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Tolla Crisp

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Everything posted by Tolla Crisp

  1. That's not what I said at all. I said not all have access to the same benefits. Obviously ….
  2. You agree, not everyone has access to the same benefits.
  3. And now we see that not all premium members have access to the same premium services and benefits. Obviously ….
  4. Do you have one, Fox? If so, then you can not feel the frustration of all the posts I see from new premium members that did exactly that: they joined only now, got a new home, and have not been paying for years …..
  5. Is LL doing anything to assist long time members who have been paying month after month, for years? I think not. There is no loyalty, only revenue.
  6. I think it would be best to cancel memberships, stop paying. Be a new premium member when they have a release....
  7. We know it is about new premium. I guess the only way I will have a chance to get a house boat is to quit being a premium member, stop paying LL after all these years of paying, and then wait a month and try again. Once again long time premium members are being stiffed by LL so no reason to keep paying.
  8. See, this is exactly what I mean. They paid for one month to see if they could get a house boat and they did, but I have been paying the premium for almost years and can not get one. Now how can that be if new premium members are not getting priority???? I am finding many posts saying that are waiting with credit card in hand for house boats to be released and they have no intention of paying for premium unless they see a release. How is this fair to members that have been paying those fees for year and years?????
  9. and what they have created is not even close to market demand or about enhancing the experience of existing members; it's all about new membership revenue
  10. This is about creating new premium, certainly not a focus on enhancing the experience for current and long time premium members. Long time members do not count.
  11. I disagree. The new house boats for example. Why is there not a wait list? Why is there not a focus on premium members that have been paying month after month for years??? Is it just another LL ploy to create revenue by drawing new premium membership and the long time members get stiffed. we are told to watch a forum post? for how long, ten more years? This whole this has been incredibly NOT focused on current members that again, pay month after for month for years...
  12. I disagree. The new house boats for example. Why is there not a wait list? Why is there not a focus on premium members that have been paying month after month for years??? Is it just another LL ploy to create revenue by drawing new premium membership and the long time members get stiffed. we are told to watch a forum post? for how long, ten more years? This whole this has been incredibly NOT focused on current members that again, pay month after for month for years...
  13. Just started yesterday. Tried to log in using Firestorm and I get a message that the Bridge is not connecting or the wrong Bridge is being used. I am immediatel logged out fo SL. I increased my bandwidth, which was low and there is not a problem with my Avi as I can assecc SL using the old SL viewer. My internet connection is very fast. I uninstalled Forestorm and then re-installed it. Still not conecting. Any help would be apprecaited.
  14. I created an Outfit in Edit Appearance and included shape and eyes. After I wore this outfit, I realized that although I could remove the clothing, I can not delete the Outfit from my 'worn' tab or from my inventory. I have relaced my shape, skin, and eyes and now use PHoenix viewer. I still can not delete this outfit: it appears in 'worn' tab and inventory. Even though I have relaced the shape, it will not let me replace the eyes. I have detatched everything and replaced everything and it still does not work. Half the time I try to put clothes on and they only half appears, I just have bits and pieces of clothing hanging from me. Under Advanced Tab, I clicked Clear Group Cache, I can not find any other cache in Phoenix to clear and I still can not delete this file. Please help
  15. I bought a rug and removed it from inventory. Then i could not figure out how to change texture or resize. Then it turned into a box. I put it back in inventory and took it out again. Now it is a funny shaped box and i can not open it at all.
  16. I have been using and buying linden dollars for 3 weeks now with no problem. Now when I try to buy Lindens it asks for a password, which it has not done before, and it says the password is wrong. Something else i norticed, My name is Bengta Resident, but I had changed it to Cilla, Now, when i am in my account, sometimes it says bengta, sometimes cilla, so I dont know if this could be related. Please advise.
  17. My password on my account has stopped working and i thought i knew what is was. I need help resetting my password.
  18. I have a Linden home and I was wondering if I can purchase more prims for my house?
  19. I have a new Linden home in Stony Brook. It is a two story home and there is what appears to be a blue pool downstairs. How do I activate the pool/water? If it isn't a pool, what it is?
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