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Troy Linden

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Posts posted by Troy Linden

  1. Hi guys. Thanks for the posts.

    I apologize for having to be a bit vague here but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging. Current functionality is very close. We're ironing out bugs and scaling issues that we've discovered as quickly as we can.

    As for the Grid Wide keys and KVP store/pricing, we're learning a lot about the needs of our residents from this beta. Our plans are to work out the current feature set (call it phase 1) and then figure out the best way to address the things we learned from this round of testing.

    I see some of you already posted comments to my other thread "What would you do with a Gird-Wide Experience Key?" I think that's a good place to keep the dialog rolling about what you want to see us support for your experiences.

    Thanks again!


  2. Hello all beta participants!

    Some of you have inquired about Grid Wide experiences and asked if we would ever offer this. At the moment, we're trying to understand the pro's and con's so we're better prepared and to also realize any aditional work to support this feature. Hearing the use cases can help us a great deal so please let us know.

    If you wish to keep your idea(s) confidential, feel free to email us at: slexp_beta@lindenlab.com

    We look forward to hearing from you!

  3. There are two ways you can do this:

    1) The key you recieved is yours to keep. We are giving that away as a "thank you" for helping us test out this new feature. This key can be applied to more than one experience. However, if your key gets shut down for any violations all experiences under that key will be affected.

    2) Our plan is to offer a key to Premium members once we roll out the product (that's a second key for Beta participants who are Premium members). We're still working out the details on how to offer additional keys to non-Premium residents. More on this option soon.


  4. We do plan to have some cost associated with keys, as an abuse-prevention measure (not a revenue-generator for Linden Lab), but the specific pricing hasn't yet been determined. Our current thinking is that it will be a one-time fee rather than a subscription model with recurring charges.

  5. Hello Second Life Experience Key Beta Group!

    We're happy to present you this private forum for your Q and A platform. We realize that some of our documentation is not ready for public consumption so we'd like to take this opportunity to compile your questions here. We will do the best we can to answer them in a timely manner.

    For those who have worked through the docs and can help provide answers, we would like to encourage you to chime in! 

    Please note: We started to receive questions via the slexp_beta@lindenlab.com email. We filtered out duplcates and created the FAQ threads found in this forum. 

  6. Is there any discussion or mailing list or in-world group or anything? (personally I would prefer the latter)
    Also, I notice there was no NDA for me to sign like past beta's, can I take that to assume that we are free to talk about our experience? (no pun intended)
    There is no NDA, all the information is public as of this week so feel free to discuss with whomever. This is the new place for participants to send questions to LL and the Exp Beta Team as well as asking fellow Beta participants for help and pointers.
  7. If I understand correctly, key/value pairs are persistent data.
    Are they persistent per-avatar or per-experience or both?
    For instance if I wanted to keep track of how many Apples Phillip Linden has eaten would I have to store the key/values as:

    phillip.linden.eaten_apples: 0
    eaten_apples: 0



    It is per-Experience, so the first example is the one you want. Json is a great idea for storing state when you have several different values you would like to associate with a single key (or, in this case, avatar).

  8. Approaching this from a content creators perspective, how are these experience keys, or experiences transferable in products.
    Examples: I make a rope slide, I wish the rope to snap and a different animation to run. I make a bow and arrow which automatically attaches a HUD and keeps a score on a target etc 
    The Experience is a property of a script. If the script is transferred to someone else that doesn't change. The only thing that is a little bit different is if the script is full perms then the person it is transferred to cannot edit the script without removing the Experience or changing it to an Experience they can contribute to. For the bow I would probably sell it as a single item with the HUD in its inventory. The person in the xp would buy the bow, but the HUD would be temp attached and that way they only have to manage one thing in their inventory. The bow could be temp attached as well, depending on how you want people to interact with your Experience.
  9. I will creating an experience for an estate where I am a manager.  The owner of the estate, is very keen to cooperate, but could you direct me to some instructions that I can show her to walk her through whatever she must do to approve the experience or make me an approved creator for it?    I'm not at all clear on that.

    Neither am I wholly clear on what I need to do in order to apply the key you sent me.   The email directs me to the lsl Experience Tools page to learn how to apply it, but I can't see there what to with it.



    There is a link to the knowledge base at the top of that page which should help answer your questions. As an estate manager and Experience owner you should be able to do everything you need to do. If anything on the KB is not clear, let us know so we can improve it.

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