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Tim Flynn

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Everything posted by Tim Flynn

  1. Thank you for a timely reply. What I meant by number 4 was the difference between mesh and building from scratch, but I think the question has been answered.
  2. I've been wondering about this question for years! I guess I should have asked. Whenever I complete a huge skyscraper with many parts, I end up deleting them piece by piece. You can imagine how annoying that is. Thanks again...for like the 10th time, for all the help you provide around the board Rolig Loon!
  3. I'm just learning too. I'm in college, but haven't taken any university courses on the subject...maybe I should. In the meantime, I have found a wealth of videos on youtube about how to create Mesh. I'd learn all the basics of using the 3D modeler of your choice before learning to build, such as Blender. Try looking for a tutorial on youtube under the name of Super3boy.
  4. Tim Flynn

    Meshing basics.

    I've decided to give Mesh a try recently, and am slowing chugging along in the tutorials. Being new, i've spent most of my building life (and it's not that long) using blocks and shapes to construct massive and fairly complicated structures that I thought Mesh might be better suited for, especially if these buildings are just backdrops or part of the scenery in 3D, versus actually livable and walk through structures. So basically, i'm looking for the basics. What can and can you not do with mesh, how big can you build and import in Mesh and why do you guys prefer mesh over building from scratch? Any feedback is great. I'm looking to learn: 1. How big of an import can I bring from Blender to SL? Once it's in SL, can I resize and adjust as needed? It's one object right? 2. Can I actually create corridors and other complex rooms in my mesh? Or will it just simply be a 3D building. Scenery more or less? 3. After the mesh is build, can I add scripting to any of it? Such as a blinking light on top of the tower or will I be forced to add it as a new prim. 4. Can you tell the difference between Mesh and 5. I understand they charge you depending on the size and complexity of the mesh. Is there a maximum limit or does it just keep going up? 6. I understand that you can generally building bigger and better things with Mesh with less prims, than building it from scratch? Is this true? 7. What is the meaning of life (2nd). lol 8. Anything else you wish you knew as an aspiring mesh'r? Thanks in advance! Hope to become a good mesher!
  5. Yes, I did. U understand that I have to have the door frame with the script versus the door in this case.
  6. Interesting. The root link may be the issue, but i'm a little interested in why it shouldn't be in the door. I have to attach the script to the entire link in general? Does the script know where the door is and how it should open on it's own?
  7. I find everytime I link a door that has a sliding door script attached to it, I get the entire building shifting like it's a sliding door. Is there any way to prevent this? Even if I detach the doors and re-attach the door again, it will still act as one entity, granted, tehy are linked. None the less, I know there is a way to attach the doors, but make the scripts act on a single object, but just not sure how.
  8. @Ferd Frederix: Thank you. I was looking for issues surrounding my low FPS too. I lowered my bandwidth below 300K only to have Firestorm viewer warn me that it would "certainly not improve FPS". I did anyways, and the FPS shot up well over twice what it was running. I wonder why the folks at Firestorm thought otherwise.
  9. Perfect. Thanks for the info! Everything needs to be perfect, neat and orderly in my city.
  10. These lights will not be blinking very fast. They will be blinking very, very slowly, preferably fading in and out in the background. I'm still learning about master and slave controllers at this stage though. Do I just make an object using a master script, and have all my lights act with the secondary script?
  11. I have a bunch of blinking lights and I want to see if there is any way I can sync them to start and stop blinking at the same time. If it exists, would anyone be willing to sell this ancient, secret forbidden script technology? :-D
  12. Beautiful garden. Thanks for the tips everyone. Off to the sandbox.
  13. I figured it out, but in case anyone else was curious, I'll post the results. I was trying to get my simple object to Rez in a public sandbox. Apparentelly, the rezzing box I was using does not allow you to de-rez your construction project into the box on a sandbox, oddly enough. I went "home" to my rented land, and tried it again, and it finally worked. Boy have I got a lot to learn still.
  14. It should be simple enough I thought, but apparentelly not so much for me. I am planning to construct a very large building. Multiple ones in fact. But before I do, I want to ensure I know how to de-rez them into a box first (and Rez them back again). So I found a free de-rezzer called Casper Tech Rez Free. It seems very popular and has a nearly 5 star rating on the market. As a test, I took a few blocks and linked them together and tried to follow the directions given on the free rezzer. 1. Rez a Rez-Free Anchor on the ground. 2. Position it approximately close to the center of your build, but in an easily accessible location. 3. Drop a Rez-Free Tracker script into each part of your build. 4. You should see a particle trail from each part heading to the anchor. If any are pointing in a different direction, you have a second anchor rezzed and you should delete the other anchor. However, pieces should automatically find the nearest anchor. Unfortunatelly, I seem to be stuck on #4. I get to this point, and I do not see a particle trail of the objects heading for the anchor. Not sure what i'm doing wrong here, but it seems so easy and widely used by thousands of SL citizens, but I can't get it to work. Anyone know what i'm doing wrong? I'm probably turned upside down and doing everything complely wrong here, but I thought I would ask. Oh yea. I am renting some land, but in this case, i'm at a Sand Box. Is that a big deal? The object is the long rectangle and the big box linked together, and the rezzer is above it, approximately near the center.
  15. Woah, that's a great image! Thank you. That is exactly what I am looking for. I am building a long "skyway" for a future hi-tech city, and this will help out. Hi Tech cities look better in curves and cylinders than they do in sharp blocks, I think.
  16. Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, I can't increase the hole size. The image you see above is the "roadway" and I am using a cutout to make a fence, so it has to match nearly perfect. with the road as it curves, if you know what I mean.
  17. Copy. BTW, I typed it wrong. This is a tube, not a cylinder.
  18. I've come a long way since I first began to actually build stuff in Second Life...3 days ago. But i'm stuck on this particular issue. I'm sure there will be more puzzles to come, but can anyone shed any light on this one? For this particular object, I am trying to take the outter, right side and bring it in to the inner, left side so that it makes almost a curved railing for a particular skyway road I am constructing. Any ideas?
  19. I am looking for a blinking light. One you might expect to see on top of tall skyscapers that blinks. I need it to blink really slow, fading in and out very slowly, and wouldn't mind being able to change that setting from a faster to slower speed. Also I would like the ability to edit the size of this object. Anyone know where I can find one of these in game? Or does anyone around here have a shop that can sell/make these? A search has turned up empty so far on SL.
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