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Posts posted by XbabylonX

  1. Hi there,

    making a script which asks for payment permissions and when these are granted I set the pay price little box (have done that many times in past).

    However, the Pay on the pie menu is disabled. Im running a test to see if the permissions were granted indeed ( if(perm & PERMISSION_DEBIT) ) and it returns true.

    Could someone tell me what could be wrong?

  2. Hi,

    I have a script with 2 states.

    While in the default one and clicking the object leads to the second state where another clicking trigger leads back to the default one but the problem is that the latter works with 2 clicks and not with a single.

    Any ideas why is this happening?

  3. Alwin, I did that but as I said in my ps, I dont have a different lindens balance as is mentioning here and also I cant rez anything there.

    Chic, unfortunately that link goes to nowhere. In general this link is very confusing.

    Anyway, thank you for your answers guys.

  4. Greetings,

    trying to understand how to manage and go to these famous beta testing sims for mesh but I think Im a bit confused. Please, could somebody post the steps one by one?

    Thank you!

    PS So far I only got to Ahern (by selecting its location when logging in with firestorm) but I supposed to have many many lindens for my tests (?)
    Also, by using map, I searched for sandboxes, picked one, tp'ed there but it didnt let me enter since Im not a premium user.

    Omg lol, someone please help.

  5. Hello,

    Im loading a website on a prim's face as shared media.

    However, when scaling the prim, the images AND the texts inside the website are being streched and distorted.

    I searched a lot but I didnt find a setting or something to prevent this.

    Is there any workaround to prevent it?

    Thank you!

  6. Hello,

    I think Im sure what Im looking for cant be done, but I would need a confirmation.

    What I wanted to do is to get the username (just like the way we get it by using touch_start) of the person who clicked a link inside the webpage (moap). The webpage is drawn using data: text/html method.

    It cant be done, right?

  7. :matte-motes-crying: Absolutelly my mistake. Yes, I forgot that I included the llstopanimation in the rest of the linked prims, and was the reason I kept getting the warning window :matte-motes-dont-cry:

    Now the problem is gone, works as it should.

    Thank you all for your time and contribution!

  8. You are absolutelly right, there is a llStopAnimation command but its inside a ELSE condition

        link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)    {        if(str!="-1")        {                    Amount=(integer)llList2String(Amounts,(integer)str);        Animation=llList2String(Animations,(integer)str);        llGiveMoney(PayTo, Amount);        llStartAnimation((string)Animation);        }        else        {        llStopAnimation((string)Animation);        }    }

     I use link_message because I have linked 2 buttons with the root prim, the first starts the anim and the second stops it.

  9. It still goes crazy.

    You guys what you suggested me was right, both actions, pay and animate, are working now but I keep getting the warning window keeps popping up "Script trying to stop animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set" :matte-motes-confused:

  10. Hello,

    recently Im trying to create a hud which asks for 2 different permissions.

    I used the following

        on_rez(integer start)
        llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_DEBIT);
        llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION);   

    When the hud is attached, it asks me only for the debit permissions which I accept.

    The crazy thing folows then: Im clicking a button to pay myself (and animate me) and then the script tells me "Script trying to debit L$ from owner but PERMISSION_DEBIT permission not set!" but myself is animated :matte-motes-confused:

    Isnt crazy?


    PS I tried to put the requested permissions in state entry or attached, they never work.

  11. Hello,
    looking for girls to work as dancers/text escorts.
    Mesh components (body/feet/hand) are required, expierence for the job is not.
    90% at tipjars and 40% commision of the vip group monthly membership fee.
    Pm me in world for more.

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