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  1. Thank you very much guys! <3 I appreciate your responses. It sucks when stores just close down. Wish they would put up a website graveyard for places that shut down.
  2. Would be willing to help out hon, on my old account I used to be a Host for a couple of places. which entailed organizing and keeping things up beat and fun for the customers, also taking the stress off of the owners. Drop me an IM if you can!
  3. Does anyone know what happened to cReAtIvEs the store? I haven't been on SL in awhile and I came back, looking forward to visiting that store and it seems like it's been completely wiped from the SL map. I searched everywhere and not even a hint as to why it closed down.
  4. SamMonroe


    Wooo! Furries are cool. O: Although I've only been one a couple of times.. *waves* I know what you mean though, I've been on SL for awhile and i've had friends come and go, it'd be nice to meet some new people. *offers a hug* Send me an IM sometime!
  5. Hey Ska! It's nice to meet ya. I'll totally add you, thought I'd say hi here first.
  6. Hey there, name's Sammii or Sam, what ever you'd prefer. I'm not technically new to Second Life (I made a new avatar, I've been on SL for collectively around 7 years on and off) but I've never used the forums and I thought it'd be different to just kind of come on here and meet some new people! :3 I've had friends come and go and I'd love to make some new fun memories! I'm very down to earth and I love having a good time. Feel free to add me!
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