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Everything posted by pheinox

  1. hello I've read over your answer. in your groups profile ore role tab where you create roles there's a list of option that role is allowed to do or not do in a parcel / sim. first you select the role you wish to edit and if you want that role to be able to rez in a rez restricted area your simply check the box that says. Always allow 'Create Objects' this option should allow like your admins or builders to rez while the rest are not able to.
  2. well i didn't know you had to use a die script in order to get rid of an object but i don't want a timer based one i want the menu to communicate with he object via script to get rid of said object when the menu rezes another object
  3. Hi not sure if this the right place to ask but im having a hard time finding a script that will allow me to rez an object from root prim inventory and when i go select a new object it derezes the already rezed so i dont have to manualy derez the first object
  4. pheinox

    did i get hacked ?

    iu loged intoday and found my avatar at like 3000 meters in the sky with no outfit and my whole entire profile was bvlanked pic and biography did i get hacked or did i just get a login error ? i changed my passowrd
  5. its me agian the lag is still horrendous and i ive tried every thing. i made to post abgout it already and still have no awnsers. the other post i made that here http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/need-help-horrendous-lag/qaq-p/2157129 <--.ive tried every suggestion and still no fix. cant even hang out with my friends anymore. i bought new parts for my pc cause my old proccessor had died so i had to get a new mpother board ram and cpu. everything was fine untill the server side baking. after that for almost a 2 months now ive been crashing drops fps like no tomarrow and heving to restart my viewer every 5 minuets. system info Machine name: G1-SNIPER Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130708-1532) Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.3GHz Memory: 4096MB RAM Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 Manufacturer: NVIDIA Chip type: GeForce GTS 450 DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0DC4&SUBSYS_218419DA&REV_A1 Display Memory: 2751 MB Dedicated Memory: 978 MB Shared Memory: 1772 MB Drive: C: Free Space: 795.5 GB Total Space: 953.8 GB File System: NTFS Model: WDC WD10EZRX-00A8LB0 desktop wired connection
  6. its me agian the lag is still horrendous and i ive tried every thing. i made to post abgout it already and still have no awnsers. the other post i made that here http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/need-help-horrendous-lag/qaq-p/2157129 <--.ive tried every suggestion and still no fix. cant even hang out with my friends anymore. i bought new parts for my pc cause my old proccessor had died so i had to get a new mpother board ram and cpu. everything was fine untill the server side baking. after that for almost a 2 months now ive been crashing drops fps like no tomarrow and heving to restart my viewer every 5 minuets. system info Machine name: G1-SNIPER Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130708-1532) Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.3GHz Memory: 4096MB RAM Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 Manufacturer: NVIDIA Chip type: GeForce GTS 450 DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0DC4&SUBSYS_218419DA&REV_A1 Display Memory: 2751 MB Dedicated Memory: 978 MB Shared Memory: 1772 MB Drive: C: Free Space: 795.5 GB Total Space: 953.8 GB File System: NTFS Model: WDC WD10EZRX-00A8LB0 desktop wired connection
  7. Im having the same problem shown above and it will happen iven when there only like one avatar ive notice when bringing down the max av imposters to 0 it almost dissapers for good. that has left me to suspect its a rendering problem due to the new server side baking they have implemented into sl may be the root of the problem cause this has never happend until firestorm released viewer eventully satying still in a sim the lag will eventully lift but this will be shortly put to a stop as soon as another avatar comes into view. system info intel core 13 322ok 3.3ghz ram is a kingston 4 gigb ddr3 ram 1600 mhz hard drive western digital 1 tb drive nividia geforce gts 450 core clock set to 910 mhz memory is 1 gb of gddr5 ram running at 2000 mhz desktop computer wired
  8. ive posted a question like this but the answerers bared no fix to the torturer I suffer every day. I would have a huge lag spike bringing my fps from 80 down to 2 or 5 fps and its usually triggered when an avatar teleports into view or being in a sim that has like 50 prims or more ive lowered my avatar imposter down to 3 and it helps for only a little bit the n it derps out again. System specs desktop computer with a wired internet Intel 3220k dual core 3.3 GHz nividia geforce gts 450 with 1 gb of gddr5 ram 1 terra byte hard drive (not shure of the revolution on it but is still brand new) 4 gbs of ddr3 ram running at 1600 mhz I need help and I can't hang out with my friends like used to with my old machine I am running off of firestorm because the second life veiwer is not to my liking of customizablity\ thanks for the link but one problem that the same post i made and i ve tried every thing in there and no results of improvment
  9. ive posted a question like this but the answerers bared no fix to the torturer I suffer every day. I would have a huge lag spike bringing my fps from 80 down to 2 or 5 fps and its usually triggered when an avatar teleports into view or being in a sim that has like 50 prims or more ive lowered my avatar imposter down to 3 and it helps for only a little bit the n it derps out again. System specs desktop computer with a wired internet Intel 3220k dual core 3.3 GHz nividia geforce gts 450 with 1 gb of gddr5 ram 1 terra byte hard drive (not shure of the revolution on it but is still brand new) 4 gbs of ddr3 ram running at 1600 mhz I need help and I can't hang out with my friends like used to with my old machine I am running off of firestorm because the second life veiwer is not to my liking of customizablity\ thanks for the link but one problem that the same post i made and i ve tried every thing in there and no results of improvment
  10. I need help. my firestorm veiwer gives me horrendous lag when being in a sim for over 4 minutes and a new avatar pops up or a prim gets made come from the point of orgin on where the avatar rezzed in or the prim was made and the prim can be as simple as a cube. what happens is that ill run from 60 fps then the thing i mentioned up top ahappens and then it runs all the way down to 10 or 4 fps depending where i am. this hase been happening to me for a while know ever sense i got new parts for my computer system specs intel core ii Kick GHz dual core 4 gigs of ram nvidia gforce gts 450 igb gddr5 ram 1 terra byte hard drive mother board a g1-sniper m3 wired connection desktop core temp when running a bench mark on proccessor runs around 34 to 40 degrees fherinhight same for the video card i did recently suffer a brown out that fried my brothers video card but no damaged to my computer. thanks for the insite natalas and im going to try disabling my vertex buffer for open gl
  11. im looking for the name of a typer, that when typing makes the sound of the characters on animal crossing when typing i have no idea where to look my friend has this typer anbd cant rember where he got it from if any one knows what im talking about pls help
  12. kinda putting this project on popspon until i can figure out some thing or i just might give up on it
  13. ive been on the search for a walker script that can play more then one sound and loop it. My efforts to create one have been fruitless I would like to know if anyone may have one in possession or if its even possible to make a script that can do such a thing.
  14. theres lots of places to look in sl for avs. if you want to find out about an av you can use this website http://www.slarf.org/ and for parts you can look on the market place or head down to Chimera for mods and some parts not shure if this is much help
  15. i dfo have a script that sort of dose what i need it to but ive been trying to make it so it dosnt play the first sound over after one use it woul play both files in order then play the first one agian and play both in order agian key owner; key sound1="part 1"; key sound2="part 2"; integer tlapse =0; default { changed(integer ch) { if(ch&CHANGED_OWNER) { llResetScript(); } } state_entry() { owner=llGetOwner(); llSetSoundQueueing(TRUE); llSetTimerEvent(0.5); } timer() { if(llGetAgentInfo(owner) & AGENT_WALKING) { if ((llGetUnixTime() - tlapse) >= 1.0) { llPlaySound(sound1,1.0); llPlaySound(sound2,1.0); tlapse=llGetUnixTime(); } } else { llStopSound(); tlapse=0; } } }
  16. i need help. for the life of me i cant build a script that plays sound files in order from the inventory when the avatar walks. just like a walker but can play multiple sound files to make 20 or idunno 50 second loops ive been trng for almost mounth to build it but i runn into all kinds of errors i dont know how to fix so if any one knows of one or is able to make one that would be very helpful
  17. pheinox

    help ping issues

    my second life has been having a ping issue for few days now and it came from no where when im still im fine when i move my ping jumps to 500 and somt time over a thousand this seems to only be happening with second life
  18. when ever i put my stream in my land parcel i can hear just fine but other ppl streams wont enable when they trun there muisc on and i cant find a fix online so if some one know what going on pls tell me i can hear but no one else can and i enter this into the land sound tab
  19. i mangaed to get in finally >:3 take that sl
  20. you could use a veiwer like firestorm they have windlight setting preset into the veiwer all you do is go to the sim with the windlight stuffs and press accept and there you have windlight there
  21. this person keeps crashing me frmom curouis and hes threatning my friend crackers and hes already crashedn her sl mate and this has been going on for to long and i want this person gone from sl he manipulated me and tried to get rid of my friends when i was partners with and hes been hacking my friend maxwell rodgers and trhis way to out of control my friend maxwell also says this person a copyboter and the ship he was builing for him were copyboted and if you ever meet this person do not talk to them they seem nice but theres an evil genuis beneth that av
  22. ah bt of some sort toke a pic of me and my sl mate when we were doing adult things and a frined of my says it from some agency that gets dirt on ppl and im really angry about this.
  23. all my gestures worked fine until the stuck pressence issue and my7 firestorm has been accting up Unable to load gesture Cowboys. [17:52] Unable to load gesture /eroticfilm. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Rofl. [17:52] Unable to load gesture /dead. [17:52] Unable to load gesture /camera. [17:52] Unable to load gesture /hooch. [17:52] Unable to load gesture **bleep**. [17:52] Unable to load gesture :P~. [17:52] Unable to load gesture OcarinaOfTimePreludeOfLight. [17:52] Unable to load gesture /stamp2. [17:52] Unable to load gesture speech gesture low 4. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Gman! Wrong place. [17:52] Unable to load gesture >:B. [17:52] Unable to load gesture /bouncy. [17:52] Unable to load gesture speech gesture high 1. [17:52] Unable to load gesture screeeeeeaaam. [17:52] Unable to load gesture /icanfly. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Hey~!Watchout~!_Navi. [17:52] Unable to load gesture mabyelittlepinch. [17:52] Unable to load gesture /facedesk. [17:52] Unable to load gesture /danglyparts. [17:52] Unable to load gesture [Achmed] - /achkillu1. [17:52] Unable to load gesture /tiptoe. [17:52] Unable to load gesture woot. [17:52] Unable to load gesture /cavepeanuts. [17:52] Unable to load gesture speech gesture high 3. [17:52] Unable to load gesture No Improvement. [17:52] Unable to load gesture /moeep (Shift+F6). [17:52] Unable to load gesture Theres No Pancake Mix!. [17:52] Unable to load gesture /mommy. [17:52] Unable to load gesture HOT. [17:52] Unable to load gesture speech gesture medium 2. [17:52] Unable to load gesture speech gesture medium 2. [17:52] Unable to load gesture iwantopinch. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Derrick - Watcha Doin?. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Because. [17:52] Unable to load gesture zelda heart <3. [17:52] Unable to load gesture tmi. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Smackass. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Success. [17:52] Unable to load gesture scare. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Spell it!. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Fred - Omg Yes!. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Dominating!!. [17:52] Unable to load gesture WTF?. [17:52] Unable to load gesture /songthatdoesntend. [17:52] Unable to load gesture You FAILED!. [17:52] Unable to load gesture YEP! Non-Lethal As Ever.. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Official BOOP Gesture - By Long Pausch. [17:52] Unable to load gesture New Gesture. [17:52] Unable to load gesture :B. [17:52] Unable to load gesture gigady. [17:52] Unable to load gesture I pinch. [17:52] Unable to load gesture /passoutsex. [17:52] Unable to load gesture [Tsu] Im sorry, Im sorry!. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Wtf Lazers. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Good morning VIETNAM!!. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Skull Kid Laugh. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Wtf Bombs. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Burst into flames!!. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Spy sappin mah sentry!?!. [17:52] Unable to load gesture linkdie. [17:52] Unable to load gesture i feel good. [17:52] Unable to load gesture Heeey Nice potato!!. dose any one now how to fix this
  24. my voice chat still lags me down to 2 to 5 fps and itts annyoing cause i cant talk with my friends i need help heres a small vid to show what happens http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9PsdCCff9I&feature=channel_video_title help :matte-motes-frown:
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