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Posts posted by jwenting

  1. Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

    I would imagine bad mesh creators can cause this kind of feeling of hate towards it. Mesh is no different than a regular prim. The prims are basicly mesh/obj type content. The default avatar is mesh. The land is mesh.. Its all mesh if you think about it

    this. And the continuous anti-mesh FUD war by throwbacks who think anything introduced since the creation in ca. 2006 of V1 is by definition bad.

  2. Take a look at Creative Chaos. Cheap, well made. Wild Talender isn't bad either.

    Of course "authentic Gorean" is an oxymoron, as Gor does not exist and isn't a single style either.

    Best you can do is sign up for the 25L Tuesday and 60L Saturday lists, gets you a lot of shops with deeply discounted items, and a lot of them will have freebies, MM boards, groupgifts, and/or lucky chairs as well.

  3. and remember to always have at least a month prepaid so if you're unable to log in for a while because of unforeseen circumstances your land will still be yours when you get back :smileyhappy:

    If you don't trust your landlord to not throw you out or go out of business on a moment's notice, why are you renting from him at all?

    There's always at least 2 sides to every argument...

  4. KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

    Can someone publish the Le Tigre region names? I want to try this out tomorrow morning as well at those locations as well.

    don't know them all, but I know my Bonzo is on leTigre as I have a parcel there (it's all residential there) as are quite a few surrounding regions (you keep switching between different RC channels when you travel around that area of the grid).

  5. good to see that at least one country takes threats against a person through online services seriously.

    Received such threats myself a few years ago when someone didn't like my RP persona in an MMO and decided that was enough reason for OOC action against me and my friends.
    Few weeks later a concerted campaign of vandalism against my property (house, car, etc.) and slander against my person started that lasted for several years.

    Police never took it serious, never even tried to find the persons responsible. Worse, I never told that person any private details, not even my login name (unlike here, the account name was hidden from other residents/players, only display names were shown), details I later found out he probably got from the game's account servers (turned out one of his close buddies was a former customer service rep for the company, when he got kicked out for much the same thing someone forgot to revoke his access to those servers).

  6. using that number of sculpts would make the item terribly laggy.

    And yes, the suggested method for mesh would work, but is cumbersome to create (I'm currently trying to create something similar to use as a sail for a sailboat, having multiple surfaces at different curvature, making one or another opaque or transparent as needed depending on how the sail sits in the wind).

  7. USUALLY relogging and/or switching regions a few times resolves this, in which case it's either a problem on your end or a network problem close to you.

    Sometimes it's a problem affecting a lot of people on the grid, so likely a serverside problem or a network problem near LL's hosting systems.
    In that case, save the script or notecard as a textfile to your PC instead and just wait a while, try again later.

  8. Sy Beck wrote:

    Leia36 wrote:

    We have been discussing this inworld and there is a fix in Firestorm.

    Preferences>Firestorm>Protection and click the radio button under the Revoke Permissions section, then when you sit or stand, all permissions are revoked. Many thanks t Damiel for the help :heart:

    Is this correct though, it kinda contradicts what Qie said in his post above.  I thought permissions could never be revoked and that the FS feature was another version of "stop all animations".  I would be happy to see that you're correct though.

    it will terminate the animation but won't revoke the permission, so the griefer can just force it on you again, and again, and again.

  9. Cerise Sorbet wrote:

    June Oh wrote:

    Thank you both. Was just wondering if a change/update of Linden Viewer would be needed today if SSB is switched on as Firestorm people are trying to gain users for it to their viewer today.

    For the LL viewer, 
    3.5.1 is the absolute oldest that will be compatible.

    and its autoupdate feature ensures you won't be runnng an older version unless you keep clicking "no" to upgrade.

  10. and sadly there are still people (as of a few days ago) trolling newcomer sims telling zero day avatars to download v1 (from unofficial sites obviously), spewing FUD about v3 and v3 based TPVs in order to get across their idiotic idea that v1 is perfect, everything else is deliberately created as buggy, slow, unstable, in order to drive people away from SL.

  11. You need the right permissions in the landgroup to access those functions at parcel level if the land is set to a group.

    And even then the options can be overridden at region level, where only people with estate management powers can change them.

    SSB isn't life on the grid yet (or wasn't by the time you posted this, it should be going life during today's rolling restarts), and even if it were it's unlikely to affect land settings (which I seriously doubt are being worked on in the codebase).

  12. Bethany Loxingly wrote:

    I don't remember acting like a troll or trolling

    your very post can very well be considered trolling.

    Age PLAY has nothing to do with age. It's adults acting out having sexual relations with or as children (typically one acting as a child, the other as an adult, though sometimes both act as children).

    And yes, if you were to show up looking and acting like a child on one of the sims I moderate, you'd get asked once to change your behaviour and looks, and if you refuse or make a fuss you'd get banned and AR'd without further ado. This to protect myself and the sim owner from people filing complaints against us for allowing age play on our regions.

    Minors are already disallowed there by the regions being A rated, as per LL policy. That doesn't prevent 8 year old kids (yes, you read it right) from creating accounts where they put in a false birth date in order to access those regions anyway.

    We catch those, same process except they don't get a warning first. Ban and ARs by all the staff present.

  13. yes, and a lot of older residents once in a while create new accounts for one reason or another.

    Maybe they want a fresh start, without taint caused by them being associated with a vampire clan that turned bad. Or they have bad inventory trouble that even support can't solve (knew one person whose inventory would get wiped clean every other login, nobody could ever figure out why, she created a new avatar and was fine, for example).

    Or they need a new avatar to visit places that won't accept their original because of groups or other profile data (yes, some sims are that way, especialy G rated sims can ban you for having a group link to a nude beach for example).

    Or they go into furniture or clothing design and have a need for some models to check fits and poses.

  14. bleh, whatever LL does, someone is always complaining about it, even if they do nothing at all.

    And if there are 10 people complaining, a further 100 alts of those 10 voice in their approval, and a few hundred more idiots who think agreeing with everything negative that's being told about LL makes them "kewl" or "popular" pitch in without ever reading what it's all about and scream indignity about LL's actions as well. making it appear to outsiders like there are literally millions of people unhappy and quitting SL over it (when in reality nobody is quitting, those same few people scream they're quitting SL over everything and anything for years but never actually do it, sadly).

  15. Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

    Madeline Blackbart wrote:


    Yes and some of those people are disabled. But then again lets be fair there are a LOT of people who are taking advantage of the system. I can't tell you the number of people who have bought a sheet cake with food stamps.


    Why is buying a sheet cake using food stamps wrong? Are disabled people and kids on food stamps not allowed to have a birthday cake?  Do you think someone should inspect the grocery carts of all those on food stamps and decide if they are getting above themselves by buying anything more than rice and beans?   Sounds like of a reverse Marie Antoinette "let them NOT eat cake or anything else that I think is too good for them". 

    In today's economy there are people on food stamps now that would never have dreamed they would ever need them.  There are people that have become ill and can't work and have had their savings wiped out by medical bills that thought they had plenty of savings.  It could happen to you just as easily.

    food stamps were intended to cover basic food stuffs, give people enough food that they don't end up starving.

    They were never meant to provide for luxuries like birthday cakes, steak dinners, alcohol filled binges, etc. etc.

    Nothing wrong with a kid having a birthday cake, but it should not be able tol buy those using the foodstamps that are supposed to cover the bread and vegetables for that child.

    If a family gets to many foodstamps they can afford luxuries as well as basics on them, they get too many.

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