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Posts posted by Christin73

  1. To me a game is something that has a begaining, verious levels in between with goals, and an end in wich you win the game. So to me, because it doesnt have any sort of goals, it is not a game. To me SL is more of a 3D chat room that you can do anything you want to with. Now that doesn't mean there isn't games inside of sl, like greedy, and even interactive video games.

  2. Texturing is fairly easy once you uploaded your photos. Like the previous poster said it does take 10L per photo you upload. But, once it is uploaded it is there for you to use for anything in your texture folder. Once you have uploaded the photo then you can create a prim and that is easy. First go to "build" then click "select build tool". Once in that click the box then click on the ground next to you and a box sould apear. Once the box has apeared then right click the box and click "Edit". To place your photo on the prim go to "textures" in the edit windo. Then you can drag and drop the texture into that. As for selling your photos, marketplace is free to have a store and easy to set up and add to.

  3. What the origional poster doesn't  realise is like everyone has said, if you been around SL long enough you would know this is actualy better now then it was 3 or 4 years ago. It's certainly less laggy then it was back then. And alot of other improvements have been made. I often joke around when SL is messed up that they know we are adicted lol. I guess that person wasn't that adicted lol.

  4. I have one alt and one alt only. The primary reason for my alt is as backup incase something happens to my main account. Most things I have for my alt are freebies and or things I baught her from my main account. That said, she is hardly used but there for back up. Although, she does rp diffrent from my main account when she is on. People have alts for as manty reasons as there are alts. Nothing wrong with having an alt or 2 or 3 lol.

  5. Ouch sorry to hear your out 1500L. It's an expensive leason. Unfortuntly not much can be done. I see copied things on mp all the time. Perticurly older freebies that people have for sale for 50 or 100L. I stay away from those. Often times if you do a search for something you may find the same item diffrent prices diffrent venders. Thats where you have to look carefully and shop smart.

  6. The most common jobs in sl that pay L$ are club related. Stripping is the most common. Unfortunantly with most stripping jobs comes drama. Escorts are basicly glorified prostatutes. And DJ is good if you know what your doing and willing to pay for stream it can be pretty proffitable. The only other job left would be Host. Hosts make decent money and have fun doing it. Most clubs though don't hire unless your over a certain number of days old. As a newbie for you I would suggest trying to enter club contests. Thats a great way to get to be known in a club. And lastly there is no such thing as a dumb question just dumb responses lol.

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