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Prim Composer

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Everything posted by Prim Composer

  1. Well Firestorm still allows you to "Give Card" from the pie menu, about a layer down.....
  2. Tex Monday: "After you unfriend someone and you don't wish her or him still being able to track you and you see online, then do remove the former friend in de calling cards as well." ---- This doesn't seem to work. I tested this with an ALT and it seems so long as the other person has your calling card, they can see if you are online regardless if you kept their card or not after you unfriended them. If they friend you then unfriend you, their calling card no longer shows your online status. But the calling card you have for them still shows you theirs. What I can't figure out is why LL crippled Firestorm's ability to see people's online status even if they've made themselves invisible out of "privacy concerns", yet it continures to force you to hand over a calling card, the ultimate stalking tool, when you friend somebody then doesn't have a mechanism which enables you to take it back should that person become hostile. Perhaps the creators of Firestorm might put a change in their viewer which allows you to friend somebody without auto-sending your card to them. I think it's about time to do away with calling cards, they are archaic and serve no real purpose.
  3. Is there a reason? I can give you at least 4 and there are probably many more. As a builder you need to know how many components and of what kind go into a build so you can take steps to lower land impact as you're building. Again, as a builder, knowing how many components in a build can help you learn how to build more impact friendly builds simply through trial and error. but experiments in that direction are useless unless you know what you're dealing with and knowing your starting numbers vs your impact numbers helps you learn. As a land owner you might want to know how many so that you can know how many land prims you are losing or gaining compared to how many actual prims are in the build. As a customer with a modifyable product you may want to know so you can judge what happens to land impact when you modify the build.
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