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Everything posted by BarriBouvier

  1. Phoenix Academy for Little Stars is a Kids Dance Academy in Second Life
  2. Second Lifes max frame rate is 45fps. I record at 24fps and edit with that framerate in Da Vinci Resolve. If I need slow down some action (someone quickly walking like a duck down the aise at a wedding) I might resort to speed warp/optical flow in Da Vinci Resolve Studio. Typically the shows I record at have a hard time getting frame rates much above 20fps anyways, Given the 45fps max frame rate SL limitation there is little point in recording above 30fps anyway.
  3. This issue with invemtory items disappearing after an attempt to rez onto a mesh object (such as a floor of a house etc) is still prevalent and something I still have to hand hold my customers through. Does anybody have the bug reference or a pointer to more recent information that I can refer to?
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