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Everything posted by Gayngel

  1. Some of my vendor boards have styling notecards I'd like to pop up, the easiest way being to set the board to open at touch. How do I script the counter to add when opening? integer gCount;default{ touch_start(integer num) { llSetClickAction(CLICK_ACTION_OPEN); llSetObjectDesc((string)(++gCount)); }}
  2. Oooooh I see how it works now. Thank you!
  3. Yeah no development = an obvious sign of a shut down. @Drake this article makes it clear. Here is a thread on the official forum of specualtions: http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?p=2975494#post2975494
  4. Talon yes I know many DJs who are concerned about this because if SHOUTcast shuts down third party severs will not be listed or made public and therefore no one will be able to hear your music!
  5. Could someone please explain how and the Limit Sell works? Why would anyone would buy L$240 from me at a L$1=$1 ratio spending US240 when they could just buy a Market Buy at a $1 = L$240 ratio spending only U$1?
  6. Well the concern for SL residents of Winamp shuttering is they will now have to train new DJs how to use Icecast. Existing downloaded Winamp and DNAS would eventually become outdated while new downloads are not possible. But then this appeared: http://www.slashgear.com/microsoft-tipped-for-winamp-and-shoutcast-acquisitions-from-aol-21306438/ Hold thumbs.
  7. Thanks Rollig for the code. Will it work if the UUID is not llGetOWner? I.E. UUID is a vendor renting a shop on my land?
  8. Um... no. Shoutcast and Winamp are products of the parent company Nullsoft which is shutting down and discontinuing ALL ITS WEB SERVICES. SHOUTcast DNAS server and SHOUTcast DSP / Transcoder which are client-side protocols are used by DJs to broadcast over the internet via web hosting services. Independant web hosts which provide the bandwith can not provide SHOUTcast hosting if the protocols are discontinued. Since AOL has bought Nullsoft and has begun shut down of servers it seems like SHOUTcast is going to be nixed.... This means new and old DJs will not be able to make use of SHOUTcast services as a means to broadcast and the majority of DJs I know in SL use SHOUTcast...
  9. http://techcrunch.com/2013/11/20/after-15-years-of-whipping-the-llamas-ass-winamp-shuts-down/?ncid=f... Winamp is to shut down on the 20th of December. How is this going to effect Shoutcast Djs in Second Life? I'm assuming all will need to migrate to Icecast or similar media servers while Shoutcast make plans but the majority of SL vendors sell Shoutcast hosting and media boards. Will SL create its own solution?
  10. Yes but I'd like what people are allowed to rez in shop parcels. I want them to only be able to rez what they buy from the shops.
  11. Try the one from OpenCollar. Left click to open menu or use your prefix. You can set the appearance in the Appearance menu and switch off Public Access in the Owners menu so no one but you can access it. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Septum-Ring/4826164
  12. In a no building region is there a way to script a floor prim to allow rezzing of objects created by approved creators? It would be useful to allow rezzing of boxed objects bought by vendors on sim. Something like llGetCreator, if llGetCreator creator = "ApprovedCreatorName" allow to rez?
  13. Now I'd also like to know who clicked on the vendor. Following code gives a call function mismatch: default{ touch_start(integer num_detected) { key avatarKey = llDetectedKey(0); string avatarName = llDetectedName(0); llOwnerSay(avatarKey, avatarName + "bought the vendorname."); }}
  14. That's ok. I only wanted it private because I was concerned the floating numbers might confuse people. Thanks so much Rolig!:matte-motes-smitten: Final code is : integer gCount;default{ touch_start(integer num) { llSetObjectDesc((string)(++gCount)); }}
  15. integer gCount;default{ state_entry() { llSetObjectDesc((string)(++gCount)); }} Like that?
  16. Thanks.:matte-motes-bashful-cute-2: What's the code to put in the vendor description?
  17. integer gCount; default { touch_start(integer num) { llSetText((string)(++gCount),<1.0,1.0,1.0>,1.0); } } Using the above code as a click counter on vendor boards. I would like the floating text to be private so only I can see it. I llOwnerSay will notify me in Nearby Chat of a click but would rather it be floating text. How can I make the floating text private?
  18. Syntax correct now but script isn't working. :matte-motes-frown:
  19. Syntax error on : llOwnerSay("@accepttp:"+uuid+"=add"); Dave said there is a string missing. What should the correct syntax be?
  20. I want to create a forcefield collision prim to place on the teleport landing that will push avatars a little way off the landing so they don't just stand where everyone arrives. I'm not sure what collision function to use...?
  21. I am creating a human chess set. To make it easier for recognition and overhead camera view each avatar will wear a 2D chess piece that lays flat on the board. I have attached the piece to my avatar's centre so it remains stationary but when I rotate my avatar it does too. (I'm assuming this has something to do with attachment rigging) 1. Is there a way to script it to negate my avi's rotation and remain completely stationary? 2. Depending on board orientation, how would I script a touch menu to rotate the piece at 90 degree angles (or NSEW)?
  22. I am creating a human chess set. To make it easier for recognition and overhead camera view each avatar will wear a 2D chess piece that lays flat on the board. I have attached the piece to my avatar's centre so it remains stationary but when I rotate my avatar it does too. (I'm assuming this has something to do with attachment rigging) 1. Is there a way to script it to negate my avi's rotation and remain completely stationary? 2. Depending on board orientation, how would I script a touch menu to rotate the piece at 90 degree angles (or NSEW)?
  23. I am creating a new resident tutorial kit containing notecards for new users to read through. I would like to link them to video tutorials for Avatar Customization, etc. When I click a script (like the one below) in a notecard it wants to copy the script to inventory rather than run the script. How do I get the script to run instead of copy? default { touch_start(integer num_detected) { key id = llDetectedKey(0); { string info = "Visit the Second Life website!"; // must start with either "http://..." or "https://..." string url = "http://www.secondlife.com"; llLoadURL(id, info, url); } } }
  24. Hi all, I bought a modifiable tip jar and would like to script it so that : 1. It has a minimum payment but is open for users to pay what they choose above the minimum. 2. Be able to distribute a percentage of the spoils to myself and a partner. I tried to follow the wiki for Tipjar Spoils notecard but I keep getting a syntax error and the rest of the code is complex. The script that came with the jar which I modified is below. Note I used PAY_HIDE until I can set a default minimum. integer totaldonated; string owner; default { on_rez( integer sparam ) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { owner = llKey2Name( llGetOwner() ); llSetText( owner + "'s Tip Jar.\n Minimum of L$100 payable.\n$L0 Donated so far",<.25,1,.65>,1); llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [100,150,200,250]); } money(key id, integer amount) { totaldonated += amount; llSetText( owner + "'s Tip Jar.\nMinimum of L$100 payable!\n$L" + (string)amount + " Was donated last!\n" + "$L" + (string)totaldonated + " Donated so far",<.25,1,.65>,1); llInstantMessage(id,"Thank You So Much."); llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),(string)llKey2Name(id)+" donated $" + (string)amount); } } Appreciate the help.
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