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Posts posted by jujmental

  1. If you really want feedback, I am not sure this is the place for it, but here are a few "technical" points.

    1. This isn't a story start; it's two stories. There is no obvious connection between the two strands at this point.

    2. Capitalising the D of Doctor is likely to make people think it's a "Dr Who" fanfic. Doctors don't deserve special treatment - you wouldn't capitalise Cleaner, would you.

    3. The paragraph spacing is distracting.

    4. IGA means nothing. If you are referencing a fictitious, but story-relevant organisation (eg Interdimensional Gate Authority) then you should state it in full.

    5. The Oxford comma in the first sentence looks either like an error or extreme pretentiousness. The extraneous comma in the second sentence of the third paragraph IS an error, and there are several more. If in doubt, leave it out.

    6. Onto is not a word.

    7. Particularly since you are writing SF, you might note what a contemporary doyen of the genre has said. Kurt Vonnegut in his semi-memoir "A Man Without A Country" commented: "Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you've been to college." I agree with him; semi-colons are for forum posts, emails, and instructions, inter alia.

    8. Before you offer stuff for comment, you might at least spell-check the content, and run  it through a grammar/style checker like After The Deadline so if you've broken any rules you can affirm that it was intentional. "Didn't't" makes it obvious you didn't.

    9. You have mixed up two styles of representation of internal thought-speech. Be consistent.

    I could offer more, but at this point it's hardly worthwhile.  I do like the alliterative effects in the penultimate and ante-penultimate paragraphs.

    Now tell me you're actually Margaret Atwood to try to make me feel foolish . . .

    © The Judge

  2. Despite what Gadget says, it can not be at all difficult, since LL has managed to do it already.

    For themselves.

    It's also available to those who have hacked God Mode.

    But I'm not going to elaborate on that here.

    © The Judge

  3. Pussycat Catnap wrote:

    Elly Earnshaw wrote:


    The thesis is about the impact of trust, identity and technology's success on the virtual world's overall success. The general view of the scholars about virtual worlds is always very skeptical because they have many prejudice regarding the lack of identifiability of residents and the relevance of virtual worlds in business. The results of my analysis however showed that having unmatching identities actually lead to stronger trust development, when personal disclosure and intimacy are present.

    Freed of their RL identities and the social constraints that come with them,
    people are more able in a pseudonym environment to express a completely fake persona, expressing artificially composed feelings - and that leads to greater trust by ingenuous participants, including passing research students.

    I've been spouting that point for some time now.



    [Even the OP's embarrassing mis-spelling of "participants".]

    © The Judge

  4. KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

    OMG - Am I going to get in trouble? When I typed out "[spelling it out ]D o c t o r Who" in the above post and try to post it, I received the forum error message "D o c t o r Who" is not allowed in this forum!

    Is Linden Lab afraid of Time Lords?

    OMG - Who Knew?

    That's because the cognoscenti - there must be one in LL - know that you don't call him that. He's "The Doctor".

    © The Judge

  5. Perrie Juran wrote:

     From what I saw on his website it appears his primary target is people who do naked webcam.  He also targets Furries and my guess is it is sexually active Furries. 


    That's probably why posters are suggesting that "their friends" are being attacked . . .

    Although it does beg the question: Why is Phil being targetted?

    © The Judge

  6. I'm sure that Lanai Jarrico, the erstwhile "publisher" of the SL Enquirer  (and herself a naive amateur of many supposed typos - "infridgement" indeed!) will be delighted to discover that if you type "SL Enquirer" into Google, this thread appears second on the list of links, after her lightweight electropamphlet's site. Way to go on the PR initiative, Davvek!

    I must have a word with my old friend Lacy; she's too good to be associated with amateurs like Davvek, who proves Fark's point about Florida.

    © The Judge

  7. Davvek wrote: Discussion closed!!!!!!!!!!


    Did Obama die and put you in charge? Or maybe you figured your subliteracy qualifies you as a Forum Moderator?

    More likely you're getting a bit carried away with your self-endowed online superpowers as a Green Lantern.

    You'll have to excuse me now though; I'm off to inform DC of another theft of their intellectual property. I'm sure you'll be hearing from them soon - they get quite nasty about people stealing from them.

    © The Judge

  8. Davvek wrote: I also got a PM from jujmental swearing at me.


    Actually, I was attempting to assist you (in response to an unsolicited, ignorant, and inaccurate opinion you yourself offered via PM) regarding the advisability of taking forum matters elsewhere, since there are no artifically imposed constraints on linguistic expression in PMs as there are in the forums. Unfortunately you chose to ignore my suggestion with what you alternately should do with the single digit that you must use, painfully slowly, to construct your subliterate prose, and have not, as recommended, attempted to scratch your duodenum from the inside.

    I used the vernacular because I thought you were less likely to get confused, as you obviously have been here by the use of long, complicated words and sentence constructions. Longer than four letters and four words, that is.

    © The Judge

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