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Orito Wonder

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Everything posted by Orito Wonder

  1. Was sitting here looking into your question - but during my testing, I realized that SL automatically renames items so you can't have multiples of the same. Example... I tossed 3 items into an object - all named "Object". SL renamed them to Object, Object 1, Object 2... Can't rename them back to Object either.
  2. This was successful. Thank you very much. Also, for revochen - it was there because it was easier to type instead of adding debug say lines.
  3. Hello, and thanks for responding. I did indeed touch the object before trying to pay. I also changed the part of code you referenced, and it's still not
  4. Thanks for replying again. The second script has the pay option working - but it's displaying wrong values. It's showing 1,5,10, and 20 - instead of 25,50,75,100. It is just a single box prim at this point.
  5. Thank you for the reply. The code now looks like this... string payTemp;default{ state_entry() { llResetScript(); llSetClickAction(CLICK_ACTION_TOUCH); llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE,[]); payTemp = "25|50|75|100"; } touch(integer num_detected) { llSetPayPrice(PAY_DEFAULT,llParseString2List(payTemp,["|"],[","])); } money(key giver, integer amount) { }} However, the problem persists. Thanks again.
  6. Hello, Below I am showing a segment of code that I am having an issue with. The issue is when I right click it to pay, it doesn't show anything. The code may seem a bit redundant, but that's only because it's a piece I'm messing with. string payTemp; default { state_entry() { llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE,[]); payTemp = "25|50|75|100"; } touch(integer num_detected) { llSetPayPrice(PAY_DEFAULT,llParseString2List(payTemp,["|"],[])); } } Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  7. Hello, Below I am showing a segment of code that I am having an issue with. The issue is when I right click it to pay, it doesn't show anything. The code may seem a bit redundant, but that's only because it's a piece I'm messing with. string payTemp; default { state_entry() { llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE,[]); payTemp = "25|50|75|100"; } touch(integer num_detected) { llSetPayPrice(PAY_DEFAULT,llParseString2List(payTemp,["|"],[])); } } Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  8. Just wanted to pop in here and add that if you're trying to learn LSL with this method - I'd advise against it. I figured I'd download it real fast to take a look - but taking if touched say hello outputs almost 200 lines of code, when it should be ~7 lines.
  9. Because there are a ton of users who would desire an RP HUD, and that's what it is. In fact, it encourages flight, but only if you have the dust to do so. I also cannot force someone out of flight, but then I continued to watch some of the movies that were inspiring me, and even when they run out of dust, they can still move their wings, and hover at best - so it really became a mute point. Edit: I mean - if you really want to prevent flight without RLV you could simply force an object to rez, have the agent sit on it, then stand up and derez the object, but that would require permissions from the agent.
  10. @Rolig Loon Nope, in fact - it has almost no affect on my scripts ability to prevent flight. Edit: The wiki includes the gravity pull, and most scripts reverse pull for flight assists, I just raised my number above them all. @Alicia Sautereau It affects them the same way it would on the ground. As you said "standing" - the script would not affect them at all. The script detects FLIGHT. Heck, it doesn't even affect them if they merely jump. So to answer your question - they would not be caged. Also not sure what leaving a parcels boundary would have to do with the script, either. I mean, it doesn't affect the parcel *at all*, nor does it affect anyone around the user *at all*, and the user knows full well what they're wearing. I feel safe posting the project now as I am now seeking alpha 0.5 testers. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Faerie-Alpha-HUD-Notecard/4610700
  11. Lol @ Nova I ended up making a reverse flight assist that basically forces them to the ground, even with a flight ignore. Works pretty well. Putting my product into alpha stages now. This is /thread.
  12. I just had a thought - is it possible to do the opposite of a flight assist? Maybe not stop flight, but make it impossible to gain height?
  13. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. I see your name often when I search for script information, so I'll take it as the end all be all - but still rather disappointed. Guess I'll check for RLV, and detach if it's not enabled.
  14. Unfortunately, this script is assuming the owner does not have land permissions, and must remain that way. Thanks for the thought though. Edit: I just find it hard to believe that there is a way to detect flight with llGetAgentInfo, then not stop it - like you can with Mouselook and cam controls and such.
  15. Hey there. Looks like "name" is not defined from that snippet. You're defining "primName", but not "name".
  16. Hey there. So I know of an RLV code to prevent flight... llOwnerSay("@fly=n"); ... but I'm writing a script for a group of people that would be rather... inappropriate to have RLV enabled. I won't go into details, but I have the ability to request permissions, which is not a problem - but I'm not sure how to stop flight immediately. I thought about teleporting with permissions - but the problem with that is simply that most viewers anymore "fly on teleport". Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I'd be appreciative. Ori
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