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Posts posted by LepreKhaun

  1. Gakkor wrote:


    Problem: It appears that SL imports for animations only seem to work when importing animations for Avatars.

    Question: Am I correct in thinking this?


    Yes, you're correct. The .bvh file is only used to position armatures and SL only supports rigged mesh armatures for avatars at this time (somewhere down the pipeline they may plan otherwise, but it won't be anytime soon).


    Future: I want to find a way to force Second Life to move mesh models as though they were made of rubber instead. I don't want to link a bunch of prims together to simulate movement. This results in choppy objects and ugly "creatures" developed by other people. Objects with fine joints look horrible as they are animated due to the lack of stretching on the joints. Is anyone else working on a way around this, or have I lacked on my research?

    I don't believe there's a work around for this other than the usual "now you see it, now you don't" texture hack and prim puppet scripts. Sorry, that's just the limitation of SL currently. But if you did find such, many of us would be delighted to know!



    [Thinking out loud here: One can make and rig almost any sort of avatar as long as one is using the default SL skeleton and a robot can be progrmmed to react in many different ways. hmmm....]

  2. Chic Aeon wrote:

    OK. I really just gotta ask.


    There was a group message just now about people letting the coordinators know if they were putting down any mesh walkways for an event so that the sim could be rebaked right after that and so that people could "walk on them".

    Now I did contact the person posting that group message but she was just passing along info from the "sim expert". Sooooo -- anyone know what this is all about?  I am an EM but don't go there often and have NO idea what sim baking is and how that would affect mesh walkways.

    Any enlightenment from all you oh so SMART folks would be appreciated. Thanks.

    May not have anything to do with pathfinding.


    Setting a mesh walkway would likely result in some terraforming so avatars could walk onto it. The phrase "sim could be rebaked" may refer to terrain baking, which would make sense in that it would ensure no one would lose their slope up to the walkway in case of reset.

  3. Group owned land is the group's responsibility, which is met by the members donating tier to the group. If you specifically deed land to a group with "owner makes contribution" checked, then the group will then own the land but you, personally, will be responsible for the tier payments for it.


    However, if that land is sold, either by an officer or the owner of the group, then the proceeds of the sale is split equally among those that are designated to receive group dividends (which may not include you!). Plus, you would still be responsible for your tier donation payments to Linden Labs until you went to your account to stop them or left the group.


    Bottom line is, be careful of land involving groups, there are ways for the unwary to swindled. If you're not completely sure of a transaction and all of the people involved, avoid involvement.

    • Like 2
  4. This isn't an LSL problem as much as a building problem, but one that has a solution nevertheless.


    The problem is, as you stated- the avatar falls through the floor after making the sim crossing. This is because, on the hand off between the sims, it takes a moment for the viewer to "find" the prims on the other side of the boundary. The work around for this (used by the Lindens btw for their large, multi-sim special event gatherings) is to extend prims from both sides into each others' space.


    To do this, each sim should have a root prim completely within its sim that is linked to the "extension" prim, which would be your walkway. This extension should then project 10-20 meters into the other sim and overlap the corresponding extension from the other side. To avoid z-fighting of textures, one extension should be positioned a little lower than the other OR you could do half-transparent textures on both, with the visible halves abutting each other.


    Note that this works most of the time but, as with any sim crossing in SL, sometimes it just won't and the avatar will wander off into the sunset or go head over heels across the next 5 sims. Also, there are times when adjacent sims are blind to each other and one can't even walk on land from one to the next. But when it does work, it is completely transparent to the user other than a slight rubberbanding effect.


    [ETA: Must learn to type faster! lol]

  5. Though what you say is true as it applies to SL, the OP is speaking of OpenSim, where sculpties can have their physical shape match their visual if:

    [ODEPhysicsSettings]   ;# {mesh_sculpted_prim} {[startup]physics:OpenDynamicsEngine} {Mesh sculpties so they      collide as they look?} {true false} true   ;; Do we want to mesh sculpted prim to collide like they look?   ;; If you are seeing sculpt texture decode problems   ;; (messages such as "Decoded image with unhandled number of components: 0 shortly followed by a physcs exception")   ;; then you might want to try setting this to false.   ; mesh_sculpted_prim = true
  6. First thing is to check your account status to see if you are still a Premium Member. To do this, go to https://land.secondlife.com/en-US/ and Click Account -> Premium Membership. There you will find your account status and be given the option of changing it as well.


    If, in fact, your Premium Membership is still active, then choose the Explore your Linden Home option on that page to gain access to it. If you encounter any problems through this and you are a Premium Member, you always have the Live Chat feature to help you.

  7. llMapDestination needs to be within a touch event for it to work properly. I'd suggest using just the texture on the board and within your script a touch_start event that determines where it was touched See llDetectedTouchFace (to determine if it is the front of the board being touched) and then use either http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlDetectedTouchST or http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlDetectedTouchUV (to determine where the touch took place) and then calling llMapDestination with the appropriate destination based on that.


    That'll save a pocket full of prims, get rid of the listen and be easier to code as well.

    • Like 1

  8. Perrie Juran wrote:

    Ciaran Laval wrote:

    LepreKhaun wrote:

    Please cut down on your coffee consumption. Linden Labs is simply reacting to recent changes in policy by
    the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”), an agency in the U.S. Treasury.
    . See the folowing for details:


    Do you have inside information from Linden Lab on this? If not you're speculating, all Linden Lab have officially said is that this change is to do with cutting down on fraud, that's all they've officially said.

    I would actually not expect LL to say any more than they did.

    Generally speaking, any Attorney would advise their client, "Keep Your Mouth Shut."  The less they say, the safer legally they are.

    But you are right, out side of a Statement from LL, it is all speculation.

    Speculation is allowable behavior. I stated what I did and how it was said due to the obvious troll bait being offered by by the OP. For that matter, I could have said that Linden Labs simply needs  VirWoX's half a million a year in transaction fees to offset lost tier revenue (which was near about that amount last year). Either way, my posting, as all are here, is just my opinion, however informed it might be.

  9. Rommanno wrote:

    LepreKhaun wrote:


    To try to start a "conspiracy theory" as the OP does is simply a forum troll.

    I was saying "conspiracy theory" more as a joke. Is it really unbelievable that Linden Lab might be planning to trap people's Lindens in the future?

    Yes, it is not only unbelievable but publishing it as you did is suspect during this general upset over LL's recent decision.

  10. Azanor wrote:

    That policy change didn't happen last week. LL had enough time to improve Lindex's quality of service before the ToS change. There was a reason people prefered those third party exchanges over Lindex in the past. All this reaction to LL right now is not about their compliance to regulations. People react because LL took the services they use away, and didn't offer the similar options through Lindex. 

    Luckily SL is free to connect. Consuming is an option, not a must.  

    What happened is a clarification of terms by FinCEN, and that was published a little over a week ago. This clarification (made necessary because of perceived abuses of BitCoin) is both definitive and restrictive and Linden Labs is obviously reacting on the conservative side to not run afoul of the USTreasury Dept.


    To try to start a "conspiracy theory" as the OP does is simply a forum troll.

  11. Please cut down on your coffee consumption. Linden Labs is simply reacting to recent changes in policy by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”), an agency in the U.S. Treasury.. See the folowing for details:





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