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Pie Serendipity

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Posts posted by Pie Serendipity

  1. Yohan Roux wrote:

    Lucinda is not banned, just suspended for a week, her comments were not that bad but she got involved in a spar that ended up in a race dispute, so maybe the lindens were right, she wont do it again, revenge has always been a dish of snow, it melts when a warm heart touches it.

    She is regretting her actions already? She'll have to man up if she wants to return without allowing those hyperemotional indiscretions to get the better of her. I would have said a cold heart would be considerably more beneficial in the circumstances. A warm heart has never worked on me.

    Pie says, "If you have to fake something, fake sincerity!"

  2. Caitlin Tobias wrote:

    I do like the idea of LL giving an opportunity to their resident-bloggers, to share blogposts with the rest of the community. Not so much for exposure of the blogs, but to show the different views and experiences we all have. It may be a nice idea.

    However, for me...not in this format. Yes, I am one of those 'happy' bloggers, you will not find any nasty or grumpy posts on my blog. I love to share the beauty and the fun - as SL is my escape from every day misery.

    I would rather see LL features blogposts directly from the original blog, they should be able to do so if they have an RSS or google-reader with blogs from residents, that's not that difficult.

    A bit like they currently do already with the Flickr pic of the day.

    I will not submit any 'original' post as they ask now, nor would I like to give them editrights to my writings. And no, my English may not be perfect, but hey..I write as me and who I am, isn't SL all about diversitiy, I am sure readers can skip over a typo or a grammar mistake here and there.

    Editing my words into a smoother text would take away my identity and my way of blogging, not something I would feel good about.


    ETA: wah to typo

    Anyway, Caity, if your English was perfect the Subhumans would only start accusing you of being Pep again.

    Pie says "But your English is nevertheless considerably better than that of the Subhumans"

  3.  Congratulations, Yohan, Dik et al, on demonstrating that the standard pre-school argument in the face of unacceptable truth, of "I know you are, but what am I?", is not dead. I am sure that Pep, wherever he is on this snowy Friday, is smirking at the immaturity being demonstrated by those who feel that standards of discussion here should be reduced to the lowest common denominator. Personally, I am finding it difficult to descend to the levels being shown by the ignorati.

    Pie says "An especial acknowledgement must go to the unimaginative StormInATeaCup for perceiving a pwning where there was none."


  4. Ignoring any intrarelationship security risks you are taking, this is symptomatic of the structural weakness of LL's multi-property web presence, with security holes you could drive a virtual truck through because the single password is replicated across multiple microsites - not a recommended approach, but a "convenience" for users - which have to pass the verification information around on an asynchronous basis.

    Pie says "Exploitable? You tell me!"

  5. Yohan Roux wrote:

    You mean you need more topics like this, still you did all you could to get lucinda removed last time she livened the forum up, didn't you, killed of your own sport.

    I don't know what you mean; I have not posted to this generation of the forums before this week, and would remind you that mere speculation on althood is sufficient to get you warned by the moderators following Amanda/Lexie's proscription of such activities as harassment. Take care, as Lucinda should.

    Pie says "Revenge is a dish best served cold!"

  6. Yohan Roux wrote:

    Pep is not a creator of anything, he lacks the brains for that, he is a user and reactor to things, in that he does well, so he needs creators so to have something to comment on, pep may sound and look good when it comes to using the English language, but he would still be using grass stalks to pull ants out of a hole for his dinner if no one created the world around him cos he could not do it, he don't have the brains, lol.

    On the contrary, Yohan, Pep has the brains not to waste time or effort on manual labour; he leaves that to the proletariat, the serfs, to the infinite number of monkeys who labour at their keyboards on random tasks, very occasionally producing something worthwhile by the inexorable march of probability rather than by intent - which he has the discrimination to be able to recognise and utilise to improve his own existence.

    Pie says "Why keep a dog and bark yourself?"

  7. PserenDikity wrote:

    Pie Serendipity wrote:

    I thought I would pop in to say I have just had a chat with Pep, who is mightily amused that in his absence his ghost still haunts the forums, and that the spectres of misconception still manifest themselves in the delusions of those who seem to persist in misinterpreting his condescending attitude to those too stupid to be able to present cogently clear and rational arguments here, as in some way associated with their semi-literacy.
    (#1 What a charming and magnifacent example of a run on sentance.  Perfect for the smarty pantys answer.)

    Pep also asked me (sorry, a cross-thread reference here) to say how much he is enjoying the retrospective condemnation that MIss Piggy is receiving
    ,(#2 Most smarty pantys pepole would have ended the sentance here and started a newish one with the wrod apparently)
     apparently in the absence of any disputation from those ex of her coven of HippieFriendsWhoLunchAndTweet. Some people have short memories, although I am sure Sus would be congratulating them on having learned lessons in rewriting history from her. Dik has obviously been handed down her 19th Century  Thesaurus and Communist-Capitalist Content Converter.

    Pep also pointed out that it  is impossible for stupid people successfully to pretend to have brains. If Pep has successfully "pretended" to have brains then he has brains. Think about it Dik.
    (#3No one cane say for shur if Pep was successfuul)

    Pie says "Vote for me in the next contest!"


    #1 Erm . . . except that it is a sentence that runs on not a run on sentence. Perhaps you should educate yourself regarding the difference.

    #2 Erm . . . on what basis are you speaking for "most smarty pantys pepole"? Do you believe yourself one of what you consider the elite - although I personally use"smarty pants" as a pejorative for those who would like to join Pep in the elite cadre, but overtly fail, as you are doing, even ignoring your intentional typos and spelling "errors" which merely obfuscate the real errors you make?

    #3 Erm . . . quite a few forum participants acknowledge Pep's success at demonstrating he "has brains" - incidentally, did you know that has echoes of a joke he tells ad nauseam about Prince Philip and the best selling brand of beer in Wales - either because they are intellectually capable of appreciating the nuances and subtleties of the expression of his opinions, or because they protest vigorously (as you are doing) regarding their misperceptions, demonstrating mainly the ineffectuality of their desire to compensate for their inferiority complex.

    Pie says "Please keep posting, Dik; every time you do you reveal more of your little green god."


  8. Lear Cale wrote:

    Lucky for you, LL allows you to do this.  The price we all pay is that griefers and theives can keep coming back with new accounts.

    If it were my decision, I would require identification.  But it's not.

    As long as LL continues with their policy, this is just what we have to put up with.  I don't see any evidence they'll change.

    Facebook (and Google) are staring to ask for mobile phone verification before opening accounts - and as we all know, LL would like to be as much like Facebook as possible, so perhaps we can expect some further degree of identification in the near future.

    Pie says "Stockpile alts created through a proxy now, while you can remain anonymous".

  9. Prokofy Neva wrote:

    The Lindens have a problem: they can't get refreshed content on their blog. Rodvik hasn't written for ages, none of them have. They are too busy just running the platform and doing their thing. It's hard. And expensive. They can't justify hiring another Hamlet again or having Wallace Lindens, er, "curate the conversation" or whatever it was that...Wallace did.

    They have more of a problem than just their Blogaganda. The Lindens have been run off their Twitter accounts because they can't control what is said on them and of them. They have been told not to use LinkedIn because it is too public. They have been told not to use personal accounts, but to communicate under the supernym of "Linden.Lab". They have been forced to restrict access to their profile feeds.

    Their attempts to muzzle criticism by bans and muting are unenforceable. Their marketing function has been reduced to penny-ante "contests" and overt commercial promotion of last-year's thing (sorry Vamps, you're a dead loss) or Disnified microadventures, presumably aimed at the immature of all ages.

    LL has lost control of its internet communications channels. An appeal to the vanity of bloggers who are driving the nails into the coffin of LL's credibility was always going to be doomed to failure. I will be fascinated to see which brown-tongued commercial opportunist is going to be first to offer up weasel-words that will rebound on them.

    Pie says "Just don't!"

  10. I thought I would pop in to say I have just had a chat with Pep, who is mightily amused that in his absence his ghost still haunts the forums, and that the spectres of misconception still manifest themselves in the delusions of those who seem to persist in misinterpreting his condescending attitude to those too stupid to be able to present cogently clear and rational arguments here, as in some way associated with their semi-literacy.

    Pep also asked me (sorry, a cross-thread reference here) to say how much he is enjoying the retrospective condemnation that MIss Piggy is receiving, apparently in the absence of any disputation from those ex of her coven of HippieFriendsWhoLunchAndTweet. Some people have short memories, although I am sure Sus would be congratulating them on having learned lessons in rewriting history from her. Dik has obviously been handed down her 19th Century  Thesaurus and Communist-Capitalist Content Converter.

    Pep also pointed out that it  is impossible for stupid people successfully to pretend to have brains. If Pep has successfully "pretended" to have brains then he has brains. Think about it Dik.

    Pie says "Vote for me in the next contest!"

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