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Everything posted by arabellajones

  1. We do not yet have pathfinding support in any official viewer. Good. Pathfinding need cler docuentation, and the current warning messges, appearing in TPVs and development viewers, are likely to terrify new customers. They are not the people who, moving into a region, will know they are not the "moving objects" referred to. "What have I done wrong that I have to click on a button to fix it?" And what's the point of a JIRA? I can't talk like a programmer. I wan't taught how to diagram my native tongue like it was some formally-specified programming language. I write poetry, not Pascal or Perl. I know all the tricks, dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes and... satire. But the Lindens? Talking with a Linden is like trying to get a straight answer out of Al Capone's pet rock
  2. I doubt viewer choice makes much difference. It doesn't change the amount of data that SL sends to you, or the amount of data that has to be sent from one sim server to another. You might be able to find a better vehicle, and use a simpler AV. but doubt the Viewer is an issue. If Firestorm has a weak point, updates are infrequent, which means bugs might linger. But rapid updates can create new bugs, so... I would suggest opening the Advanced menu (ctrl-alt-D) and turning off a few rendering options. Trees, for instance. Likewise, reducing general Grphics quality in Preferences can help. For sim-crossing, the best draw distance depends on your speed. You want to start drawing the next region before you get to it, but not too much of it. Start around 150m. Check things such as the ping time. Firestorm has those packet loss and data warnings available, they might give you the chance to turn away from a bad crossing.
  3. In the time I have been here, there have been several new pieces of shiny announced. Their arrival has been slow to happen, and associated with obvious bugs when it does. Can we trust the Lindens to deliver on their promises? Should they spend a few months on the basics of delivering a reliable Grid? I don't have any use for Pathfinding, I admit, and many of the things I come to SL for have become worse during the long delivery process. And it is only now that you have realised you have to fix groups, and how HTTP is used, and sim-crossing, and the cching system, and.... And now I hear of outsiders being brought in, of Mesh deformers and materials. I hear of added complexity, and more data to download, when so often SL if failing to deliver textures for what seems like an age. I hardly need to ask the question. If Linden Labs were a pizza shop, I'd be on a diet.
  4. I'm afraid that is nothing new: side-effect of the Pathfinding system, and using that behavior is an "unsupported hack" The Lindens are not very good at telling people things. I cnnot point to any official statement on this.
  5. Lydia, you have been saying this sort of thing for an age. On what I see, nobody who takes the important decisions is listening. They never do. What was Pathfinding supposed to do anyway? Who asked for it?
  6. So that's what is happening. I thought network monitoring was suposed to pick up such patterns. Obviously, not at Linden Labs.
  7. I see it's classed as "needs more info", and I'd read that as meaning it needs you to provide more info. There's been times when I've been a bit doubtful about such requests (not specifically here) when I've described what I'm seeing, and had everything but the specific software blamed. In this case, I would try a different viewer, for instance, and a third-party vehicle. Is it the server, the viewer, or the scripts in the vehicles. There's a couple of Advanced/Developer settings affecting movement: what does turning off interpolation do? They seem to want you to help them, but it doesn't feel like a dialogue.
  8. I download a Viewer containing the Alpha code for the Mesh deformer. I now have to find some rigged meshes to text with. The Marketplace search is so crude, and some merchants are so cavalier with keywords, that the search results are almost useless. Potentially, this deformer is a powerful tool, but the hit on frame rates from the Mesh viewer-code, and the suckitude of the search system, still leave me unenthusiastic.
  9. Amend that: it does look as though the script does include some references. I would have liked to see the creator names given, as well as the UUIDs. Looking at the links given, this is part of the sex-bed can of worms, and not a general-purpose animation cleaner.
  10. It's one of those legally careful phrasings. The identified creators have said, I suppose, that none of their animations have been released for use in freebies, and it is a breach of their copyright. I suppose they should know. I would, myself, be happier if there was some way of checking the claims, such as a pointer to a forum post made by the creator. I have, in the past, experienced freebie AOs suddenly breaking as a DMCA is acted on by LL. The offending anmations were replaced with placeholder files, in case the original DMCA notice was challenged.
  11. I think they might have finished that program. But I wouldn't bet on it. There's been no announcement, just like last time, just a few days of nothing happening. You're right, Wolf, Oskar is exceptional. But that's not hard, given the general quality of Linden Lab communications.
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