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Everything posted by zigazav

  1. If I had alot of L$, I'd pay for sevices to help me, but since I'm under the 100 L$ point, I'm not planning to pay anybody to help me. Since I need to save-up for paying for materials, like the 50 L$ Sonic avatar base.
  2. It's mostly for me, but I want others to be able to use my Sonic FC too! Currently, she's very well unknown to the public, because she exists only in a private RP with my friend Zana.
  3. D=< I'm not trying to be rude! I'm just saying that that advice isn't helping me! Get it through your skull! I said "no offense" which means I'm not trying to be rude! I was just stating the truth, since I don't have the ability to lie! Now, let's all get away from this arguement, and focus on other things. Besides, you're straying from the topic here of this thread.
  4. I forgot, one more thing. My avatar I'm gonna create, she needs to be able to swich weapons. All of her weapons are related to sweets one way or another. In RP, she's very badly addicted to sweets, but cannot gain any weight. In RP, even though she could just generate candy from her body, she prefers to buy the candy at stores and eat those, rather than generate her own candy, and eat that. She hasn't revealed many weapons though in the RP, so I don't know many that she has either! But this ain't the General discussion forum, so I'll cut it from there. I need to have a way to have her switch weapons with quick ease. Currently, she has 3 weapons revealed: 1. the candy the shoots-out from her metal breasts. It would make her targets fatter if it hits them (Since they are forced to eat it, and the candy she generates is very fattening) I could script that. 2. her candy rock block. Would be very heavy, so it would do quite abit of damage, but only 1 shot per load, and would need some time for reloading. 3. Her candy bomb. Would be candy textured, and would have a trap like effect, since it buries the targetsin candy in the RP. Would have a somewhat large blast radius, and the prims that trap the foes would look like to the foes when they get trapped would look like alot of pieces of candy bunched-up on walls, preventing escape! The blast animation would look candy. A HUD to change the weapons, and offer AO would be nice. (One AO would be Typing Override. the TO AO would be her licking some ice cream from a cone) like. Now, I'm not asking anybody to do all of this, I just need to know how to. This fits in this forum, because I'm planning to sell the finished avatar when/if everything is finished correctly to my liking. Whew! Too much typing here! Seeya! I need to check to see what someone replied to my threads!
  5. So uh, which text do I remove, and insert with llCastRay. ? Or do I just insert it into the ( ) of Fire ( )?
  6. Naw, I'm just unsure of asking her for money for ANYTHING! Really. I'm always unsure to ask her for game money, collar or not.
  7. I don't know much about it, nor do I know what exactly type of item it is. It's an item that makes you look giganticly fat, but you'll need to retexture it, since it puts a new avatar look on you, and you need a head part to go with it. I dunno, I could be wrong, but Two-Ton-Neko at DA (DeviantART) and FA (FurAffinity) knows! Ask her! She has a SL account too! She make take like forever to respond though. She's very busy.
  8. You're not helping here. That advice is useless at this point. Try some other advice to throw at me. No offense intended to you at all.
  9. The clothes I bought didn't have much of a description. The breasts I bought are Mesh I think, so I assumed it would automatically go under it, but no, it doesn''t. I'm poor compared to most people out there in L$, so I can't buy the implants they mentioned that will match my avatar's skin. (They need to be truely white colored, or allow me to change the color to whatever color I want. Nipples can stay colored whatever they are) I have 48 L$ in my money account. I want to have free ones, if possible.
  10. I have a question. How can I make these https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BjD-Breast-A-01-Demo/3757350 to get Busty clothes go over them? I've tried the ~RI~ Busty Clothing's clothes to go over them, but the breasts just break through. Am I doing something wrong? The clothes had some objects that came with it, and I'm not sure how to use them. Please help soon. EDIT: Most of you are being un-helpful, and dissing me, so this thread is hereby requested CLOSED!
  11. Alright. Now.......I don't know what 0L$ items to buy! I'm going for free items, so I won't lose money for when I'm saving-up my L$ to buy items to help me build my Sonic FC, namely the Sonic Avatar Base by Lobster Cat Designs. I wish I were able to ask my mom for L$, but I'm too scared to ask her. Well, it's more like too unsure to ask.
  12. This is a script someone showed me for a weapon I'm going to make. Let me know what needs to be changed,okay?: /** reload Sound - Sound file of reload, found in inventory(UUDI WORKS)* fire Sound - Sound file of gun firing, found in inventory(UUDI WORKS)* aim - Animation file of Aiming down sights (Looking Mouse view)* stand - Animation file of Pose stand while standing still* ammo - Name of bullet / object shooting* SPEED - Bullet Velovity set by m/s* DELAY - Time spent reloading (This is set so you can't spam the bullet) by m/s*/string reload_sound="";string fire_sound="";string aim = "";string stand = "";string ammo = ""; float SPEED = 75.0; //Speed bullet will go float DELAY = 0.2; //60.0 = 1min /*Best too leave alone*/ vector vel; vector pos; rotation rot; integer have_permissions = FALSE; integer armed = TRUE; fire(){ if (armed) { armed = FALSE; rot = llGetRot(); vel = llRot2Fwd(rot); pos = llGetPos(); pos = pos + vel; pos.z += 0.75; vel = vel * SPEED; llTriggerSound(fire_sound,0.8); llRezObject(ammo, pos, vel, rot, 1000); llTriggerSound(reload_sound,0.8); rot.z = rot.z *-PI ; llRezObject("Shell",pos+<-0.0,-0.0,-0.0>,-llRot2Left(rot),rot,0); llSetTimerEvent(DELAY); }}default{ state_entry() { if (!have_permissions) { llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION| PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); } } run_time_permissions(integer permissions) { if (permissions == PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION| PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS) { llTakeControls(CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON, TRUE, FALSE); llStartAnimation(stand); have_permissions = TRUE; } } attach(key attachedAgent) { if (attachedAgent != NULL_KEY) { llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION| PERMISSION_TAKE_CONTROLS); } else { if (have_permissions) { llStopAnimation(stand); llStopAnimation(aim); llStopAnimation(stand); llReleaseControls(); llSetRot(<0,0,0,1>); have_permissions = FALSE; } } } control(key name, integer levels, integer edges) { if ( ((edges & CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON) == CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON) &&((levels & CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON) == CONTROL_ML_LBUTTON) ) { fire(); } } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(1.0); armed = TRUE; } }
  13. Too late, I've already made a new thread.
  14. OK, so someone who has an account here at SL said there was something called the Two-Ton KIt (She has photographic proof!), and I'm wondering where I can find/buy it. I searched in the Marketplace, but I couldn't find it. Anyone know where to get it? Please help me.
  15. Sorry, didn't see the wanted forum. I'll go ask there.
  16. Since this thread can go into multiple forum areas, I decided to put it here. OK, my question is, where can I get the Two-Ton KIt in SL That Two Ton Neko from DA and FA meantioned? She even had a picture up at FA showing she had it on her avatar. Where can I get/buy this kit? It won't show-up in the Marketplace, unless I may be seaching for it wrong? Please help. (btw, the Two Ton Kit makes your avatar a gigantic fatty, just to let you know)
  17. Thanks, but I've played Linden Realms, and don't know how to get money there. Also, notice that Linden Realms looks alot like that other game site "Free Realms"? I think one of the two inspired the other to be created, not that I've ever played Free Realms, I just judged it by it's commercials. Another question, when building a weapon, where do I put the ammo? Someone has shown me a script for weapons, I just need to know where to equip the ammo. (And create both the weapon and ammo)
  18. I tried to friend her, but don't know if she has time to be on SL nowadays or not.
  19. Try this: In preferences (or whatever your viewer calls the setting menu) disable the viewer from popping-up windows when you recieve cerain things. It makes it so it's using less energy of your computer when you take a snapshot. Of course, if you're using the in-game snapshot button, this will fix the problem. The viewer disconnected me every time I tried to save something from SL into my computer, but when I disabled it, I could do it without getting disconnected! If you're using a sepreate program from the viewer, then I don't know how to help you.
  20. Thanks! I'll go test the collar now! In the Sonic arcade place or whatever, in space! EDIT: nvm, I'll go do it when my computer cools-down.
  21. What does RLV Relay do? I am confused by the item description.
  22. I already got myself an open collar. recolored it, and enlarged it. (Since my avatar's neck is so think!) I can't get myself a hold of the RLV HUD, since it costs 200L$ or something, but I don't need it to have a leash, right? I now need some good animations to go with "being a pet", but I need them super cheap, free if possible.
  23. Reason I believe she has a store is because on the description on one of her SL pictures things on either DA or FA (Forgot which one), she said that she might sell one of her Two Ton avatars in Second Life. I've already asked her for where the shop is, but she's way busy with not done art comissions or something, so she doesn't have much time to just have fun. And to even answer me. Which is why I'm asking the lot of you guys for help I guess.
  24. So, this may be off from where we are talking about, but now that I know what to do with the script, where do I put the ammo?
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