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Bryce Kidd

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Posts posted by Bryce Kidd

  1. If it's saying you don't hacve an internet connection then it's likely you have downloaded and installed the viewer but can't login.

    Are you at work or school? If so it's likely they are blocking the game (in technical terms they are stopping UDP packets a their firewall. In terms of UDP I would tell you more but it's possible you won't get it, yes, that was a bad networking joke)

  2. THe poseballs are because of a bug in your viewer thinking the item should be culled brought about by the recent changes to interest lists so that larger surfaces are drawn before the balls are or also a bug in your viewer in dealing with HTTP packets timing out, thus getting part of the object (in this case one of the balls)

    You can alter the positions of the poseballs, normally lifting them up or away from a wall will clear it. Short of that you will probably need to switch to a better viewer, like the latest Singularity alpha.

  3. Abaddon Mortmagus wrote:

    "The NVIDIA OpenGL Driver detected a problem with he display driver and is unable to continue, the application must close" then I'd get different Error Codes, such as 3, 4, 7 and 8.

    As the error code is changing and as this is a rare problem in the grand scheme of things then this is very likely to be a fault in chips of the laptop, most likely due to it overheating.

    Dropping your graphics settings, especially draw distance and turning off shadows will lessen the amount of work your graphics chip does and that in turns could increase the time before the "faulty" chip overheats.

    If you have warranty on the PC then this might also be worthwhile chasing up.

  4. Joy joy.

    The nerfing of avatar bounding boxes so once more we sink into the ground (or float) on animations, the end of dynamic and temporary textures in TPVs and the inability to soon be able to fit between two close prims if you are a small avatar.

    This is one I will hate hitting the servers, for the loss of dynamic Z height for animations.


    ((Yes I know you can edit appearance and adjust it there - but that is a client side setting for ONLY you and it's not as easily done inside an animation))

  5. I recently had need to use an old alt. The last time he logged in was 2005.

    The lab don't delete you, ever. Until the day they shut down (or change the TOS to charge a storage fee) your Avatar will be there for you.

  6. You need to have socks5 all the way to IP4 beore the lab, you can't have it flipping to normal IP to you VPS then to LL.

    Why? The IPv6 tunnel part of your network is not tunnelling the UDP packets most likely.

    You could use SSH to chain the tunnelling through both servers and come out of the VPS. That would then proxy.




    Or it's probably better and easier getting your local network fixed so you don't need to do such contortions. Likely just use google's name cache or opendns. (or don't use your work/school/forces network)



  7. Disclaiming: I play as a Kid.

    The Lindens can never make this policy crytal clear as that then gives them zero wriggle room. By keeping it vaugue and unclearly worded they have the freedom to take harsh action if something is borderline. As annoying as this is for adult players, it's the best way.

    One needs to think back to 2007 and what brought this all about. Robin Linden, one of the directors was filmed for German TV looking at the game, there was a close up picture of her looking shocked. At the time the place in question was Camp LaLinda a group that was openly advertising itself as a place for perverts to come have sex with little girls. The rules at that time were too firm. There was no ability for the Lindens to close this abhorrent place.

    There was much stink, kids were banned from SL5B. A notecard was sent out that was very ambiguous and things were quite up in the air.

    It later came out that the German shock-news-show showed Robin some real life child pornography which is abhorent, disgusting and illegal to get the shocked reaction.

    Sky news did the same, they sent an avatar into the game to look for paedophillia, found none, so made her a child and sent her into adult regions to solicit sex.

    A lot of people get offended by the thought of something (not someone, something) that looks like a child even considering sex. They might be shocked to look at Japanese Shota (NSFW: Wikipedia article on children having sex in comics with sexualised clothed pictures) for example.


    We know this. Well the responsible kids, those who own regions, and most certainly the well known ones. We are very sensative to the rules, probbaly overly so, and very very aware of people's sensabilities.

    But despite their ambiguities the guidelines we kids (and I don't speak for all, if in fact any) are clear. We CAN be in an adult region, but not on a sex bed. (I camera shop so there is no mistake, but generally will wear my non-child form out of respect to other people's feelings, I and I think we ALL know some people can't deal with this imagery) We also CAN have sex beds in our houses. It is expected that we wear an adult shape for sex, I and everyone I know does. Why can we, because it is behind closed doors.

    Now for me what is stuck in my mind about what is stuck in my mind about what TristanMercer says, and being an active and responsible part of this society in second life, is there are no well known kid oriented sims with 7 year old owners. AND every single owner I know would be very sure to realise that being on any form of Devpose would be rather stupid in public view, especially with them - the well known Kid - being tied up publically.

    I am sorry to say it, and I am not trying to take this off topic, but there is a huge doubt in my mind as to the veracity of the OPs claim, however, to keep it on topic, a Kid can try on a skin and be naked in an adult region (with parts on display - but I think most of us are decent and sensative enough not to do that but instead look genderless with a skin) We can be in Sensations buying sex objects. We even can buy a skybox with sexual poses installed. Again, I and I think most reasonable Kids would camera shop without leaving the centre area or put on our other avatar. Importantly the "Behind closed doors" policy needs to be taken into account. It would be good for you all to read it.

    I own regions aimed at kids in SecondLife. I am actively in contact with many of well known kids in Second Life none are seven. I am also quite aware of and have secondary links to the other major well known Kids. Again, none are seven. I am very concerned if one of ours has done this as I dislike these witch hunts immensly. The time around SL5B was not pleasant for me and I am sure not pleasant for many Kids. Adults can be closed minded, abusive and down right nasty when they have their hackles up about perceived wrong doings by something that resembles a child.

    I hope, no I pray, the OP reported this to the Lindens to that they can ban the person if fit - the issue can go back to sleep for another few months - and we can all resume having fun in avatars that are not 7' tall.


    I actually expect to be abused for even writing this stuff, but the Lindens do BAN kids engaging in open sex. I know people who have been IP banned. Talk of them never doing anything with valid reports is incorrect, it's more related i think to the reporter being overly sensative, overstating the truth or not providing enough details. I'd love the OP to message me the name of the person tied up so that it can be dealt with internally. I would see it gets to the right people, and to the Lindens.

    99.9% of us are not monsters, and we actually DO care what you think about us and act with as much respect as we can. We try hard to ensure that new people coming in as kids are quicky aware that many people take second life seriously and see us as real children and to have a little respect for you. Unfortunately, as in every community in second life there are a tiny number who are psychos and need removing.

    I really ask that if you genuinely see a Kid having open sex you report it properly and let the Lindens deal with it. They have the logs. We know this for a fact. They know every thing we say, evry animation we played/had played, what we were wearing at the time and do and can absolutely back up the veracity of your AR. But please don't go on a witch hunt.

    By all means use your personal interpretation of the rules as a basis for your an AR. If your interpretation is wrong nothing will happen, you were too sensative. If the wrongdoer is banned, good, it's one less of them for us to watch out for. We can have more fun by not needing to worry about them making us look bad.

    Discussing the finer points of what is meant though is tying the Lindens down to a Gorean bondage device. It doesn't allow them to bend their very own rules to take into account things like Camp Lalinda back in 2007.

    Just report away and move on with your SecondLife knowing you did the right thing in your mind, let the Lindens decide on their own. Thats my advice anyway. Please, no abuse. I don't need it.

    Also please don't think I have any real voice in Kid society, we are a bit like Anonymous in that. It's a large group of people with no real leader but with loosely tied smaller leaders who all partially talk to one another. I am sure some of the people who think they lead will take umbrage at my words, but that's the way it works.

    I do repeat though that most of us are trying hard to deal with these miscreants internally, to think one of the leaders (again I don't know any who are 7) has surprised me, and a few people I know well. We'd like to get to the bottom of it to make sure nobody else gets offended, and I think, no that's too strong. I would hope you could appreciate that.

    I don't want that in my community, I dislike witch hunts. I dislike these threads on the forum. They just cause people who play Adults to get upset and hateful towards people who play Kids.

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