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Posts posted by joniveehernandez

  1. A good example of exeeding bytes it can send 100+ avatars in 1 email lets say 63 max characters per avatar name multiplied to 100+ that will exceeds to limitation right, well I'm not saying all avatar name is using all the 63 characters but we need to intimidate that: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/VirtualWorx-Visitor-Manager-Sphere-Visitor-Counter-greeter-tracker-group-inviter-e-mail-stats/1233214?id=1233214&slug=VirtualWorx-Visitor-Manager-Sphere-Visitor-Counter-greeter-tracker-group-inviter-e-mail-stats

  2. Hi Guys, I need to send email everyday which content is almost 6300+ characters but the size limit of the llEmail is only 4096 bytes. I don't want to partial the content into multiple emails just to accomodate 4096 bytes because I need it to send it into 1 email. Thanks

  3. Not sure if this question is connected to previous post: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/Display-Image-From-The-Web-As-Texture/td-p/2371583

    But I'm separating it as a new topic.

    Does it necessary to put the image into an html tag just make it Auto Scale and fit to the prim size when using prim media.

    Because this time I'm not displaying a web page url, instead the url image example:


  4. Hi Guys, A little confused with the llPushObject function, how can I properly push the avatar backward on his position?, not sure also if the force depends how big the object, how fast the avatar is moving that will collide to the object.

  5. Yes probably, I need to double check some other functions I used to make sure, because I followed Darkie's suggestion and I noticed everything is triggered the timer and the http request, everything works fine when I'm online, but when I'm offline the response in HTTP request is a failure in execution of PHP because all my get parameter must not be empty, possible problem when I'm offline some of the URL parameter values are empty maybe something depends on me that I must be online.

  6. I will follow your suggestions to test those events. I suspect another things if does conflict with another script with a timer event running on the same object that one works properly. and another thing lots of objects are already deployed and using it that I'm thinking that it does do conflict also. This are some possible scenarios I was suspecting.

  7. Lets say the script is simple as like this:

    key request_id;


            request_id = llHTTPRequest("http://www.example.com/example.php?data=example", [], "");

        http_response(key id, integer status, list metadata, string body)
            if(id == request_id)
                request_id = NULL_KEY;
                if(status != 200)
                    // do something here

  8. Hi Guys, just a weird thing that my HTTP request doesn't send data to database server, but I noticed some scenario when the HTTP request doesn't work. I don't know if my theory is right.

    - I send data to the database server every 1 hour using llSetTimerEvent I noticed this morning I check my data on the database server my latest data is 6PM around 6:30PM I Signout, Supposed to be I will get the latest data in the next 1 hour, but unfortunately the database didn't received any data from the object. When I Signin in SL this morning around 10:30AM the object suddenly send data around 11:06. I don't know if the llSetTimerEvent gets stop when I'm not login or there are no avatars around or the HTTP request don't work when I'm not login. Just weird. Any idea of the problem? because my script is just straight forword script that sends data. Thanks

  9. Hi Guys, just a weird thing that my HTTP request doesn't send data to database server, but I noticed some scenario when the HTTP request doesn't work. I don't know if my theory is right.

    - I send data to the database server every 1 hour using llSetTimerEvent I noticed this morning I check my data on the database server my latest data is 6PM around 6:30PM I Signout, Supposed to be I will get the latest data in the next 1 hour, but unfortunately the database didn't received any data from the object. When I Signin in SL this morning around 10:30AM the object suddenly send data around 11:06. I don't know if the llSetTimerEvent gets stop when I'm not login or there are no avatars around or the HTTP request don't work when I'm not login. Just weird. Any idea of the problem? because my script is just straight forword script that sends data. Thanks

  10. Guys I Saw My Neighbor Breeding A Cat In His Land And Noticed The Movement And Articulation Of That Cat. I Wonder What's The Best Head Start To Learn In Creating Something Like That?


  11. Yes Innula you got a point there and I never been seen nor encountered a griefer invasion LOL!, Since I've been assign to develop a security orb, I want to create something that out of the box or I'm not saying the very best but instead a better reliable orb. Since I'm using 2 options in my project llEjectFromLand and llTeleportAgentHome, for the teleport home I applied my come up method which is creating multiple helpers scripts. So far it works tested in few avatars at the same time but never been tested to TP 100 avatars at the same time.

    Just intimidating things and possible scenarios and situation that might occur. :)

  12. Just thinking of the possible situation if I apply it to a security orb. Not sure about the architecture of the other security orbs how they handle the teleport home if they queue 20 banned avatars that will take a lot of time for the next batch of scanning.

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