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Melodie Bovarro

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Everything posted by Melodie Bovarro

  1. Melodie Bovarro


    Hi What kind of pregnancy system are you using? Like Mama Allpa? Tantra? Pooter? Within the system you'll be able to find out. For example, if you are using Mama, a doctor can scan you (and of course you can RP the senrio) and find out what you are having or you can choose the babies sex throughout the role-play that you are doing. Hope this helped.
  2. Honestly....why? Seriously fix things that need fixing before embarking on something soo.Mundane like this!! I tried it out, it was semi fun for the first 5 miss then after that it gets a little repetitive, monsters do the same thing and pretty much attack the same way. Directions need to be way way clearer and honestly what on earth do you do with these gems? I still can't figure it out. I'd rather fixed lag issues, and perhaps faster servers than a silly gem collecting game any day. @ Cassandra No joke I miss last names. I seriously hate the stupid "resident" which is the reason why I will never ever get rid of my avi and that I love it so much
  3. ^ love the construction work calls super awesome sauce ^ that's a really awesome picture! good job!
  4. every time i see the flick pic of the day, i realize i need to work on my PS skills!! They are always soo amazing!! Major props to the photographer.
  5. i'd totally come pose with you!! (>.<) if you want just find me in-world!! All i'm doing is spending Ls that I should hehe
  6. Hi For the last three days or so I've been having issues with my shopping cart on MP. Every time I go open my cart, it gives me an error. I can't not add (it's maxed at 10) or buy anything. I keep signing in and out, but that hasn't helped. I have no clue why it is doing this. Can anyone help? I'll post the message that it is giving me. This is the first time I've ever had an issue (besides undelivered)with MP,and I've been using it for over a year. Error Message: So sorry to keep you waiting. We'll be right back! We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly. It's been doing that for three days and I can not get into my cart or purchase anything! Please help!! Thanks for your help! >.<
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