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Diane Holden

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Everything posted by Diane Holden

  1. Two years ago I spent $1250 with Newegg for an i7 system, 6G ram, twin 1380 cards, and 1.5 TB hard drive. It does SL very well. I have since upgraded the video to a GTX 460 single ( I have read SL doesn't make use of twin cards very well). The i7 has 3 memory channels so get memory in groups of 3. Also, cache is very important so a new non volitile memory type hard drive would help a lot. Texture loading out of the cache would scream. Good luck and have fun, Diane
  2. I like the word playground. It does fit better than most i have heard. And you did very well in saying why you think so. As for people who pound their fists and say, " It isn't a game because it doesn't fit MY deffinition of a game.", I just roll my eyes and ignore them the same way I do when I hear people yelling about what is and isn't a sport. Remember to have fun everyone, that is what it is about and why I play there. BTW, I just started playing on OSgrid too which is an SL spinoff but has different rules. Diane
  3. I never said it was invalid. I just don't understand why it means so much to you to not call it a game. Diane
  4. I have been in Second Life for 6 years today and I do consider it a game. The only other discription I have heard is "a pretty chat room" and I don't like that one. You can't fly in Real LIfe, or Teleport wherever you want to go. You can't tap a magic wand on the ground and make a house, a car, a space ship ( no, I never actually made a car, I have one in RL). This world and everything in it is made by the people who come here, call them residents or gamers it is all the same to me. I don't get upset about the words you use, it is about comunnicating ideas. I brought a friend here from Entropia Universe, a REAL game, with MOBS that attack you,etc. and after abouit half an hour he said, "This is just a pretty chat room." So I tapped a magic wand on the floor of my house and made a table out of thin air in about two minutes. Suddenly he was much more interested and wanted to learn how to do this amazing feat. I sent him to NCI (New Citizens Inc) and the Ivory Tower of Prims (there are many more good places to learn, these are just the ones I first found out about). He spent weeks playing at building all sorts of things. You can't do that in RL. He also made many friends from all over the world, something that is hard to do in RL. Regularly talking to people from Japan, China, France, England, Wales, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, etc is hard to do any other way. I love seeing what others have made and talking to them about their ideas. And sometimes I just go to a club and listen to the music and dance the night away. I really don't know why so many are upset by calling it a game. It is the most fun I have ever had and I love being a player. Diane Holden
  5. I am using Firestorm and have no problems. You should go to the Phoenix support site and ask them. They are very good about helping.
  6. You can always make your own bed and animations too. Learning is great fun. Go to NCI or Builder's Brewery (two that I can think of off hand, there are many more) and take classes for the basics in building and animations. Have fun
  7. Well, I redid the script, not that big a deal. I copied the example, made a few changes, added a Listen event and a couple of ifs and it works fine. I even changed a couple of paramaters that have been deprecated from the old 2003 example. I am smiling again. Diane
  8. 5 1/2 years ago I made a shower. It was a learning project for me. Just recently I opened a shop and wanting to fill the empty space I decided to put the shower up for sale. Well, the script won't work for anyone but the owner so I tried to edit the script and let anyone operate the floor model. When I tried to open the script I got a message in local chat that said, "Script no longer in data base." I shower still works for me but I have discovered that when I sell it the new owner can't use the shower function. Is redoing the script from scratch my only recourse? This makes me think I should keep back up copies of all my scripts in my own data base!
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