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Everything posted by RitterAlvarez

  1. STRANGE, I,ve used a Walmart Prepaid MC the whole time I,ve been on SL and never had an issue. Wa;lmart is their own Credit card processor much like Chase,etc. I use a prepaid instead of a regular CC so that IF my account ever gets hacked all they can use the info that goes with the prepaid is whatever happens to be on it. I use a Prepaid card that is just for Linden purchase
  2. Those PREPAID Walmart Visa/MC work fine for buying L's
  3. Contact MaximillianRelease , he does custom mesh armtatts, one armand both arms with different designs for eacharm. If you have your own design he cando it
  4. Well put Perrie, i C/P your reply and emailed her to add to what I had suggested to her a while back about her picture. I found it floating around on a few websites, some ummmm not that good.Had no idea if she and her husband knew. Not all those photo hosting sites are as SECURE as they say even if you have your account set to private. I learned back inda day of my first avi when I had a picture of myself on the 1st life tab. My wife found the picture on 2 FB accounts and on another of a woman using it to claim I was her BF! Thanmfully my wife did not hit the roof thinking I was carrying on with some girl 1200 miles away.Some people are not that aware of how your picture can GET AROUND on the net.I suggested she not even post her private pics online, heck my wife and I keep our "risque" photos on an external HD. As for the 2 following trolls that have no life but to keep drama alive, honestly who cares what you think. No one has to answer to you.If her cousin posts or not that her chioce to make but knowing her the little as I do I doubt she would waste time with the likes of 2 losers such as you, shes much the better person. Here is my xmas gift to you both,,,,,,,,, THERAPY IS YOUR FRIEND!
  5. Why is it ANY of your business? Did you actually read what I wrote . No one OWES you an explanation so I would suggest you get over yourself. If I have to say anything about it I would ASSUME she removed it because she or her husband felt it was best. Believe it or not thats her right to do so and she owes me, YOU nor anyone else a reason to do so. You Miss truly need to grow up and behave like an adult. Me, I have better things to do with my time than to argue or banter back and forth with you. "never argue with a fool least they bring you down to their level"
  6. I'll answer that even though you really don't need or deserve one. I am her SL partner. I have talked to her AND her RL husband numerous times via skype and email and my wife and I have come to consider them friends. We are just partners on SL because we both enjoy the same type of music, clubs etc. I can say that the Picuture of her IS HER. Pictures that you post to other forums, website et al have the habit of getting all over the internet which is why I am very careful where I post mine, which is just on a website such as photobucket which I set as PRIVATE so no one can view and use picutres as they want. I guess what I,m saying is you really have to be careful where you post pictures of yourself, your GF, Fiance, WIFE, husband, BF etc. It is the internet and once posted......... I,m sure your reply will be to call me out as a liar or ALT but frankly I could care less . I don't frequent this SL forum due to the behavior of so many people on here , the ones being on here for some time being the WORST of examples
  7. You obviously are one of those who feels the inante need to put down, degrade, or insult anothers efforts.Why? because most likely you lack the ability to even attempt these yourself. This guy Maximillian is taking tattoo's to a new level and no doubt when they take off they'll be plenty of others doing the same.Good for him....Tattoo designing on SL has basically become stagnant, the same ol same ol. Nothing new , the same boring designs , smudgy tribals, Bad details with the most ridiculous colors.Someone that takes the chance, puts in the effort and ups the bar as for putting out something new should be commended for his efforts
  8. well from what I have seen offered on SL and the MP as for tattoo's hers are far superior, but if you think you can do better have at it bub., Most all I see offered look like a kid drew on someone with a Scriupto pen,,,,and badly at that. The only ones I have found that are even worth the cost are Letis of which I have a few. Me,I,m going to contact the designer and see about a pair for my avi. And Harlei,, I hear you,I have seen much the same.Trolls be trolls, at least you stood up for someone instead of knocking them down.
  9. That AO is for women, I feel I have to pass on that one LOL.
  10. Yes and I am going to get another. The isue just started coming up today
  11. Thanks, I'll get another even if I need buy it. One question, How do I remove the AO I currently have
  12. Not only do I hop up and down but if I try to run I end up doing back flips???? How to correct?
  13. I have a SL girlfriend but when we try to have a good time I can't get me clothes off. When I even click on my avatar and go to the tools and 'Take Off " I get nothing Someone care to give me a walkthrough?
  14. OK , I walk around and as soon as I stop my avatar hops up and down a few times. Whats up with this?
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