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Sibyllina Luna

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Everything posted by Sibyllina Luna

  1. That message got me pretty angry. Really. Since the fix of the problem IS actually provided here. Unfortunately, it isn't accurate enough and I had to search for a whole hour before to understand what was described... So... About this "autohide main chatbar"... This is the famous "local chat window" the others were speaking about, and the "stand" button is, indeed, stupidly linked to it. So, to make the stand button come back, you have to follow the 3 first steps until the tiny redundant chat window comes back (no idea why people call it "main chatbar" as it's clearly less readable that the group/chat windows). Then, when this tiny redundant local chat window popped up, click on it as if you wanted to resize the box where one has to enter the text. Aaaaaand this stupid stand button will show up suddenly when the area will be wide enough. After this, you can auto-hide that annoying area again. The stand button will remain... But yeah, all the fix was provided while reading the different answers. But they were somewhat misleading.
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