second Life ao usar o servico do NETVirtua com os modems de baixa qualidade que eles instalam. Um grande beijo! Red
  7. A simple copy n' paste. It works! :-) Thank you so much. But, I am thinking if copy n' paste of the unicode simbol will work in any system, any computer, any language.
  8. Hello, people. I am trying to write special characters in the messages I am generating for chat and in the menu buttons. I found these articles, but it seems is not what I need because I cant believe we have a lot of code to do a simple character replacement. http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=unicode http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Chr http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Ord I am trying to use special characters, like outline squares, filled squares, stars, outline circles, filled circles, check-out simbols, etc. I think I have to do any hexadecimal convertion before use the chars as string, but I am bit lost. Can someone point me a direction to study? Thank you
  9. DONE! Rolig Loon, thank you for you help and tips. I finished the pilot & copilot system (owner, guest, group, lock/unlock/ eject and copilot). :-D
  10. No, no. I do not want the both controlling at the same time. I want to change who is controlling, but only one can control. But thinking on your code, I will have to create another way, because I do not want the copilot click in anywhere to get the control. Pilot must type in chat "copilot" or click in a menu or hud and transfer the control to copilot. So, I have to know "who is the copilot" to grant control. I know how to do it now :-D Thank you.
  11. Rolig hummm, interesting! I was not thinking by this point of view. Yes, two scripts make all sense. I can release the permissions of the pilot, transfering it to copilot. A new script will take permissions for the avatar identified as copilot. I can do the same to recover the control to pilot. By this way, I can write a single control script for both, just controlling who is using, flagging correctly pilot and copilot, releasing and taking control of the keys! Nice point of view! Thank you so much.
  12. Hi, friends! First of all, I have to say a big thank you for all help I have here. This is very important to me. I am still scripting my own helicopter flight system and I am proud to say that, beyond a lot of cool and interesting features (including flying very well), I already finished the basic avatar controls: owner mode, group mode, guest mode, lock/unlock mode, eject copilot and/or passengers. At this time, I am learning how I can script the copilot mode, transfering to a copilot the control of the aircraft. I really do not know how to start. I am not asking for a code, because I want to script by myself. But, if someone can help me with the logic, helping to clear my ideas how to think this feature. I found this post http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/The-KEY-to-Avatars/m-p/1402061#M9036 and it seems to have a good logic describing the relation between pilot and copilot in the same aircraft. Can someone confirm if the logic is right? - The copilot seat get the UUID of the pilot, renaming the copilot with this UUID in order to allow the copilot do send comands and take permissions to control the aircraft, like being the pilot UUID. or - There are any other way to allow pilot and copilot to control with their own UUID Thank you for any information.
  13. arton Rotaru is working perfectly ! :matte-motes-grin: I have disabled the option VEHICLE_FLAG_LIMIT_ROLL_ONLY . I was already using VEHICLE_REFERENCE_FRAME parameter. But I kept my settings as "integer PRESSED = level & ~ edge" . If I modify as you suggested , I would have to keep pressing and releasing, pressing and releasing to change the values of the cyclic helicopter . And it would not be good. The good is continuously pressing for a more realistic and smooth effect. There are two main models control helicopter in Second Life . A type of control where you trigger the cyclic ( go forward and back ) and the collective ( up and down ) in increments of 5 % . This model is widely used in helicopters of the biggest manufacturers and is one of the most appreciated by users . But there's another model where the increment is 1% of 1% . This second model control is more smooth and precise. It's like I'm developing my project and that was the reason I kept the PRESSED variable the way I did . Well, there are a third method where you keep pressing all the time, like a motorcycle or car. I do not like this method. I also made some adjustments from the solution you provided making the helicopter more smooth and precise . Many thanks to the two arton Rotaru as Rolig Loon . You helped me solve a huge problem and opened my knowledge to new opportunities .
  14. Rolig Loon, sorry about "nivelate".. dammit.. it was Google orthographic corrector. I was trying to say put the helicopter back at zero position on axis Y. I will check the tips you sent me. And arton Rotaru, I understand your explanation. I will check it right now. It I get some progress, I post here again. I will review de method I am using . Thank you both.
  15. Hello people, I ask the help of anyone who can devote a few minutes to help me see a solution . I 'm developing my own script for helicopters and stopped in this situation . I am applying a smooth motion to lower the nose of the helicopter when we press the key to move forward ( CONTROL_FWD ) and went up the nose of the helicopter again when we press the key to move backward ( CONTROL_BAK ) . To apply this movement , I am using " llSetVehicleVectorParam " parameter where the RATE variable represents the values of inclination . llSetVehicleVectorParam ( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION , < 0 , RATE, 0 > ) ; This is working perfectly when we press the key to move forward (nose lowers ) and keys to move backward (nose rises) . The problem is when we stop pressing the keys , because I am unable to perform the action of leveling . I need that when you release the keys , the object is again flat at < 0,0,0 > . For this, I am applying again this parameter as follows : llSetVehicleVectorParam ( VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION , < 0 , 0, 0 > ) ; However, when you release the keys , this parameter ( nor any other command I put ) do not runs. I've found this post that deals with a similar issue, but was unable to apply the result. In an isolated prism, this post worked, but in my project does not work. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/Problems-returning-rotating-prims-to-center/td-p/2557486/highlight/true Where can I be missing for the command ~level & edge; not work in my script? This is the part of the code I am talking about, Note that is a part of the script. All variables and parameters are already configured in state_entry() and the start of the code. I removed others commands to focus only in the part we are discussing. control(key id, integer level, integer edge) { integer PRESSED = level & ~edge; integer RELEASED = ~level & edge; if(PRESSED & (CONTROL_FWD)) { llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0,RATE,0>); // Down Nose } if(PRESSED & (CONTROL_BACK)) { llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0,-RATE,0>); // Up Nose } if (RELEASED & (CONTROL_FWD) || RELEASED & (CONTROL_BACK)){ llSetVehicleVectorParam(VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION, <0,0,0>); // Should return and nivelate } } Adding: The same procedure, using "VEHICLE_ANGULAR_MOTOR_DIRECTION", is being used to create a slow banking movement with sucess. When I press direcional keys, the helicopter do a bank, to left or right, and returns correctly when I release the keys. So I can figure is not a llSetVehicleVectorParam problem, because it is working in banking process, to left and right, and for down and up the nose. Only do not work in the situation described above, not nivelating the helicopter in axis again. Thank you in advance.
  16. Any information about this issue? We are waitting to continue our creations. How long?
  17. I was travelling for 1 week. But, I changed my password before travel. My account was completely off-line for 1 week, in main grid and beta grid. Well, I arrived and nothing, absolutely nothing. How long?
  18. Uploading mesh? I thought the problem was log in. Are you able to log in beta grid, Zerxes? I tryied right now, after 48h, and nothing.
  19. Any news? We are all with our creations stopped. Thank you.
  20. I think he does not care about this bug. It seems that will not fix soon.
  21. Anyone have any predictions? I'm watching the Jira but do not describe any predictions. I really need - like everyone - access the beta environment with synchronized inventory.
  22. Yes, the problem still there! I did the same 40h ago... and when I tested now... nothing! Zerxes, please, change the title of this topic for anything more clear for other people find and put here their experiences. Something like this: "Problems to login in beta grid after change password". Lets wait for a solution.
  23. I changed my password again, today, 8:20pm (GMT -3). I will wait 24h to see what happens.
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