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  1. My Family have spent a lot of money on a Grow Product and it was all defective. We went to the owners and asked for help. They told us that we needed to go through steps and so we did as asked. Then they went through the steps they told us each one as they told us and it still did not work. They then told us to put a notecard in the CSR box and it would be answered with in 24 hours. Two days passed so we put another in notecard in again. 72 hours later we still have not had it fixed. We then put in another notecard and a few hours later we went to the store to talk to them person to person with documentations of each notecard and each conversation. Again we where told that it would be handled tonight. This has become very frustrating since we have waited and waited for help with these issues. I will say some of the issues where fixed but after the second notcard one of the key items needed to make this system work was taken off line till the third notecard, and a converstation with a very nice CSR the only one who really give us any help. Then the helper had to be picked up and re rezzed again to work. We still had about 1200 l worth of items not working and we where told we needed to buy new ones and more food. My main issues is why should we buy more when what we have is not working right. I mean really that makes no since at all. Why not fix the broken stuff that we already paid for. As we where voicing our anger and disapointment at not being helped we where ejected and banned from there shop and also from the group. So we spent 5k plus on stuff that does not work and we cant use now anyhow. How can anyone get away with this. I would like to one see if anyone else has run across this issue with the grow product and can anything be done to get the help we need or to get our lindens back. Thank you. The one answer is something we thought of to so we did a check at another sim and even tried at the Grow Store and the animals still did not work. We have tried and tired to work this out. I guess it is as they say buyer beware. I just hope that other see the issue and look really hard at the product and talk to others before investing as much as we did.
  2. We are having the same issue on our little peice of second life. I hope they fix it soon.
  3. ~kicks my feet up and waits~Thers no place like Second life, thers no place like second life~
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