he griefed me first and i use a combat hud to protect myself you all are bullcrap. HE GOT NO PUNISHMENT It's kinda hard when you get banned so fast you can't file one. Haha the LL way is that like sucking each other off and Doing 1 thing for once. lol i wanted to work for LL but ill work somewhere else.I seee its gay and they all have foreign objects stuck up there but. No wonder people start rebellion.Even a **bleep**ing linden turned on his own.Man these groups consist of PN NIGHTMARE DENCH, ETC i guess they really do have a reason Sure Justice will never be served. **bleep** it ill just wait the bann out. And for lindal kidd tou know damn well i accidentally rezzed a bad thing that some one gave me and it took me 55mins to find all and delete