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Everything posted by MartinaVaslovik

  1. okay it just happened again, two minutes at a sim and I cannot log back in. This is really making SL a terrible hassle and no fun at all!!!!
  2. Well I'm sure some of it has to do with how busy the sim is. My computer is a brand new Mac Mini core i5 running Mountain Lion and has 16 gb of RAM. It has a 500gb startup disk and 12tb of external disk. The startup disk has 433.06 gb free. The graphics card is integrated and uses system memory. Just now I was logged off with the message that my account would not be available until 7:35 AM Pacific time. Bummer. That's not something on my end at all. Internet connection is fine with no issues going on at all. I checked.
  3. Over the last week or so I've not been able to go to certain sims without crashing all the time, London City being the worst, and certain beaches being pretty bad too. I'll be chatting with someone after having just gotten back in, and again, gray screen and crashola. This is making SL a real hassle to deal with, and really putting a big damper on it. This always seems to happen while I'm chatting with a friend, and we get cut off repeatedly by it. I'd like to understand what's making this happen. Is this a server problem? Is it because the sim is too full of people? I can't be in London City any more for more than ten minutes before getting the gray screen and crashing, then I have to log back in, go to my house and then back to London City, because it won't let me go to my last location directly. This is really making SL hard to use and not much fun at all. Does anyone know why this is happening? It used to be I could sitting at a table in London City as long as I wanted without this happening, but now I can't be there ten minutes without crashing. I've tried increading my cache to 3072 mb but it still happens. Is there anything at all I can do on my end?
  4. Well I'm either just not very good at it, and there are tricks to it I don't know, but I find I have a pretty hard time finding anything I want in Marketplace. I search on something like dresses, and I get all kinds of hair instead, and lots of other irrelevant stuff. Marketplace doesn't allow you to search with qualifiers or exclusions, so you get all gobs of stuff you aren't looking for. I use the categories, but it doesn't help at all, and I try every search term I can think of, but I still get tons of stuff that has nothing to do with what I'm looking for. Why does it have to be so hard? Why can't they do a better job of their search function?
  5. Well that's a possibility, I use the BasicallyGirl AO, and that might well have something to do with it. Thanks, I'll try detaching that and see if it improves things.
  6. I bought a SuperCobra helicopter from NEXGEN, who does not respond to email or support it at all, and all was well until a couple days ago, when I'd get into my chopper and in mouselook now I'm so far down in the seat I can't see anything out the windows, and all I can see is the instrument panel and the sides of the cockpit, which makes it useless for guns and missiles. I can't use my chopper at all like this. I unpacked it from the crate again, did a clean rez, and it's still the same problem. I've gone through the instructions exhaustively, and in trying to find a fix I discover the chopper does not respond to any commands in local chat as it did when I first got it. So what might the problem be? Might it be something in my preferences messing me up? I'm really at a loss here and I would really like to be able to use my chopper. Any help much appreciated. m.
  7. Well no, I was using Gmail to start with, but switced it to the email I have with my ISP. That could be the problem though, I guess I'll just switch back to Gmail, since it worked before.
  8. I changed my email address for notifications, and have not gotten a single one since. I triple checked to make sure that my email address was right in my settings, but still nothing comes to my email at all, and I want to get those notifications. It cannot be spam filtering, I check everything before I delete it, so what might be going on?
  9. I cannot log in, I get a message, "Login failed, could not connect to a simulator." No matter how many times i try I cannot get back in to SL, and I'm freaking out here. When I tried with Firestorm it failed three times, and then when I tried again it said in the viewer that Phoenixviewer.com not found. How can that be? What could possibly have happened? Could I have been given some kind of malware somehow? There were some region restarts going on, saw the notices for that, but i got out of the region I was in and went to my house, but then I was logged off, and just could not get back in again. I can't imagine that I've been locked out of SL for some reason, I don't grief anyone. Has anyone else had this happen before? What might be the reason for it?
  10. Okay, I got my house today, a pretty Japanese style house which I set about furnishing with Japanese decor, and when I wanted to put my avatar to bed, this bed I got was a sex bed, that I could not do anything at all with, because the HUD didn't work for some reason, and I could not even sit on it, I ended up sitting up in the air over it. I got so frustrated with it I just returned it, and I don't know if I get my money back or not, but I'm glad that monster is gone! Then I went and bought another bed, and it was the very same deal! Another sex bed! I DON'T WANT A SEX BED!!!!! I'd also like a bed I can sit on without falling through it! This is just ridiculous! I just want a bed I can put my avi to bed in, and have her be there in the morning. One that has covers that I can pull up would be great. What is it about SL that everything has to be about sex? I'm really really getting sick of that!!!! So does anyone know where I can get a Japanese style bed that's NOT A SEX BED?
  11. Just my .02, DON'T BE SHY. Look around, hang out in places, London City for example, and talk to people. Take the initiative if someone seems interesting to you, don't just sit there waiting for someone to IM you. The worst that can happen is they will block you, or grief you, heaven forbid, but then you can block them and move on, but by all means, just take the initiative and say hi to others. Many times nothing comes of it, but often enough you meet someone quite wonderful. I know I have, and I've been a loner most of my life, until I got into SL. Since I've lived where I am in RL, over two years, I've not had the social life and the friends I've made in just a week in SL! Give it a try, you have nothing to lose! No one can really hurt you in SL, unless you let them, and how lame is that?
  12. I just bought an AH-1 Supercobra, which I'm really enjoying, but for the HUD being partially hidden by the buttons at the bottom of my viewer screen. The HUD is no-modify, so I can't even move it above those buttons. So, the only other thing I can think of is get rid of those buttons that cover up the bottom row of buttons on my HUD. I'm quite new to SL, so I don't know these kinds of things yet, but I'm really wanting to either move those buttons or get rid of them. How would I do that?
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