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Bonnie Brandi

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Posts posted by Bonnie Brandi

  1. Hello DanielRavenNest and thanks a lot for your reply !!!

    I had try to paint all parts and the import to Second LIfe works !!! I had select "joint" in SL. My skirt is attach to my avatar but the skirt is totaly deform like an explosion. So I suppose like you said it will take several time to do it.

    In 3dsMax i had paint my skirt but you said there is another way to do it with Abs. effect in Weight properties, but i can't change this value and don't know why. That's whay i choose the paint option.

    Thanks again for all, and i will add my first model when it works ^^

  2. Thank you for all reply, thanks to all !


    Hello Corri,

    You told me "Make sure you add all 26 bones under the "joints-array" field in the .dae by editing it with a text editor. Refer to the wiki for the bone names."

    I did it, before i have in my *.DAE file :

    <Name_array id="skirtMeshController-Joints-array" count="8">	mHipLeft mPelvis mHipRight mTorso mKneeRight mAnkleRight mKneeLeft mAnkleLeft</Name_array>

     And i change it to :

    <Name_array id="skirtMeshController-Joints-array" count="26">	mHipRight mKneeRight mAnkleRight mFootRight mToeRight mHipLeft mKneeLeft mAnkleLeft mFootLeft mToeLeft mPelvis mTorso mChest mNeck mHead mSkull mEyeRight mEyeLeft mCollarLeft mShoulderLeft mElbowLeft mWristLeft mCollarRight mShoulderRight mElbowRight mWristRight</Name_array>

     I can check the "Skin weights" case, so thank you so much !

    But when i wear it, it's wearing on my hand avatar :matte-motes-crying:


    Hello DanielRavenNest,

    You told me "After you added the bones, you need to actually weight the model vertexes to whichever bone(s) it needs to follow. For a skit it's generally the mPelvis, and the hips."

    In the skin parameters i had open my Weight Table, i have some 1.0 and some 0.0, but i don't know how to do the correct weight.
    Here a snapshot : sl-3ds-cloth-mesh-10.png
    Could you please give me more information.


    Hello Medhue,

    You told me "Guessing here, but I use an old 3ds Max, and I've never been able to upload a partially rigged mesh. I have to upload a full mesh. So, even if all I want is the jeans that I made for the avatar, I have to upload the avatar with the jeans, before the uploader will let me upload it."

    I had export only my skelton and skirt.
    I tried to export with my avatar too but it still doesn't work, its upload my skirt with my avatar and wear all in my hand


    So now i can check "Skin weights" case but can't wear it (only in my hand avatar like any objects)

    I hope someone could help me.

    Thanks again

  3. Hi everybody ! (I hope so …)

    And Happy new year to all !

    I tried to upload a cloth mesh model in Second Life and I can’t check the case “Skin weights”.

    I use :
    - 3ds studio Max 2010
    - SLAV 3ds Max Plugin: http://wiz-bg.blogspot.com/p/slav-3ds-max.html
    - FBX® 2011.3.1 Plug-ins: http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/pc/item?siteID=123112&id=16126683

    Here what i did in 3DS Max :

    1. Units & Grid Setup
      1. Customize -> Units Setup…
        Display Unit Scale -> Metric -> Meters
        System Unit Setup -> 1 Unit = 1,0 Meters
        (file http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7026/6643067767_0e4c1cefdf_b.jpg
      2. Tools -> Grids and Snaps -> Grid and Snap Settings…
        Home Grid –> Grid Spacing : 1,0m
        (file http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7162/6643067995_562282cfd1_b.jpg)
      3. Import my avatar with SLAV 3ds Max Plugin
        1. MAX Scripts -> Run scripts… -> SLAvatar.mse
          Select file -> character.xml (I had export it from Second Life Viewer and rename it)
          Scale : 1.0
          (file http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7011/6643068339_ce6c80a1b0_b.jpg)
        2. Delete the parts: hairMesh, eyelashMesh, eyeBallRightMesh and eyeBallLeftMesh
          Save as MY_AVATAR_MESH.max
          (file http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7016/6643068671_c85be00433_b.jpg)
    1. The skirt
      1. Convert it to Editable Poly
        Modifier List -> Unwrap UVW (file http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7172/6643070515_36370e2ebb_b.jpg)
        Modifier List -> Skin
        Bones -> Add
        Select the 26 bones (file http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7157/6643069449_e9dc3e816e_b.jpg)
        If I select the “mHipRight” bones, and move it, the skirt move too, so it works in 3DS Max
        Delete the parts: headMesh, upperBodyMesh and lowerBodyMesh
        (file http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7164/6643069641_52c6a91bd8_b.jpg)
      2. Export -> Autodesk Collada (*.DAE)
        the “Animations” & “Deformations” are ckecked (I try also to unckeck it but it still doesn’t work)
        the “Up Axis” is set to “Z-up”
        (file http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7171/6643069955_c3b47f63f5_b.jpg)
      3. Import it on Second Life
        1. Build -> Upload -> Model
        2. Can’t checked “Skin weights” , same in the “Upload options” tab
          (file http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7004/6643070125_ed2986deec_b.jpg)


    First I want to apologies for my bad English.

    I had read a lot of post since many days and I will come crazy, so I hope you could help me and tell me what I did wrong.

    I had hesitated to make a new post because there are many about it, but unfortunately I didn’t find the answer to my problem.

    Thank you so much in advance 

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