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Jonathan VonLenard

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Everything posted by Jonathan VonLenard

  1. I just got an email from SL that cracked me up. They want me to upgrade my account to premium lol.... I have a lifetime account. Purchased for 160 dollars in 2003 when SL went live, all beta testers were offered one. My account can't be upgraded why am I getting this email??!! Oh man that got me chucklin'
  2. Sorry I should ahve been more clear, I was teasing and tongue in cheek. I still get the 500 and pay nothing, life is good
  3. Thanks for giving them a reason not to do it..
  4. Ok so here is my question, can I donate my tier to a private sim or the group owning the private sim land and help them lower their sim cost, like I could do on the mainland?
  5. I have teh opposite problem, too mmany people friending me.
  6. Yeah Qie, I think the color sims came on just before or at launch. Before actually because afew of them were given to groups to do themed builds for when it went live. Our group had blue to build Americana. But anyways yeah I want some beta land... .sigh, i'll wait.
  7. not all mainland is equal though of course, as some said, oceanfront, etc... But i have a question about the old sims. As a beta tester i'm partial to what i remember, and where I used to live. so for something like Shipley, Jessie, Federal, etc... anything old, anything there when SL went live. What are reasonable prices if anything there comes available?
  8. Not sure if you meant to reply to me, I wasn't the one asking. I'm superpremium 4,096 land and i pay nothing
  9. As I said no, none of the other mentioned ways is actually buying land. On a private sim you can pay all you want the owner of the actual sim can just yank it from you anytime and SL will do nothing, you own nothing.
  10. Sitting in the classroom for the SL history class right now, no one there .
  11. I really hate when people don't want you to fly over or be on their land. There are so many ways to restrict people why block whole chunks of land, it really is annoying when flying around.
  12. Ok so I've set up a new group. "Homebrewers of Second Life" I'm working on typing up some classes to teach homebrewing and have other events and things planned. Still gotta build the location and buy the land but things are moving along. Join the group and I'll keep you up to date and you'll be ready when it's all ready to go!
  13. So I created a group tonight and i'm in it and can manage it, but when i invite people they don't get it and it's not showing up in search (yes show up in search is checked). Any ideas?
  14. Man in China you wouldn't be allowed to say that, i'm against a lot of stuff our government does but let's not whine in the western world about stuff that real brutal governments do to their people. Is like the "99%" whining about the 1" when in reality they are the 1% when it comes to the world population.
  15. I was gonna say the same thing, it's likely the Great Firewall of China. Though I don't want anyone to get hurt, which can in China, the more people who stand against this crap the quicker China becomes free.
  16. In real life I would have them sketch a drawing of their plan and present this before we make any agreement, but if you made an agreement without such a drawing, you've put them out and have to pay in my opinion. You need to do your research before hiring someone.
  17. great thread, anything I can answer May 3, 2003 birthday, just came back.
  18. awesome, i sent you an in world friend request, brewing will change your life!
  19. Real ale is good, typically it stands for cask ale here in America, similar in the UK? I definitely wouldn't build a dance club, that's not what a pub is. Anything I do will be based on good company and beer. So don't worry about that.
  20. I understand and appreciate it and why thank you. The VonLenard is a regal long cherished SL name, or something haha. It was just the coolest one when i joined.
  21. yes the terms are used pretty inter-changeably, but Craft beer in essence is good creative beer, microbrewery is a more industry technical term which relates to a breweries actual size.
  22. i did a bit, they are invite only i sent a message, also due to different schedules i thought it might be easier to find and talk to people hre, it is a rather general discussion no?
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