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Celina Nagy

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  1. How to report it? Submit a ticket has only 1 category, account issue The 2 buttons at end Both say Save as (spanish and english) While the first should say Guardar and he other Guardar como...
  2. Without enter in politics, and as Im not so social, quarantine was the best than happened I say, I was not annoying by it, even I found it quite good as I had no visits, as also I have computer and SL, The Sims 4, etc
  3. I taken a landmark at a Welcome area, exactly at Bonifacio, but yesterday that same landmark sent me to other welcome area quite near looking but at other continent with sim name Hanja
  4. As than game of Maxis is quite played, why not use their camera settings? I mean, center button to tilt camera
  5. Hey, you saw all 3 photos? I was flying, and all them I think are at same z see all 3 please
  6. I also see crosses at this image I see all people more up than me (Im at z=995) pass 1020 I see green crosses ">http://imageshack.us/a/img33/9214/cross3r.jpg[/img]
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