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Everything posted by XbabylonX

  1. Hello, looking for girls to work as dancers/text escorts. Mesh components (body/feet/hand) are required, expierence for the job is not. 90% at tipjars and 40% commision of the vip group monthly membership fee. Pm me in world for more.
  2. Hello, looking for girls to work as dancers/text escorts. Mesh components (body/feet/hand) are required, expierence for the job is not. 90% at tipjars and 40% commision of the vip group monthly membership fee. Pm me in world for more.
  3. Hello, looking for girls to work as dancers/text escorts. Mesh components (body/feet/hand) are required, expierence for the job is not. 90% at tipjars and 40% commision of the vip group monthly membership fee. Pm me in world for more.
  4. Hello, looking for girls to work as dancers/text escorts. Good appearance is required, expierence for the job is not. 90% at tipjars and 40% commision of the vip group monthly membership fee. Pm me in world for more.
  5. Hello, looking for girls to work as dancers/text escorts. Good appearance is required, expierence for the job is not. 90% at tipjars and 40% commision of the vip group monthly membership fee. Pm me in world for more.
  6. Hello, looking for girls to work as dancers/text escorts. Good appearance is required, expierence for the job is not. 90% at tipjars and 40% commision of the vip group monthly membership fee. Pm me in world for more.
  7. Hello, looking for girls to work as dancers/text escorts. Good appearance is required, expierence for the job is not. 90% at tipjars and 40% commision of the vip group monthly membership fee. Pm me in world for more.
  8. Hello, looking for girls to work as dancers/text escorts. Good appearance is required, expierence for the job is not. 90% at tipjars and 40% commision of the vip group monthly membership fee. Pm me in world for more.
  9. Hello, looking for girls to work as dancers/text escorts. Good appearance is required, expierence is not. 90% at tipjars and 40% commision of the vip group monthly membership fee. Pm me in world for more. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Creamy%20Dreamz/192/5/22
  10. Hello, looking for girls to work as dancers/text escorts. Good appearance is required, expierence is not. 90% at tipjars and 40% commision of the vip group monthly membership fee. Pm me in world for more. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Creamy%20Dreamz/192/5/22
  11. Hello, looking for girls to work as dancers/text escorts. Looking good is required, expierence is not. 90% at tipjars and 40% commision of the vip group membership fee. Pm me in world for more. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Creamy%20Dreamz/192/5/22
  12. Hello, looking for girls to work as dancers/text escorts. Looking good is required, expierence is not. 90% at tipjars and 40% commision of the vip group membership fee. Pm me in world for more. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Creamy%20Dreamz/192/5/22
  13. Hello, looking for girls to work as dancers/text escorts. Looking good is required, expierence is not. 90% at tipjars and 40% commision of the vip group membership fee. Pm me in world for more.
  14. Forgot to mention that using a mesh body is required (unless you still look hot without it) and have many different outfits.
  15. Is this a permanent limitation for the expressions? Could you please send me a message with the ones which support kits?
  16. Hi, Im looking to get a mesh head which can follow the default one's facial expressions and that can accept custom make up appliers. Is really out there any available?
  17. Hiring dancers-text escorts for a new established club. 90% tip jars and 40% upon the vip membership fee every month. PM me in-world.
  18. Not a problem with the uuid, because the adboard is rezzed by me, so I add in the description the person's key. Sorry people for confusing you, at the time I was writing the thread , I was so mentally tired lol
  19. Thank you very much for your efforts to help me. The main concern was to save prims (servers) for each of my members. Then I thought that every member has an adboard on the sim, so I could use it as the animation server too. So now, the hud each person use, sends region messages to its own adboard (also as server) and the problem solved. Again so sorry to make you spend your time to find a solution. I really appreciate it and thank you! Below is the code I wrote for the HUD (Script for the root) list Anims=["..."]; //ARRAY WITH ANIMATION NAMES AND DURATION eg "Anim1__30.0","Anim2__28.0"string Version;float amt=180;integer Channel=-1000;//TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE SERVERstring Pose="Standing"; //ANIMATION TYPE TO SEND TO THE SERVERstring Pose_Explained="dance";key Who;string Status;string Anim;string Group;string Rand;string Seconds;list randomizedList;integer Timestamp=0;integer Diafora;Send(string A, string B, string C){llRegionSay(Channel,Version + ":" + A + ":" + B + ":" + C);}Random(){randomizedList=llListRandomize(Anims, 0);Rand=llList2String(randomizedList, 0);list Response=llParseString2List(Rand,["__"],[""]);Anim=llList2String(Response,0);Seconds=llList2String(Response,1);Send("1",Pose,Anim);}default{ on_rez(integer start_param) { if (!llGetAttached()) { //llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(),"Do not rez me. Just wear me as a HUD!"); //llDie(); } } state_entry() { Version=llGetObjectDesc(); Who=llGetOwner(); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(1,[PRIM_ROTATION,llGetLocalRot() * llEuler2Rot(<0,0,(amt*=-1)>*DEG_TO_RAD)]);//FOR ROTATING THE HUD (LINKSET) } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { list Response=llParseString2List(str,[":"],[""]); Status=llList2String(Response,0); Anim=llList2String(Response,1); Group=llList2String(Response,2); Diafora=llGetUnixTime()-Timestamp; Timestamp=llGetUnixTime(); if(Diafora>5)//TO PREVENT ABUSING THE SERVER WITH CLICK FLOODINGS { if(Group!="1") { llInstantMessage(Who,"Only group stuff members can use this ao."); } else { if(Status=="0")//STOP ANIMATIONS { llSetTimerEvent(00.0); Send("0",Pose,"none"); llOwnerSay("Quitting " + Pose_Explained + " animation!"); } else if(Status=="1")//PLAY SINGLE ANIMATION { llSetTimerEvent(00.0); list TheAnim=llParseString2List(llList2String(Anims,(integer)Anim),["__"],[""]); Send("1",Pose,llList2String(TheAnim,0)); llOwnerSay("Now using " + llList2String(TheAnim,0) + " " + Pose_Explained); } else if(Status=="2")//SEQUENCE { llOwnerSay("Starting random sequence for " + Pose_Explained + "."); Random(); llSetTimerEvent((float)Seconds); } } } else { llOwnerSay("Please wait 5 seconds before using again this button!"); } } timer() { Random(); } } Now the hud has some buttons linked. 1) Button for single animation (its description contains only the animation's place in the array l ist Anims=[...] which we can see in the hud above, 0 for the first animation, 1 for the second animation etc etc). So: default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { llMessageLinked(LINK_ROOT, 1, "1:" + llGetObjectDesc() + ":" + (string)llDetectedGroup(0), NULL_KEY); }} 2) Button for starting random animation sequence (object's description can by anything) default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { llMessageLinked(LINK_ROOT, 1, "2:" + llGetObjectDesc() + ":" + (string)llDetectedGroup(0), NULL_KEY); } } 3) Button to generally stop the animation or the sequence (object's description can by anything) default{ touch_start(integer total_number) { llMessageLinked(LINK_ROOT, 1, "0:" + llGetObjectDesc() + ":" + (string)llDetectedGroup(0), NULL_KEY); }} And the server's script integer listen_handle;integer Channel=-1000;key Who;string R1;string R2;string R3;string R4;string R5;string Accepted_Version="v1.0"; default{ state_entry() { Who=llList2String(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_ROOT, [ PRIM_DESC ]), 0); //PERSON'S UUID listen_handle = llListen(Channel, "", "", ""); } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) { list Response=llParseString2List(message,[":"],[""]); R1=llList2String(Response,0); if(R1!=Accepted_Version) { llInstantMessage(Who,"This ao version is old. Request a new one!"); } else { R2=llList2String(Response,1); R3=llList2String(Response,2); R4=llList2String(Response,3); state Adia; } }}state default2{ state_entry() { listen_handle = llListen(Channel, "", "", ""); } listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message ) { list Response=llParseString2List(message,[":"],[""]); R1=llList2String(Response,0); if(R1!=Accepted_Version) { llInstantMessage(R2,"This ao version is old. Request a new one!"); } else { R2=llList2String(Response,1); if(R2=="1") { R3=llList2String(Response,2); R4=llList2String(Response,3); state Run; } else if(R2=="0") { state Stop; } } }}state Adia{ state_entry() { llRequestPermissions(Who , PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS); } run_time_permissions(integer perms) { if ( perms & PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS ) { state Run; } else { state default; } }}state Run{ state_entry() { llResetAnimationOverride("ALL"); llSetAnimationOverride( R3, R4); state default2; }}state Stop{ state_entry() { llResetAnimationOverride(R3); state default2; }} Even it can be better written the whole thing, I tested for myself and is working. Next test will be with another one person at the same time with his own server and hud. And the final test will be with many more people to see if its going to create big lag.
  20. Hello, the server I created contains all the animations I want to use because they are not trasnferable, so indeed the shareable huds do not contain any of them. In your example you say "It parses the HUD's message, and then sends a link message to all the animation scripts" , which are the animation scripts?
  21. Well I see that the way to achieve it is too much for my skills. I will dedicate a prim server for each person I want to give the hud. Then Ill have to see if this project produces too much lag in the sim. Thank you all for your answers!
  22. Too complicated and my head is hurting me right now. I will carefuly read again tomorrow your suggestions. A thing I forgot to mention is that not anyone will have this hud available. This part will be controlled by me.
  23. Im not stuck. Since llRequestPermissions(uuid, PERMISSION_OVERRIDE_ANIMATIONS) keeps in memory the last avatar, everyone else when using their huds, by clicking their buttons, only instruct the prim server to swicth animations for that last person. I need a different approach, thats why Im asking how to point to different script files.
  24. I read this yesterday but Im lost. My skills are not so advanced.
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