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Posts posted by bebejee

  1. Just now, moirakathleen said:

    I only tried 2 games a long time ago, and quit each one after about 10 minutes.  I tried them not really for earning lindens (I already had a budget for buying a certain amount of linden each month) but to try out something I hadn't done yet, to see sims I might not otherwise find, and to potentially meet people.  I didn't enjoy either one, and didn't need to do them for lindens, so I just crossed these types of games off the list of things to try in SL.   

    i certainly would not want to play any game that was going to announce my linden balance in public chat, and I'm wary of games where you have to register at a 3rd party web site. 

    I know of only one that has registration and that too only if you want to check specific weekly bonus points result if you are participating in it, otherwise it too is registration free.

  2. 16 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

    The best beach for me in beauty and realism, is The Dreamer's Island. http://world.secondlife.com/place/270fad7c-0519-d122-e69c-abcbe2b2aac0

    There are at least one surf board rezzer, and also a windsurfer rezzer. This is really fun. I don't see waves made for surfing often in sl.

    Edited to add: It is a nude beach, but I would say it is a 50/50 mix of dressed and undressed.


    the dreamer.png


    Lovely beach, it was full and wouldn't let me in, seems to be limited to 10 avatars or so, very few people so I was surprised it didn't allow me in, the best part is actual tropical sea that stays turquoise even underwater , usually tropical seas turn into Linden waters as soon as you dive into it

    • Like 1
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  3. 5 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

    Translation...."I don't like their brand of fun, so that makes them perverts. I don't like watching where I walk either, nor should I be held responsible for watching where I walk. I just want people to continue to pay for land, set it up the way *I* want it, and host these games, while I pay nothing and earn free linden from them."

    Yeah, you're a peach darlin....a real peach 




    guilty conscience trying to justify stuff.thats wrong.

    As for your earlier post stating sex sims h ave always hosted fish hunt, well the four years I've been on SL and played it not once was it in a sex sim prior to last December.

    LL needs to take note of this, there are RL kids .playign this game forget weirdo adults in kid avatars. sims with cam sex, voice sex hosting it

  4. Just now, Tari Landar said:

    Nope, that's not how it works. You have to *select for it to TP you there(whether you use the HUD or the website, in either case, you have to select it in local or on the website to even get the TP option). If you don't bother looking at what you're clicking, you've only yourself to blame, lol.

    At least folks that own lands that host this particular batch of FREE-for-you-to-play-and-earn lindens--but-not-free-for-us-to-host-games can get a chuckle out of this..and probably add a name to the ban lists ;) 



    No I'm not to blame, I'm not expecting ***** Ville to be hosting games intended for people seeking innocent fun.

  5. 1 minute ago, Tari Landar said:

    And I can comment on the topic. Posting in a public forum isn't always the best choice if you only want to hear from people that agree with you.

    Though, I know it's your go to modus operandi....it doesn't exactly lend much credit to you :) 


    I dont care what you and others think 

    Topic was almost poll like not a statement nor demand but some Bs & Bs turned it into something else.

  6. 1 hour ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

    Only people over 18 can access adults sim, and, there are no "general" avatars.

    You intolerance for people that don't share your opinion and world-view becomes clearer with every post you make.




    LOL! there are RL kids on h ere in adult avs, met a few..

    general means general populace, those not seeking perversion but being lured into it by games set up in sex sims.


  7. 1 hour ago, Tari Landar said:

    That's a lie and a half, even adult places have hosted the fish hunt..FOR YEARS, since it's inception, actually ;) 

    You seem to be having some serious issues avoiding places you don't want to see. You *choose* the locations you tp to, it doesn't do it for you. Don't like adult sims..don't go to them. It really is that simple, I promise it won't hurt a bit to avoid those sims ;)

    Again....go forth and create your own flavor..and stop bitching about what others like or don't like. You're not paying for their land, lol. 

    Loads of thing aren't my cup of tea, but you know what....just because someone likes earl grey, and I'm more of a "throw them all in, let's see what happens" sort of gal, doesn't make them, or me for that matter..wrong. 



    I can air my views so mind your own business.

  8. Just now, BilliJo Aldrin said:

    So anyone running a sex establishment is a pervert? First you wanted to ban non premium members from having sex, it seems now you'd like to ban sex establishment operators from offering anything non-sexual to their visitors.

    You really can't stand individual freedom can you?

    No wonder you hate Second Life.



    Yes they are, they can run their ***** holes all tey want but eneral audience should not be able to access them.


    I hate SL? are you frikkin  psychic?

  9. 6 hours ago, Anja Medier said:

    Well, as it does not matter what you think about if nudism or sex should be under the status of premium, the reality is that ... that is something SL will not do for you just because is a simple opinion or a suggestion. If you think that nudism, sex, adult sims should be only for premium members, then unfortunately for you, those thoughts will remain only in your mind, because it will not become a Fact.

    Now, there is a better option. It is fast, effective, and you will no longer have to see anyone naked or see a world of sex.

    Why do not you delete your SL account?
    :ph34r: If you think about it, I do not think there is anyone who misses you, and less here in the forum.

    Go ahead, delete your account. Free yourself from so much nudity, from so much sex lol 


    Sex on SL doesn't bother me, as long as pervs running those places don't try to merge the sexual with non-sexual, as some are now trying with free linden games at their sims.

  10. 25 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

    Nope, and while it does exist in other virtual worlds, it's not the most popular aspect. In fact, a lot of folks hate it, and that's part of why they ventured away from there, to come here....even if they remain in both worlds

    It would be an extremely idiotic move on LL's part(though they wouldn't do it anyway) and would cut into their bottom line-which is THE most important aspect to LL(of course, it's a business). It might make *some* people switch to premium, but it's not enough incentive for most. Folks could easily go wherever they want, IM whatever they want. Some of us aren't the " strip naked, hop on a poseball and hump like rabbits" sort when it comes to sex in a virtual world. Some of us are capable of roleplaying the entire thing out, fully clothed, hell not even on the same sim ;) 

    LL can't control people's imaginations


    Non-paying people do imaginary stuff in RLC too. no wrong in that.

    And if you're not a sex bunny why are you finding offense is something decent?


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